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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Brinke Stevens.... Femme Fatale
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History


Click here to see our Brinke Stevens listings! 

Above is a photo of Brinke Stevens!

For current Brinke Stevens listings, just click on the photo!  

Click here to see our Bad Girl listings! 

Brinke (Stevens) Of Eternity Comics!

Just Click On the Comic To See All Our 'Bad Girl' Comics!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!



Brinke Stevens

Femme Fatale

Scream Queen

 and Comic Book Superhero!


I first came across Brinke Stevens at the San Diego Comic Con, when she was promoting her comic book series. She has been a Super-heroine for a couple of series.

She was born in 1954 in San Diego area. Her birth name was Charlene Brinkman.

Brinke married Dave Stevens in 1980. He is best known to readers of our blog as the Creator of 'The Rocketeer'!

Brinke's marriage to Dave was short lived. She went on to star in over 100 movies, mostly 'B' HoRRoR, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy genre films.  She became a 'Scream Queen' via those 'B' movies!

She is definitely a Femme Fatale! She has graced several covers of that magazine, as well as the interior.

Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and feel free to comment below !



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:59 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 11:04 AM PST
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Beowulf - The Movie And Promotion Item
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Movies


Click here to see our Beowulf and other COMIC CON PROMO LISTINGS! 

Above is the San Diego Comic Con Exclusive Promo Comic Book for the upcoming Beowulf movie!

Just click on the comic book cover above to see that promo and other promos from Comic Con that we have in stock listed for sale!  


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!


Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!

Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!

War Comics Listed Here!

 We also have War Comics listed for sale... Just Click on the pic above!


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The USA Today Newspaper ran an article on 'Holiday Movies' this past weekend edition, which reminded me That We Have Beowulf Promo Comics For Sale Starting @ $0.99 Plus Shipping!

Also the Beowulf trailer is out and screening on different TV shows. If you missed it there are now 2 trailers and a TV spot. The links are at:

Beowulf Movie Trailer

Here Are Tina's Thoughts on the preview program she attended at the San Diego Comic Con on the movie:

Neil Gaiman and director Roger Avery gave Comic Con fans a first look at a 2-D trailer for the upcoming movie 'Beowulf', (Paramount Pictures, November 16th, 2007)!

The digitally enhanced live action is their attempt to 'tell the oldest story in the English language', said Gaiman, 'with the technology we have today'.

To me it was a little creepy and alienating, but maybe Angelina Jolie just creeps me out...

Jolie's part of what Gaiman calls his 'bull---- casting'. Gaiman continues with 'You know the game we all play, who would you cast for...??'

Holed up in Mexico writing the screenplay and drinking too much beer Gaiman and Avery speculated on their dream cast; Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich and Crispen Glover.  They were amazed when everyone said yes!

Well, in November we'll see if the the movie is a dream or a nightmare...

Meanwhile, you can formulate your own thoughts on the movie by checking out the movie adaptation in comic book format.  Just click on the SDCC Comic Con comic book Exclusive at the top left corner for a copy! 

Thanks for reading this pop culture - comics - comic book blog post and feel free to comment below!

Michael and Tina


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 9:25 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 9:26 AM PST
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Chuck TV Show 11-05-07 ' OUR TAKE'
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows


Click here to see Our TV Show and Movie Comics listings! 

Above is a scene from this episode where Chuck goes back to his alma mater! Show left to right are Chuck, Casey, and Sarah in the campus library. 

For current TV Show and Movie Comic Book listings that we have in our eBay Featured Store, just click on the photo above!  


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!
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'Our Take'



From The 11-05-07 Episode

Chuck vs The Alma Mater!


Last night's episode is one of the reasons why this show is continuing on its' path to be one of the best new shows of the season IMHO!

We get to see Chuck go back to face the Professor who had him kicked out of Stanford, and find out the reason why!

For those of you that did not see the episode yet, I won't reveal the reason, as you can see this episode when it airs again this Saturday at 9/8c on NBC!

This is a fun show, as it doesn't have as much continuity baggage as shows like 'Heroes' or twists that are thrown in to throw the viewer off like 'Lost'. (We do like both of those shows by the way!)

It is just a fun escapist spy-like show with characters that are appealing, yet has a plot line that doesn't insult your intelligence!

Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and feel free to comment below !




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:47 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 8:53 AM PST
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Heroes TV Show - 11-05-07 'Our Take'
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows


Click here to see our TV and Movie Comics and Magazines  LISTINGS! 

This episode Mohinder (above) is a pivotal character!   

For those interested in Comics and Magazines on TV Shows and Movies, Just click on the Pic of Mohinder above!

For 'Our Take' on the 10-15-07 episode Just Click on Peter's Pic below!

We have THE Exclusive Heroes Promo Comic Book listed! Click the below right pic for that item!  

Click Here For Our 10-08-07 Take! HEROES TV Show Exclusive Comic Book!






Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!


Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!

Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!



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 'Our Take'

 From The 11-05 Episode!

This is NOT a detailed synopsis of the epsisode from last night. Just the scenes that we thought more interesting to us as eBay only allows so many html characters in a blog post. 

Additionally Here is our:

SPOILER WARNING! Do Not Read below this line if YOU Don't Want to Know What Is Going ON!

Tonight was the big revelation on who 'Adam Monroe' is!

The Episode was titled 'Out Of Time' which could mean many things...

However for one 'Adam Monroe'... he is 'out of time', as he is revealed to be Takezo from 1671 Japan! 

Takezo is now more than 350 years old and it shows that Hiro's time traveling is more than just a 'lark' as some blogs have suggested.

Bob of 'The Company' tells Nathan in this episode's history scene, that Adam is the one that brought the 'original twelve heroes' together.

However Adam later started talking about seeking vengeance on mankind.

'The Company ' had locked him up and he was thought to have his powers nullified until he escaped earlier two weeks ago.

In another scene, Mohinder and Niki are charged with injecting Maury, (Matt's father) with the virus to strip him of his powers. 

Of course Mohinder, who seems to be show's conscience, preaches about how immoral this solution is!

Mohinder and Niki go to where the last of the virus is kept, and Maury influences Niki to overpower Mohinder.

This episode really moved, and it showed all of the first season's characters that we cared about, without bringing in the new characters!


Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and feel free to comment below !




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:15 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 8:21 AM PST
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For Those That Read Our Reviews On TV Shows
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: TV Shows


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Question On Our Top 20 TV Shows Blogs:

This blog post is in response to a question that was emailed to us.

"Why do you blog on some TV Shows and not others that are similar?"

Well, Tina and I had a drive up to the Los Angeles area this weekend, and she and I went over our Top 10 TV Shows for this season enroute. She was driving the first part of the journey, so I was formatting the list.

The list was hard for her to envision driving, as she realized fast that she liked more than 10 TV Shows that we watch. So I increased it to the all of the shows that we are watching this TV Season, (Fall 2007), and then increased it further to TV Shows that we blogged about during this past Summer TV Season that will be back.

What is the Criteria for our Top 20 List? Tina stated that the Top 10  of the Top 20 List should be the shows that we would not wait to tape, but HAVE to see when they first air, as she would want to be able to talk about them the next day when seeing or talking with other people on the phone. 

The Top 10 would have to be the shows that are also the ones that we actually like the most, the current (or last season, if they have not aired yet this Season), not just so we could talk
about them.
Those are the criteria for this list.

I realized why it is that we get along so well after formatting this list!  In each of our Top 10 TV Shows, we each have 8 Shows that the other has in the Top 10 !  That is amazing to us, as we originally came from different backgrounds, and as she says to me "you have no taste in music"!

Here is the List, which INCLUDES the Current Fall 2007 TV Shows that are airing, plus the ones that are scheduled to air in January 2008.  PLUS the TV Shows that aired this previous
Summer 2007 Season which are expected to return and or blogged about. 

PLEASE NOTE: TV Shows that we do BLOG ABOUT Are In Bold face and colored. TV Shows that we DON'T BLOG ABOUT are in regular face and not colored. This list is as follows:

RANK                  MICHAEL'S                TINA'S
  1                         24                               Lost
  2                        Eureka                        24
  3                        House                          Heroes
  4                        American Idol            American Idol
  5                        Who Wants To Be    Ugly Betty
  6                        Survivor                      Desp. Housewives
  7                        Lost                             Eureka
  8                        Heroes                        Chuck
  9                        Jericho                        House
10                        Chuck                           Jericho  
11                         Desp. Housewives      Reaper
12                        Journeyman                 the 4400
13                        the 4400                     ER
14                        Boston Legal                Survivor
15                        Reaper                         Pushing Daisies 
16                        American Band           Journeyman
17                        Ugly Betty                   Boston Legal
18                        Bros & Sisters             Bros & Sisters
19                        Shark                           American Band
20                       Pushing Daisies             Who Wants To Be

Other                  Kyle XY                        Kyle XY
                            Bionic Woman              Bionic Woman

As stated above, 8 shows of the Top 10 Shows on each of our lists appears on the others' list. Some of the TV Shows on my list have either dropped from when they first came out,
(i.e. Lost as it fluctuates with me in interest), or have climbed up the list,  (i.e. House with all the new characters this Season!).

Tina stated she was surprised that 'Ugly Betty' was so low on my list as we watch it together, but I told her it was because I am so sick of the 'Betty and Henry On Again - Off Again' routine!


You now know what TV Shows we like and watch.
Which of the TV Shows that we watch and DON'T BLOG On would you like us to Blog About? On the flip side, Which TV Shows do we blog about and you could care less about??

We know that we get HUNDREDS of bloggers looking at our posts each week. Just like on most other blogs, most viewers do not comment on the posts, they just read them. One of the Biggest Blogs on the www has turned off comments just because of that. We haven't .... yet. 

However we know that there are many bloggers who find our eBay Blog Posts through search engines or blog directories or RSS Feeds that are NOT eBayers, thus they cannot comment anyway. 

For those bloggers we have set up another Blog at:  http://www.comicbookcollectorsblog.com/  that basically has the same blog posts where non-eBayers can comment at.

We enjoy posting blog posts on TV Shows on both of our blogs and would appreciate hearing from you at either blog: 
http://blogs.ebay.com/make_it_so_marketing   OR     http://www.comicbookcollectorsblog.com/  as to what YOU would like to blog about, (or which ones we currently do and you don't care about).

Our most popular blog posts on A TV Show by NUMBER OF COMMENTERS is 'Our Take On American Idol' when it
is in season.  There are a LOT of comments left on each blog post, and several bloggers have told us they look forward to 'Our Take' before the results show is aired!
Thanks for reading this long post, and for your comment below should you wish to let us know about YOUR thoughts on our QUESTION OF THE WEEK!
Michael and Tina

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:17 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 11:11 AM PST
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