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Friday, July 20, 2007
What Was It Like....
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Comic Book History

 In the

'Marvel Age Of Comics' ?!

That Question Will Be Answered

At The SDCC  

07-27-07 Friday

From 02:00 Pm to 03:30 Pm in Room 8

 At the San Diego Convention Center 


AS POSTED ON THE SDCC SCHEDULE:  Please realize that the following is from the published schedule of the San Diego Comic Con International.  THUS Dates and Times are subject to revision or cancellation!

NOTE: One of the 'great' things about this Con is that there is plenty of programs to go to!  However this year there seems to be multiple conflicts on the ones Tina and I want to attend, so some programs may not have updates later!


2:00-3:30 Marvel in the 60s and 70s

The Marvel Age of Comics was a magical time for both the people who created the books and fans who read them.

Mark Evanier talks to:

Roy Thomas (Avengers, Conan),

Gary Friedrich (Sgt. Fury, Ghost Rider),

Gene Colan (Daredevil, Tomb of Dracula),

Dick Ayers (Sgt. Fury, Fantastic Four),

Mike Ploog (Ghost Rider, Monster of Frankenstein),

and Magazine Management’s David George, about that magical Marvelous era.

Room 8



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Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!

Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Marvel Magazines and  Comics ! 

Pictured above is a Tales To Astonish issue with a cover drawn by Gene Colan, who will be on the panel.

For those interested in Marvel Superhero Comics, that were part of the Marvel Silver and Bronze Ages of Comics we have several comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!


My Favorite Signature of All Time!
Michael with Stan (the Man) Lee at the 1993 SDCC!  The SDCC is a Great Place to obtain signatures!
Tina Can't Wait to Get In!

Tina at SDCC Int'l in 2003.  She would hardly wait to have a picture taken before going in!!

For info on the
just click on the Banner Below! 

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:54 PM PDT
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What Magazine Did Jerry Bails Start ?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Comic Book History

 Jerry Bails

Started the Magazine 'Alter Ego' Which Will Be 'SPOTLIGHTED' At The SDCC  

07-27-07 Friday

From 12:30 Pm to 01:30 Pm in Room 4

 At the San Diego Convention Center 


AS POSTED ON THE SDCC SCHEDULE:  Please realize that the following is from the published schedule of the San Diego Comic Con International.  THUS Dates and Times are subject to revision or cancellation!

NOTE: One of the 'great' things about this Con is that there is plenty of programs to go to!  However this year there seems to be multiple conflicts on the ones Tina and I want to attend, so some programs may not have updates later!

12:30-1:30 Alter Ego Magazine

Started by Jerry Bails in the early 1960s, Alter Ego was taken to new heights as the top fanzine of its time Roy Thomas.

Roy resurrected the publication in the 1990s as a slick magazine on comics of the Golden and Silver Ages, and its celebrating its 70th issue this month from TwoMorrows Publishing.

Roy will be on hand to moderate a lively discussion of Alter Ego's past, present, and future, featuring regular columnist Bill Schelly and Fawcett Collectors of America (FCA) editor P. C. Hamerlinck, plus a surprise guest or two! Room 4

Thanks for viewing this pop culture / comic book blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector!



Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!

Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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For those interested in Alter-Ego Magazines, we have several listed in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the cover or the underlined link provided!


Roy Thomas!
Roy Thomas Holding Some of the Comics He Signed for Michael!  The SDCC is a Great Place to obtain signatures!
For info on the
just click on the Banner Below! 

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:35 PM PDT
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Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Comic Book History

 Allen Bellman


07-27-07 Friday

From 12:00 Pm to 01:00 Pm in Room 8

 At the San Diego Convention Center 


AS POSTED ON THE SDCC SCHEDULE:  Please realize that the following is from the published schedule of the San Diego Comic Con International.  THUS Dates and Times are subject to revision or cancellation!

NOTE: One of the 'great' things about this Con is that there is plenty of programs to go to!  However this year there seems to be multiple conflicts on the ones Tina and I want to attend, so some programs may not have updates later!

12:00-1:00 Spotlight on Allen Bellman

Having started out doing backgrounds for Captain America in the 1940s, Allen Bellman went on to work on a number of other Timely Golden Age series, including Sub-Mariner and Human Torch.

In the 1950s he worked with the legendary Charles Biro and Bob Wood and Lev Gleason Publications, before leaving comics for the newspaper world.

Meet one of the unsung heroes of the Golden Age of Comics as Mark Evanier talks to Bellman about his career in comics.

This is Mr. Bellman’s first appearance as a Comic-Con special guest.   Room 8



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Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!

Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Marvel Magazines and  Comics ! 

Pictured above is Stan Lee (left) & Allen Bellman (right).

For those interested in Marvel Superhero Comics, that carried on Captain America and Sub-Mariner... we have several comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!


My Favorite Signature of All Time!
Michael with Stan (the Man) Lee at the 1993 SDCC!  The SDCC is a Great Place to obtain signatures!
Tina Can't Wait to Get In!

Tina at SDCC Int'l in 2003.  She would hardly wait to have a picture taken before going in!!

For info on the
just click on the Banner Below! 

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:11 PM PDT
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For Indiana Jones Fans !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies

 The 'Indiana Jones 4' Movie Will Be Previewed At The SDCC  

07-26-07 Thursday

From 01:30 pm to 03:30 pm in Hall 'H'

 At the San Diego Convention Center 


AS POSTED ON THE SDCC SCHEDULE:  Please realize that the following is from the published schedule of the San Diego Comic Con International.  THUS Dates and Times are subject to revision or cancellation!


Thursday 1:30 pm -3:30 pm Paramount Pictures—Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures, and Nickelodeon Movies present a bold new vision for the future of adventure.

Be here for a one-of-a-kind presentation put together just for the fans at Comic-Con as you get a look at such highly anticipated films as Beowulf, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Stardust, Hot Rod, Iron Man, and the next installments of Indiana Jones and Star Trek, plus a few surprises.

Appearing in person: JJ Abrams, Neil Gaiman, Roger Avary, and SNL's Andy Samberg.   Hall H


PLUS:  On Saturday 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Indyfans and the Quest for Fortune and Glory—Indiana Jones fans unite!

Join the fans from the upcoming documentary Indyfans and the Quest for Fortune and Glory as they "moderate" this one-stop Indiana Jones information center for all the fans!

Various "experts" will be on hand to embark on discussions about all things Indiana Jones, including the upcoming fourth film.

And don't miss out on the Indiana Jones Trivia Contest; the winner will receive an Indy Magnoli Ceramic Holy Grail. Room 24A


Thanks for viewing this pop culture / comic book blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector!




Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!

Indiana Jones Comics ! 

For those interested in upcoming movies like 'Indiana Jones 4', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!


Tina Can't Wait to Get In!

Tina at SDCC Int'l in 2003.  She would hardly wait to have a picture taken before going in!!

For info on the
just click on the Banner Below! 

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 2:50 PM PDT
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Disguised As Clark Kent !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History

Comics Arts Conference Session #5:

Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero

 At The SDCC!  


07-27-07 Friday

From 10:30 am to 11:30  am in Room 30AB

 At the San Diego Convention Center 


AS POSTED ON THE SDCC SCHEDULE:  Please realize that the following is from the published schedule of the upcoming San Diego Comic Con International.  THUS Dates and Times are subject to revision or even cancellation!

Special Note: Sometimes there is an 'unknown history' behind characters or ideas that we grew up with. 'Unknown' in the sense that the general mainstream public is not aware of how the character or idea came to be in the first place!  Below is just one session of several sessions taking place at the Comic Arts Conference which is included in the San Diego Comic Con International  programming. Comic Arts are also taught in college now!


10:30-11:30 Comics Arts Conference Session #5: Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero

Superheroes were created by Jews. Is that significant, or a complete coincidence and no big deal?

In a reading from his provocative new Continuum book, Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero, longtime Spider-Man editor and author of Superman on the Couch Danny Fingeroth explores the backgrounds of the young, largely Jewish men from Eastern European backgrounds who created the most well-known superheroes.

Fingeroth will discuss how the creators' Jewish backgrounds may have helped make superheroes the most familiar popular culture icons of all—on TV, in movies, and in electronic media, as well as in comics.

Room 30AB




Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector!



Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


For those interested in DC Superhero comics we have several listed in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the cover above or the underlined link provided!


Michael at SDCC in 1973

Yes, that's Michael selling at his booth at the 4th SDCC in 1973!  This year is the 38th SDCC!! Just click on his picture to get 'the rest of the story' from the 'good ole days'!

For more info on the
just click on the Banner Below! 

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 11:07 AM PDT
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