
Topic: TV Shows
The Klingon Lifestyle !
Will Be Presented At The SDCC
07-27-07 Friday From 07:30 Pm to 08:30 Pm in Room 6A At the San Diego Convention Center
AS POSTED ON THE SDCC SCHEDULE: Please realize that the following is from the published schedule of the San Diego Comic Con International. THUS Dates and Times are subject to revision or cancellation! SPECIAL NOTE: This program is a MUST SEE at least ONCE in your life when attending the SDCC! You will be either entranced, or scared, or dumbounded, or want to laugh out laud but can't because everyone else is taking this seriously, or blown away that there are people who dress up and live this way at the Convention!
7:30-8:30 Klingon Lifestyle Presentation Last year the IKV Stranglehold lost a valued member of the crew after a traitorous act. Their current mission forces them to travel a path few return from to regain what they lost. All species are welcome to experience the ongoing voyage and adventure of life aboard a Klingon vessel. Room 6A
Thanks for viewing this pop culture / comic book blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector! Michael
Note From Make It So Marketing: Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale! | ![]() For those interested in TV Shows and Movies like 'Star Trek', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store . Just click on the link provided! ![]() Yes, that's Michael selling at his booth at the 4th SDCC in 1973! This year is the 38th SDCC!! Just click on his picture to get 'the rest of the story' from the 'good ole days'! For info on the SAN DIEGO COMIC CON INTERNATIONAL just click on the Banner Below! |