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Sunday, July 28, 2013
The Wolverine: A Woman's Point of View
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Movies
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The Wolverine: A Woman's Point of View


TODAY'S FEATURE IS (GUEST) BLOG #3916 -     The Wolverine: A Woman's Point of View

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single (or married) woman in possession of a sound mind must love Hugh Jackman.

So Ladies, I completely understand your interest in "The Wolverine" which opened this weekend to rather solid reviews and good box office.

What you really want to know is:

How hot is Hugh Jackman in this Wolverine movie?

And, is it better than that awful "Origins" movie you got tricked into seeing a few years ago?

In a nutshell: plenty, and plenty.

"The Wolverine" delivers with plenty of shirtless Jackman, noticeably older, but he's still got the goods. Luckily this time around, he's also got plenty of action and a much more interesting, if confusing, story.

Bear with the beginning. "The Wolverine" toys with us at first. Not only must we endure the annoying Jean Grey (has he learned nothing?), but many valuable minutes of screen time are squandered on the Caveman version of Wolvervine who hasn't had a good night's sleep, or a bath or a shave in weeks, possibly months. The oiliness alone is enough to test a girl's devotion.

Logan's been dancing with bears in the Canadian Rockies trying to get over what happened with Jean. Tormented by dreams of Jean and nightmares of the bombing of Nagasaki, Logan is spotted by a zany, red-headed Japanese girl during an altercation with some nasty hunters in a local bar. Red-headed girl steps into the fight with her trusty sword and helps Wolverine dispatch the hunters. As the pair speed away in her car, you'll wonder how can she keep the windows up with Caveman Wolverine sitting beside her? Clearly she's never seen that Seinfeld episode. The smell doesn't not come out. Fortunately, in this case, the ride is a rental.

Red-headed girl Yukio (the very best thing in the movie next to Hugh Jackman), explains that her employer, Master of Industry, Yashida whom Wolverine saved from certain death at Nagasaki, is dying and wants to see him again before he passes. Yashida offers to give Logan what he wants most -- an ending to his eternal living and enduring the death of everyone he's ever loved -- in return for Yashida's own salvation.

At this point, the ladies in the audience finally get what we want: Logan gets a makeover at the hands of two stern-faced Japanese matrons who have the enviable job of bathing a beefed-up Hugh Jackman. The scene makes for some classic snarling Wolverine humor and is destined to be replayed and replayed by women everywhere once it's released on DVD.

Cleaned up Logan is a bit metrosexual as far as Wolverines go; less hairy and sans cigar and wisecracks, he is still plenty hot.

Logan becomes embroiled in a struggle involving Yashida's son, granddaughter, the Yakuza, a mutant doctor, and a slew of ninjas. Whose side is anyone on? Who can tell? It's confusing but fun with beautiful settings, lovely music and crazy fights amid shoji screens, a temple, the streets of Tokyo, and atop a bullet train.

My advice, don't worry too much about the story. (If you understand the ending, email me.) Keep your eye on Jackman and zany red-headed girl, she's the second best thing in a Wolverine movie since, well okay there's never been a second best thing in a Wolverine movie. But, she's fun and makes up for how weak her 'sister' is throughout most of the film.

Be sure to stay through the credits, there's more Jackman in a scene from the upcoming "X-Men: Days of Future Past".


My rating: Very Fine  (VF) 8.0, (just like Jackman...)

~Tina LoSasso


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:30 AM PDT
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