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Friday, July 6, 2007
Maybe You'll be the 10,000th Visitor to our Pop Culture Blog!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: eBay Info


We Hope YOU Are

THE 10,000 th

Visitor To Our Blog!





Welcome to OUR WORLD!  Come Back Again Soon!





Are YOU The ONE ???


The Countdown to Our 10,000 th Blog Visitor Began Early THIS MORNING!

We are almost there.... and expecting the 10,000th Visitor to our Blog BEFORE our One Year Anniversary of the hit counter being installed!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture / comic book blog post.... and please post your comment below with What Visitor # You Are  so we can verify you and personally THANK YOU for  being our 10,000th recognized visitor for this blog !! 

  OK, This Is It !!!                 Look Below !!


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(Please, even if you are not #10,000 please take a moment to post what visitor number you were! THANK YOU so much!)



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:20 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, July 6, 2007 4:37 PM PDT
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THIS Was The One !
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Book History


The Comic Book In The Right Column Is What Started Me As A Collector....


... of comic books.... Journey Into Mystery #72 from Atlas Comics. (Atlas evolved into what we know as Marvel Comics today, you know, Spider-Man, X-Men etc.)

Before I was given this comic book, all I had been reading were 'funnybooks' with an occasional National (Superman) comic book thrown in.

Journey Into Mystery #72 was cover dated September 1961, which would have made me nine years old.  The title had started with issue #1 in June of 1952, which would have been a month older than I was.  

What made this one issue stand out enough to make me start collecting comic books???

It was the artwork that did it for me. It was when I first truly realized that it was real people that drew these comics, in this case they were Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers, who signed their work 'Kirby/Ayers'. 

Before this comic, all that I was aware of were the 'cookie cutter' artwork in funnybooks of Chilly Willy, Woody Woodpecker, Mickey Mouse, etc.  The art from one artist to another was almost indistinguishable, and no one signed their names to the artwork...   However the artwork of this Journey Into Mystery was so far different from what I was used to, that I immediately looked for more by the Kirby/Ayers team and kept the book in better shape!

I didn't have too long to wait... as Kirby drew Fantastic Four #1 for the November 1961 cover date, which I picked up after seeing Fantastic Four #3 from March 1962 where the FF wore costumes for the first time!

It was unusual that this comic was given to me as it was a 'monster' comic, which probably would have been thought to give me 'nightmares', but I am glad that it was given to me and that it started my lifelong collecting bug of collecting comics!!!

I was fortunate to meet Jack Kirby at the SDCC before he passed away, and to have met Dick Ayers at Wonder-Con and the SDCC a few times through the years.  They were definitely the great guys I thought them to be when I was a kid!!  Thanks Jack & Dick for the memories !!

For those interested in seeing more Jack Kirby comics, we have several in our eBay Featured Store


Site Meter

SPECIAL NOTE: As we get ready to celebrate our 10,000th Visitor to our Blog, I was reviewing previous posts, and decided to update and repost this blog post. Will it get us over the Top???

The Countdown to Our 10,000 th Blog Visitor Began THIS MORNING! ( See Visitor Counter Above! ) The numbers are showing that we are on course to have the 10,000th Visitor to our Blog BEFORE our one year anniversary..(CLICK HERE FOR REST OF POST) 


Monster & HoRRoR Comics Listed Here!


Marvel Superheroes Comics Listed Here!



Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post.... and feel free to comment to see if  YOU are VISITOR #10,000 !!   Michael  

Check out OUR WORLD here!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:14 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, July 6, 2007 3:26 PM PDT
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Bond... James Bond...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies


James Bond Has Been Featured In Illustrated Format

For many years!   The Secret Agent's adventures are a natural for this format of reading! 

There have been Graphic Novels, TradePaperBacks, Comic Books & Comic Magazines written and drawn about 007! 

We have listed a few items recently received in our eBay Featured Store.

Since most of the materials are comic book adaptations of the James Bond movies, those are usually picked up by movie collectors of Ian Fleming's best known character.

The items that are in lesser grade are priced accordingly for reading copies.

These items are recommended reading for those that enjoy James Bond novels or movies, and would like to see them in an illustrated format.   

Just click on the magazine cover on the top right to see what issues we currently have in stock!

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Site Meter

SPECIAL NOTE: The Countdown to Our 10,000 th Blog Visitor Began THIS MORNING! ( See Visitor Counter Above! ) The numbers are showing that we are on course to have the 10,000th Visitor to our Blog BEFORE our one year anniversary..(CLICK HERE FOR REST OF POST)

JAMES BOND Magazines & Comic Books!

Roger Moore is the featured James Bond of this adapatation.


Thanks for reading our pop culture / comics blog post and feel free to comment below!




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 2:13 PM PDT
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Make It So Number One !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: eBay Info


So Now That We Have All You 'Trekkies' Checking Out This Post... 

Want to let you know that we listed some Star Trek Fan Club magazines alongside our Star Trek Comics & Mags! 

Star Trek has had several comic book series published through the years.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Malibu Comics, etc. have added greatly to the lore of the Star Trek Universe.

Of course there have been paperback and hardcover novels in printed form.

The Star Trek Club magazines are not that easy to find in SoCal where we are, probably because the TV Shows and the Films have several actors/actresses that are in demand for collectibles.

The issue to the top right is an example of that collectability.  Kim Cattrall starred in an early Star Trek Film, and went on to star in the TV series 'Sex and the City', thus making this magazine issue collectible for both Star Trek Fans & Sex and the City fans.

Just click on the magazine cover on the top right to see what Star Trek media items we currently have in stock!

Thanks for reading our pop culture / comics blog post and feel free to comment below!


Site Meter

SPECIAL NOTE: The Countdown to Our 10,000 th Blog Visitor Began THIS MORNING! ( See Visitor Counter Above! ) The numbers are showing that we are on course to have the 10,000th Visitor to our Blog BEFORE our one year anniversary..(CLICK HERE FOR REST OF POST)



Leonard Nimoy & Kim Cattrall On The Cover!


Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!

Each comic book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 1:58 PM PDT
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Lost ?? That's A Maybe !!
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Comic Book Movies


Wondering What To Watch On DVD Tonight?


For A Possible Answer Check Out Our

276 DVD Reviews

For Suggestions!!

Last night we finished watching another movie on DVD, which when we added it to our eBay 'Reviews', put us up to 366 total reviews!


Currently we have 276 DVDs reviewed, plus 15 VHS, 7 Music CDs, and 68 books.

Yes, since our sales niche is "comic book, sci-fi and pop culture related", we do have a lot of comic book movies or books on comics reviewed.

BUT we also have reviews on 'chick flicks' and dramas as Tina tries to balance out the 'action movies' that we watch with other movies!  AND I personally loved viewing 'Notes On A Scandal' recently featuring Cate Blanchett !

So just click on the links above with the white colors to be taken to our reviews on DVDs, VHS, CDs and Books for what should be a pleasurable viewing or reading night!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and feel free to post your comment below or on the review that we posted! 


Site Meter

The Countdown to Our 10,000 th Blog Visitor Began THIS MORNING! ( See Visitor Counter Above! ) The numbers are showing that we are on course to have the 10,000th Visitor to our Blog BEFORE our one year anniversary..(CLICK HERE FOR REST OF POST)

Why Not Get 'Lost' ??


Most Recent Reviews!

During this time of year when the regular TV Season is over, it could be a good time to rent or buy DVDs of Past TV Shows, like Wonder Woman, 24, Lost (shown above), Hogan's Heroes, Alias Smith & Jones, etc!!! 

We know TV Shows hows like 'LOST' are hard to watch EVERY week during the season, so watching it on DVD could be the ANSWER to you catching up on it! PLUS check out the Bonus Features!


Oldest to Newest Review!

You can check out our Reviews on DVDs, Books & Movies. Then you can Vote YES or NO on whether they were 'helpful' for you...just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly above to be taken to our 360+ Reviews !

Posted by makeitsomarketing at 1:36 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, July 6, 2007 1:43 PM PDT
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