My Thoughts On the 1st So Cal Comic Con! (Which Ran Saturday, November 6th in Oceanside, California.) 
- Top Photo: The So Cal Comic Con Poster! - Immediate Top Photo - Amanda Porter Hendrix, Michael D Hamersky & Erik Hendrix at the Carpet Bomb Comics Table! - Top Right Photo: The comic con was held at the Boys & Girls Club of Oceanside, California! - 2nd Right Photo - Bob Layton Was a Special Comics Creator Guest! - 3rd Photo to the Right - Rey Reyes, Co-Promoter of this con, at his own table with CGC Comics! -
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TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3274: Yesterday, my youngest son and I attended the 1st So Cal Comic Con that was held at the Boys & Girls Club of Oceanside, California. I had seen flyers for this first time con at the SDCC in July, and most recently at the LBCC last weekend. So there was a little bit of a 'buzz' around it starting up. However, as is my usual practice, I didn't blog about this one before attending, as first time comic book shows are so often a 'hit or miss' proposition, and I don't want persons reading my Blog traveling long distances to attend a first time show that hassn't worked the kinks out yet. So I was pleasantly surprised to see that the parking lot for this show was already full after we arrived there shortly after opening time, (10 AM). We were greeted warmly by the two gals that are pictured at the bottom right of this blog post. I also noticed that there were raffle prizes on a table to the left, which included several toys, a few CGC graded comics of both current and older comics. Plus a Daredevil #1, (ungraded), signed by Stan Lee! So of course I bought a few tickets!
There were three separate times that the tickets were pulled, 12:30 PM, 2:30 PM, AND 4:30 PM, which was watched with interest by both the attendees and the exhibitors. 'Spidey' is pictured watching So Cal Comic Con's Co-Founder Joel Elad calling out the ticket numbers! The exhibit floor had several comics creators at tables. I've already pictured Bob Layton at the top right of this blog post. He is known for his work in comics for many years, but the dealers seemed to emphasize his Iron Man comics at the tables nearest him. Bob freely signed comics, and took commissions for personalized sketches as well. Good to see Bob here at this first time show! Other comics creators included Clyde Grapa, pictured at the bottom right of this post, and Joel Gomez pictured to the left of this paragraph.
Actually there were several comics creators from Wildstorm in attendance. Which was good, because Wildstorm is based in San Diego. I found talking with those in the industry already to be fun, and this was an added attraction for the con itself. I haven't seen industry professionals living in San Diego to turn out in any big numbers for local comic book shops in recent years, (FCBD included), so this was a pleasant surprise also. I noticed several well known local collectors to be in attendance also, including Mick Rabin, and Steven. Steven is shown to the left, holding a piece of artwork that he commissioned from Russ Heath at an earlier comic con. Of course the piece is set in war time!
Talking about comics collectors... For a good show you have to have comic book dealers! And there were several there in attendance! Several were local collectors who were selling their duplicate items, or items they no longer wished to keep in their collection, but there were also bigger dealers there, inluding Jamie Newbold from So Cal Comics in San Diego, Rich & Karen from R & K Comics, and Terry from Terry's Comics in the Los Angeles Metro Area. So there were several dollar boxes of comics on up to CGC graded comics valued at thousands of dollars! Again, I was pleasantly surprised at the turnout of attendees at this first show for the promoters. I also got into the buying mood, as well as my youngest son, who couldn't pass up some Amazing Spideys for his personal collection. My only thought is that the 'name' of this show is somewhat vague, and that I got it 'confused' with the 'Oceanside Comic Con' that was also used when this show was being organized in earlier months. After talking with both of this show's promoters, I'm hearing that it may not just be an annual con, but more regular, and not necessarily located in Oceanside. IMO, as long as the show is located in North San Diego County, where attendees can come down from Southern Orange County, or Southern Riverside County, this show should continue to grow in size. I for one would like to see this show continue, and on a more regular basis! I mentioned that my youngest son was with me yesterday. (Tina was at a day long seminar.) Here are my son's thoughts about this show: "At my trip to the So Cal Comic Con, I had lots of fun. As my dad and I first arrived to the Oceanside Boys & Girls Club, we were greeted with free grab bags. (For the first 100 paying attendees.) We spent some time purchasing comics and relative items, while talking to dealers. Also I met some more comics creators, and just over all had a great time. As the only title that I collect is the 'Amazing Spider-Man' from Marvel Comis, I was happy to see 'Spidey' at this con greeting attendees! I am looking forward to attending the next So Cal Comic Con!"
Well... That about wraps it up for this post! I'll be posting additional pics here in my blog about those that I met at the So Cal Comic Con, and also post some at my own Facebook Group Page, at Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing. I have already mobile Facebooked photos during this con. Unfortunately the photos first are uploaded to my personal profile page, which is maxed out at 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan Pages 'Liked', so I can't accept many more 'Friends Requests'. Which is one of the reasons why I have a Facebook Group Page in addition! Here's the link to the So Cal Comic Con on Facebook. Please take a look and click the 'Like' button while YOU are there. That way you can get updates about the next show! --------------------------- My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now up to 3,270 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! I would appreciate that! ~ Michael D Hamersky @ Note: Our online comic book shop carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items at the link seen below.
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!" 
Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:
Make It So Marketing Inc. PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 - It's Under The Big Top Of Comics! Click the Above Circus Tent to See Our Current Listings! | | My thanks to those of YOU that have read today's blog post! I do appreciate that!
For those of you that didn't know me before today... I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 San Diego West Coast Comic Con (SDCC) at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! My wife Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor (dealer) table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)! Plus I have a chapter in a new book coming out in December of 2010, that is pictured above, "Gotham City 14 Miles"! Click here to become a 'Fan' of the GC14M Facebook Fan Page! You can view our dealer table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link, which takes you to our table named: 'Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing'. So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day! Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to also join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'. Please Note: I have reached the maximum of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages already, so it might be a while before I am able to accept your request. Just send a message along with the invite that you saw my Blog! ------------------- Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!
I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph! ~Michael @ WEB PAGE NOTE: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently, sorry about that!The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer. NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. |