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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
SDCC Will Host Another Annual JACK KIRBY Tribute Program!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Cons

 The Jack Kirby Annual Tribute Program Will Once Again Be Held At The SDCC!  


07-29-07 Sunday

From 10:30 am to 11:45  am in Room 1AB

 At the San Diego Convention Center 


AS POSTED ON THE SDCC SCHEDULE:  Please realize that the following is from the published schedule of the upcoming San Diego Comic Con International.  THUS Dates and Times are subject to revision or even cancellation!



10:30 am -11:45 am  Jack Kirby Tribute

Let’s face it: when it comes to comics, it’s Kirby’s World and we just live in it.

2007 has seen a bumper crop of Kirby projects, including the first volume of DC’s deluxe chronological reprinting of all the Fourth World stories, a major documentary about Jack on the Fantastic Four DVD, and Mark Evanier’s upcoming art book Kirby, King of Comics.

Join Evanier as he talks to Neil Gaiman, Erik Larsen, Darwyn Cooke, Mike Royer, and members of the Kirby family about the lasting influence of the undisputed King of comics.

Room 1AB

SPECIAL NOTE: This is ALWAYS In My Personal Top 5 Programs held at the SDCC each year.  Mark always has the best guys and presents new insights into Jack 'King' Kirby's life and endeavors!  This Program IS NOT TO BE MISSED !!

WHY?? You Ask Why? Jack co-created with Stan Lee the early Marvel Comics Universe, including the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Thor, the Avengers, the Incredible Hulk, and oh so many more!!




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Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!

The Annual Jack Kirby Tribute Will Be At SDCC!

Jack Kirby is pictured to the left with Joe Sinnott on the right back in 1972!   For those interested in Jack Kirby's endeavors we have several of Jack's comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!


My Favorite Signature of All Time!
Michael with Stan Lee at the 1993 SDCC! The SDCC is a Great Place to obtain signatures!
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  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:59 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:03 PM PDT
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We Use Categories As Aisles In Our SUPER-Market of Comics!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: eBay Info
We Use Store Categories For Easier Shopping!
Just Like Being In A SUPER-Market for Comic Books, You Can Go Can Up and Down Our Aisles!
Be Sure to Visit Us! 
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  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

Check Out Our Reviews!

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Tina and I are getting ready to attend the largest popular culture / comic book convention in the 'Americas' that starts next week!

The convention programs and exhibit floor takes up ALL of the available space the San Diego Convention Center has to offer!

The convention planners have the exhibit floor categorized into sections. Comic Book sellers here, toy sellers there, small press publishers here, large mainstream publishers there, and so forth.

When I am physically at a new comic book store while on a buying trip, or at a dealer's booth at a convention, the biggest turn-off is seeing that their backstock is NOT in any kind of order. Even alphabetically by title would be a help! 

At enormous conventions like the SDCC, those dealers don't even get the once over by Tina and myself, UNTIL we have shopped at all the other dealers who have their merchandise organized!!

So we definitely aim to place ALL of our comics, magazines and other pop culture items into organized categories (aisles), so YOU Can view the selections easier!

We are NOT the biggest eBay Store in our category, currently we keep about 2,200 items listed.

We DO consider ourselves to be One of the better  pop culture stores in providing a service in grading, listing and shipping timely the items we sell as evidenced by our 10,462 postive feedbacks with only one negative, (100% +fb score).

But this is because we keep our backstock in order, and list the items for sale by CATEGORY in our eBay Store.  It may not be the best categorization ever, I have literally seen dozens of different category schemes in our sales niche alone, but it seems to work for us!   

But, as with anything on the web, there is always room for improvement!  If YOU know of a better way of organizing a store, we would like to hear about it! 

Or if you are already a shopper with us, let us know how we make our items easier for you to find!  We are here to listen as well as kepunch!

Plus check back with us at the end of July after this year's SDCC for items that we were able to pick up for resale in our eBay Featured Store .   

Thanks for reading this pop culture / comic books blog post, and feel free to post your comment below!




Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!




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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 1:17 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:23 PM PDT
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Maybe We Should Sic Him On The eBay 'Blog Ghosts' !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: eBay Info

Is It A Bird?

Is It A Plane?

No, It's Underdog!


Coming YOUR way August 3rd!

With all the Comic Book Movies that are being released this year, they remind me that for years super-heroes were already on TV in the mid 1960's due to the 'Batmania' craze!

For instance, Underdog was one of several cartoon characters created to help General Mills sell breakfast cereals to kids on TV!  Really!!  

Underdog shows ran in two part and four part serial episodes.  There were about 124 episodes that ran from 1964 to 1973.

Underdog became part of other shows in syndication since and has lasted into the 21st Century.  However those shows are a compilation of several shows co-mingled together and are not the true first showings of Underdog's TV show.

Today, most of the mainstream public knows him because of the Underdog Balloon in the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

Underdog of course had his own comic books... what self-respecting superhero wouldn't??!

Charlton comics printed 10 issues that were published from 1970 - 1972. Gold Key Comics published Underdog for 23 issues from 1975  - 1979.  Then Spotlight Comics had 3 issues in 1987, and Harvey Comics had a one shot in 1993.  Underdog has made the comic books publishing rounds all right!!

For those interested in seeing more TV Show & Movie comic books, we have several comics listed in our eBay Featured Store !  Thanks for reading this comic book / popular culture blog post!


Cartoon Comics Listed Here! 

Have No Fear.... Underdog is Here!   August 3rd!    Underdog is a real beagle in this live action movie film, but CGI effects will be used for the super-heroics!


TV & Movie Comics Listed Here!  

This is probably how YOU best know him, as Underdog!  His alter ego was 'Shoeshine Boy'... both characters were voiced by Wally Cox!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:53 AM PDT
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Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Check Out Our Reviews of DVDs & Books!

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  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

Our 2nd Most Currently Viewed Blog Post


of Those Previously Posted by MISM


Would have to be the blog post of Brigitte Nielsen as the She-Hulk in the not filmed comic book based movie. 

Previously I blogged about the fact that of earlier posted blog posts, the one about the upcoming Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie is the most viewed blog post we have, that was not a current blog post.

The popularity of the prior She-Hulk post could be that the new She-Hulk comic book series is really popular, or that blog readers didn't know that Brigitte was cast to be the She-Hulk and want to read (or view, LOL) more of her!

Below is the blog post that is currently our second most viewed blog post of previously posted blogs.




BRIGITTE NiELSEN as the SHE-HULK in Not Filmed Comic Book Based Movie

In this morning's earlier blog post I showed how Brigitte Nielsen, (born July 15, 1963 in Denmark), became very popular in 1980s B-movies, most notably as the lead character in Red Sonja, (1985), due to her stature (she stands at 6 ft 1 in, or 185 cm, tall) and sultry looks.

She made the Red Sonja character her own, but there was no sequel, and she went on to other movie projects with Sylvester Stallone, who became her husband.

However, in the late 1980s, Marvel Comics approached Brigitte to pose for photographs dressed as the comic book character She-Hulk.

Brigitte had previously impressed the company with her prior portrayal of their character Red Sonja and accordingly they hoped she would prove just as successful in a new movie venture.

Unfortunately the photos that were produced did not enlicit a large amount of investors in the potential film and Marvel was forced to scrap the project.

The top left photo show Brigitte modelling a skimpy outfit and I 'photoshopped' the photo to reflect a greenish hue about her, as the She-Hulk is green like her cousin the Incredible Hulk!  You can see that Brigitte definitely had the body double of the She-Hulk at that time!

There are very few pics of Brigitte dressed as the She-Hulk, with the one to the left being one of those.  As you can see by comparing thte middle photo to the picture in the comic book  cover bottom picture below, Brigitte would come across very well as the She-Hulk, alter ego of Jennifer Walters, who is a lawyer in her day job.

Sadly nothing became of the She-Hulk movie with Brigitte, and there does not appear to be any interest in producing one at this time....  instead we are getting  Ant-Man, Iron Man and some other characters in possible pre-production.

She-Hulk is currently being published in a new mini-series comic book, which would make it about the fifth time a solo series  featuring her has been attempted!   

I personally enjoyed the second comics series, which had John Byrne write and pencil the series, where She-Hulk would break the 'fourth wall' and talk to readers of the comics, knowing that she was in a comic book with her adventures being told.  Kind of a strange humour book, but when reading the comic it makes more sense...

 For those interested in She-Hulk comic books, we have listed them in our eBay Featured Store.


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:31 AM PDT
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eBay Radio Had An Interesting Program On...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Cons

 The SDCC !

( San Diego Comic Con International )   

That Runs From

07-25-07 thru 07-29-07


 At the San Diego Convention Center 

AS SHOWN ON THE eBay Radio Archives:  

Just Click this link to be taken to the eBay Radio Archive for this show!  The segment you are looking for is the

07-10-07 eBay Radio Show with host Griff, segment #9.

Just click it and listen on your computer! 

The Comic-Con is discussed by Griff of eBay and David Glanzer, who is the Director of Marketing and Public Relations for ComicCon International.

This is a good radio segment that tell YOU why the Comic-Con International is such a big deal to a lot of eBayers who sell items on eBay from the SDCC !!  Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector!



Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


My Favorite Signature of All Time!
Michael with Stan Lee, co-creator of most of the Marvel Comics Universe), at the 1993 SDCC! The SDCC is a Great Place to obtain signatures!

For more info on the
just click on the Banner Below! 

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:29 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 6:33 AM PDT
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