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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Seems It Took Me Forever To Appreciate This Movie !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies


Seems It Took Me Forever To Appreciate this Movie!

'Fantasia' Is But One Of Our

273 DVD Reviews

That We Have Posted!!


I just couldn't see the point of the movie when I was a kid...

Whenever it was shown I would pass on it, except maybe to watch the Mickey Mouse sequence. Mickey Mouse in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" that is.

Most anthologies just don't get rave reviews, as a person may like one or two of the stories or sequences, but not all of them, so the book or movie is downgraded in reviews.

Additionally this film was set to lengthy classical music pieces, which doesn't go over so well the first time when watching/listening.

But now with DVDs, you can go back easily and rewatch the sequence to get a second chance to figure out what was going on!

Walt Disney took a chance on this film, it didn't pan out when first released, but now with this DVD you can get what he was trying to present a whole lot easier!!

This DVD is just one of 363 total reviews we have posted on eBay Guides & Reviews!

Currently we have 273 DVDs reviewed, plus 15 VHS, 7 Music CDs, and 68 books.

Yes, since our sales niche is "comic book, sci-fi and pop culture related", we do have a lot of comic book movies or books on comics reviewed, BUT we also have reviews on 'chick flicks' and dramas as Tina tries to balance out the 'action movies' that we watch with other movies!  AND I personally loved viewing 'Miss Potter' last week featuring Renee Zellweger!

So just click on the links above with the white colors to be taken to our reviews on DVDs, VHS, CDs and Books for what should be a pleasurable viewing or reading night!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and feel free to post your comment below or on the review that we posted! 


For Those That Love Cartoons, Comic Strips & Comics!




Most Recent Reviews!

During this time of year when the regular TV Season is over, it could be a good time to rent or buy DVDs of Past TV Shows, like Wonder Woman, 24, Lost, Hogan's Heroes, Alias Smith & Jones, etc!!!  Shows like '24' are hard to watch EVERY week during the season, so watching it on DVD could be the ANSWER to you catching up on it!!


Oldest to Newest Review!

You can Vote YES or NO on our reviews... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly above to be taken to our 360+ Reviews !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 9:05 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 4, 2007 9:11 AM PDT
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Comic Book Confidential
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Movies


'Comic Book Confidential'

Is But One Of Our

273 DVD Reviews

That We Have Posted!!


'Comic Book Confidential' does a good job on presenting the history of the comic book in America.

The photos are clear, the old tv videos are great to see, and the interviews with several of the early creators are great...

However, there is too much emphasis on the underground and overground comix for me in this film to actually buy it for my extensive comic book related collection.

Viewing it once is ok with me, but that is my own personal preference.

You however may enjoy the newer clips of the 1980's materials, the independents comics, and the underground clips.
I would have preferred to see more of the 1960's - 1970's creators, so will keep looking for those films to be made.

This film is worth watching at least once!
This DVD is just one of 363 total reviews we have posted on eBay Guides & Reviews!

Currently we have 273 DVDs reviewed, plus 15 VHS, 7 Music CDs, and 68 books.
Yes, since our sales niche is "comic book, sci-fi and pop culture related", we do have a lot of comic book movies or books on comics reviewed, BUT we also have reviews on 'chick flicks' and dramas as Tina tries to balance out the 'action movies' that we watch with other movies!  AND I personally loved viewing 'Miss Potter' last week featuring Renee Zellweger!
So just click on the links above with the white colors to be taken to our reviews on DVDs, VHS, CDs and Books for what should be a pleasurable viewing or reading night!
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and feel free to post your comment below or on the review that we posted! 


For Those That Love Comics!

'Comic Book Confidential' DVD Cover


Most Recent Reviews!

During this time of year when the regular TV Season is over, it could be a good time to rent or buy DVDs of Past TV Shows, like Wonder Woman, 24, Lost, Hogan's Heroes, Alias Smith & Jones, etc!!!  Shows like '24' are hard to watch EVERY week during the season, so watching it on DVD could be the ANSWER to you catching up on it!!


Oldest to Newest Review!

You can Vote YES or NO on our reviews... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly above to be taken to our 360+ Reviews !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:16 AM PDT
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So That's the BIG Reason eBay
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

 So That's the BIG Reason

eBay has been promoting the new TRANSFORMERS movie on its' home page! 


 You'll see the connection right from the beginning of the movie which started yesterday!

eBay has more than just product placement in the movie... but I don't want to spoil it for those that haven't seen the movie or comic book adaptation yet!

This movie is rated PG-13.  Steven Spielberg is Executive Producer of this movie... PLUS the Director is Michael Bay so there will be a lot of blow-'em-up action of course! 

The movie is a live-action theatrical film based on the 1980s cartoon about robotic aliens using Earth as a battleground!  

For those interested in 'Transformers' and other Toy based  comics we have several of those comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store !

Thanks for reading this popular culture / comic books blog post! Feel Free to Comment Below !!



Click Here For Toy Based Comic Books!  
The Transformers Had Many Comic Book Issues!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:55 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 4, 2007 8:34 AM PDT
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Third Week Out and Surf's Still Up !!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies


In 5th Place This Weekend: 

  Fantastic Four 2:

Rise of the Silver Surfer ! !


"Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer" subsided to the No. 5 spot at the weekend box office.

The weekend's top films were:

Ratatouille grossing $47.0 million

Live Free Or Die Hard at $33.4 million

Evan Almighty at $15.1 million

'1408' at $10.7 million

Fantastic Four 2 at $9.1 million


Note:  Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is still hanging in there at #8 position with $5.0 million in ticket sales. Pirates 3 has been out for 6 weeks as of this past weekend.


For those that missed our earlier blog post when the FF movie first came out, I wanted to show those that were disappointed in the 'clouds' being the threat called 'Galactus' in the movie the 'real' Galactus.

To the top right is the cover of issue #75 of the Fantastic Four comic book. The Silver Surfer is at the bottom right of the cover.  Above him is the giant head of 'Galactus' who was personified as being a god-like being in the comics.  

Galactus was a couple hundred feet tall and not a 'cloud-like' being in the comics.

Sometimes the producers or directors or writers of the movie just don't get it right or they think their audience will the comic book plot for the film is too 'comic-booky' !


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This Is What Galactus Really Looks Like!

  The 'Real' Galactus Shown Above!


For Our Review of the FF 2: Silver Surfer Movie, Just Click on the Silver Surfer Poster Below !

  Our Take on the Fantastic Four Movie !


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:38 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 4, 2007 8:27 AM PDT
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Overlooked Jimmy ?
Mood:  sad
Topic: Comic Book History

Jimmy, Superman, Lois Lane & More!!




Jimmy Olsen Comics For Sale!!


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Overlooked Jimmy Olsen ?

Jimmy Olsen, known as 'Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen' in the comic books has a long history! 

He first became a star in his own right when he received his own comic book back in Sept/Oct of 1954. The comic started as a bi-monthly but went to a monthly publication when better sales warranted.

Jimmy, who we all know was 'the cub reporter for the Daily Planet', was also always getting into situations.  Unlike Lois Lane who would get into serious trouble with Superman coming to save her.... Jimmy would get into a humorous situation, like the one in the comic to the left bottom below.

He would be a Jungle Boy, a Boxer, a 'Superboy', an elastic superhero, a giant Jimmy, a turtle Jimmy, and on and on...

Jimmy went thru that phase of comic books when they were sometimes bland, silly, and actually just fun reading with no change in continuity.  However with the more realistic comics that kids later wanted, and then the grim and gritty era coming in, poor Jimmy just didn't make the grade anymore in his publisher's eyes!

Poor Jimmy's comic book lasted for 163 issues until February 1974.  His comic's title was changed to 'The Superman Family' where Jimmy was a role player...    

The 'Superman Family' comic book kept Jimmy's comic book numbering and ran from issue #164 to issue #222 ending in September 1982. The stories included adventures of Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Supergirl.... and even Jimmy! 

Today the mainstream public just thinks of Jimmy as that guy in the Superman movies with Christopher Reeve or the small appearance in Superman Returns, or the guy shown in the top left photo on the TV show Smallville, (Aaron Ashmore).  Jimmy has come a long ways down in comic book status since the the late 1950's when he was a major star in his own right!  

For those interested in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen or other Superman comic books or DC Comics that feature Jimmy we have them listed in our eBay Featured Store !



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:41 PM PDT
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