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Thursday, August 1, 2013
My Take On: Back Issue #63 - The British Invasion Issue!
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Topic: Comic Books - New
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Presents His Take On...
Back Issue #63
The British Invasion Issue!
From TwoMorrows Publishing

TODAY'S FEATURE IS (GUEST) BLOG #3920 -     In yesterday's blog post I mentioned that this week is starting to look like it is 'TwoMorrows Publishing Week' here at ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com!

That's because Monday's post was blog #3917 titled: American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1960s, and on Tuesday the blog #3918 was titled: Jack Kirby Collector #61!

Then Wednesday's blog #3919 was on another publication that was picked up at the TwoMorrows Publishing Booth at the recent 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International. That blog #3919 was on Alter Ego #120.

So, in keeping with what I've blogged about this week so far... I've read one of the several back issues of the magazine titled 'Back Issue!'!   Issue #63 of the magazine because the cover caught my eyes in the stack of Back Issues that I purchased from John Morrow's booth at the SDCC!

So what does this magazine have to read? Besides an outstanding front cover?!  Well...Here's the promo from the publisher:

April 2013 - 84 FULL-COLOR pages
BACK ISSUE #63 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) watches the USA’s and UK’s comics worlds cross over in our “British Invasion” issue! Featuring a history of Marvel UK, the Beatles in comics, DC’s British talent pool of the 1980s, V for Vendetta, Excalibur, Marshal Law, Doctor Who, and a “Pro2Pro” interview with PETER MILLIGAN and BRENDAN McCARTHY! Showcasing the talents of KAREN BERGER, BRIAN BOLLAND, ALAN DAVIS, DAVE GIBBONS, STAN LEE, DAVID LLOYD, ALAN MOORE, DEZ SKINN, and others—and loads of art originally produced for the UK market. With a Mighty Marvel in London cover by RON WILSON and DAVE HUNT, showcasing art from Marvel UK’s rare 1970s “Quadra-Poster” as a deluxe 25-inch long fold-out triptych cover! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

Okay... So what's 'My Take' on this issue?

First... Of course I noticed the cover!  It is a 3 page fold out cover, taking the front & back covers & another flip out page.  Beautiful cover with the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Doctor Doom, the Sub-Mariner, the Green Goblin, and the Incredible Hulk in London!  Great cover for the 'British Invasion' theme issue by Ron Wilson and Dave Hunt!

Turning the page I found the inside front cover to be an in-house ad for more TwoMorrows publications.

The next page was the Table of Contents page.  Oh, and I want to mention the Editor-In-Chief of this publication, Michael Eury.  I also want to mention that the second reason I read this issue first out of all the other Back Issue mags I picked up is because I have on occasion over the years picked up British comics / magazines to read and or place into my collection.  One of those titles was 'The Complete Fantastic Four' series, which I have for sale right now in my online comic book shop!

I've always wondered about the British publishing history of Marvel Comics.  From the Table of Contents it looked like many of my questions were going to be answered!

Here are the articles in this issue that I especially enjoyed!  There are also other articles in this 80 page publication...

Pages 2 - 20 - Flashback: The Mighty World of Marvel UK -  This article had a lot history of Marvel UK.  I definitely enjoyed reading this!

Pages 21 - 27 - Flashback: The Launch of the 'Titanic' Format - Nice article on Marvel UK's landscape format printed comics.  I have not had the pleasure of reading one of these... But the history was fascinating!

Pages 28 - 32 - Interview: 'Jigsaw' Jim Starlin -  I have enjoyed seeing Jim's art in American comics, and was intrigued to read his early history in UK publications.  If you are a Jim Starlin fan... You will love reading this article!

Pages 33 - 36 - Backstage Pass:  Comic Book Beatles.  I have blogged about the Beatles being pictured on American Comic Book Covers in the past.  This fine article covers those and the British comics.  Definitely for fans of the British rock group!

Pages 37 - 40 - Beyond Capes: Doctor Who: The Invasion of Time.  More on the Britsh TV Show that crossed the pond and joined the Marvel Comics lineup.  I've read the Marvel Premiere issues of Doctor Who and sold them repeatedly during the past decads.  This short article was about those and the British publications.  Interesting reading for Doctor Who fans.

There were other articles, filling out the 80 pages, but the above listed articles were the ones that I enjoyed the most. 

As for my comic book grade for this issue... I'm giving it a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM) 9.0 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale.

You can try your local comic book shop to see if they have this issue in.  Or you can check out my own online comic book shop at ComicBooksCircus.com for this issue and many other previous issues of Back Issue! magazine!

~ Michael


NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On ComicsMy thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,920 total posts in number!   I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

BTW, You can 'follow' this blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app link!   Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button!  And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!!

Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item(s) that was mentioned here today...!  If I have it, you'll find under the BIG TOP of Comics, at Comic Books Circus.com!     

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:57 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, August 1, 2013 7:51 AM PDT
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