Under The Dome: CBS summer replacement series based on Stephen King novel Season Premiere is June 24, 2013 (Photos: Above Top - At The 7PM Panel Room 300AB. Top Right - Rachelle Lefevre (Twilight), and Neal Baer (Law & Order: SVU). Bottom Right - Neal Baer, Jack Bender (Lost) and Brian K Vaughn (Lost & comic books).)
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TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3829 - Under The Dome: CBS summer replacement series based on Stephen King novel - Guest blog by Tina LoSasso.
What happens when an impenetrable dome suddenly, inexplicitly descends over a small town trapping all within?
Pop culture fans got a hint at WonderCon's panel for the new CBS summer replacement series Under the Dome.
CBS brought out the big guns for their UTD panel: stars Dean Norris (Breaking Bad, Sarah Connor Chronicles) and Rachelle Lefevre (Twilight, Life on Mars), LOST creative alums Jack Bender and Brian K Vaughan (who has strong Con cred as writer of Y, The Last Man and Ex-Machina), along with showrunner Neal Baer (ER, Law & Order: SVU).
With Under the Dome, CBS will face tough summer genre competition from TNT's Falling Skies and SyFy's Warehouse 13 and Defiance.
The 1,000-page Stephen King novel is a treasure trove of source material for writer Brian K. Vaugh, an admitted King fan. Vaughn promised to deliver the themes of the book while mixing up the story, hopefully over multiple seasons (instead of the few days of the book).
Unlike other productions based on King's work, King has been hands-on with the series, visiting the set, approving casting and scripts, and hanging in the writers room.
Throughout the panel, Vaughn and Bender patiently answered numerous questions from the moderator and fans about how the show compared to LOST. Will we see flashbacks? (NO!) Will there be cameos by LOST cast members? (Probably not.) Note for LOST fans: Jeff Fahey (Frank Lepidus) plays the good-guy sheriff of Chester's Mill. Seriously, LOSTIES (and I was one), don't expect a lot of guest cameos in a show where the town has been covered by an impenetrable dome!
The show will explore how the good (and some evil--this is Stephen King after all!) people of a small town cope when they are cut off from the rest of society. Showrunner Beal explains that he sees the season as divided into 3 F's: Faith (Why did this happen?), Fear (What are we going to do?, and Facism (How do we maintain order when the food runs out?).
Producers compared the gore in this Stephen King story to others adapted to the screen saying that it would be light. In that case, the sometimes bloody and menacing trailer that aired at WonderCon was very misleading. Despite the gore, we're intrigued and will give Under the Dome a try. Vaughn promised us that there is an ending in mind. (Sounds like Stephen Covey is coaching TV writers from the great beyond. "Begin with the end in mind.") And, former pediatrician Baer said there is real science behind the show mechanics. Fans will be able to learn all about the dome and its capabilities on the show blog.
We'll be tuning in to Under the Dome in June on CBS. How about you?
--Tina LoSasso! (Note from Michael: Here are a few links for you to check out the Under the Dome TV Show: Facebook Link for Under the Dome TV Show, Wikipedia entry for the TV Show, Wikipedia entry for the book. Plus I'll be uploading videos to my YouTube Channel soon from the panel. I have already uploaded the pics from the panel at my Facebook Fan Page.)
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