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Thursday, May 8, 2008
Bruce Boxleitner Joins The Cast Of....
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: TV Shows


So He's Joining

The Cast Of The 'Heroes' 

TV Show...!


So earlier today in a somewhat slow news period, it was blogged that Bruce Boxleitner is joing the cast of the 'Heroes' TV Show...

Long time blog readers of this blog will know that Tina just loves the 'Heroes' TV Show, and makes it a point to attend the Special 'Heroes' Program at the SDCC - San Diego Comic Con International when it occurs each year!

So, earlier today I blogged about it and then emailed her a link to get her reaction!

She sent back the following a little while ago

"Hey - I liked him in that other show with Kate Jackson! As he's gotten older (and haven't we all?), he really looks like the political type!"

So What's your thoughts on this new 'Heroes' cast add-on?

Oh, and Tina's referrring to the rumour that he's to be a political figure on the show, which could please Bablyon 5 Show viewers who enjoyed his soldier turned politician role there!

Or do you even care at this point with the WGA Strike affecting this Season's airing of 'Heroes' episodes??!!

For those new to this blog, we have an ongoing comics and pop culture convention here at Make It So Marketing, what with our daily blog posts and listings of items for sale!

Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and check out our blog again real soon!



Click here to see our currently listed Comics and Magazines and promo items for sale!
Bruce Boxleitner of Bablyon 5 TV Show fame is shown above!

To view our currently listed promo items, comics and magazines, just click on the photo  above!  To see 'Heroes' TV Show items listings just click here: 'Heroes'!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale!
We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale! If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to email us a 'want list' and if in stock, we'll place it in our eBay Featured Store just for you and email you with the listing number(s)!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!

Thank YOU for being one of our

Site Meter


NOTE:  This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR in the Future!  Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Click here to see our TV and Movie Comics and Magazines  LISTINGS! 

One of my personal favorites on the show is Masi Oka, as seen above at the 2007 SDCC special 'Heroes'  TV Show Program! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:15 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 8, 2008 5:18 PM PDT
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We Want To Thank The 139,000th Visitor To Our Blog!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: TV Shows


We Want To Thank 





To Our Pop Culture And Comics Blog!


I had just finished posting a blog post on 'Our Take' On the Results Show of American Idol, and was busy getting the next one prepared to post!

But then I noticed that our small niche pop culture and comics blog reached the 139,000 th visitor a few minutes ago right after posting that Idol post!

(That would be 139,000 visitors, NOT page views. There have been over 256,959 page views of our 2,500+ archived blog posts per our stats counter. The eBay counter at the top left area says over 406,659 views, but that number is not verifiable.)

The visitor was from our home state of California, (no it wasn't us, LOL!), and viewed the "Our Take On The American Idol's Results Show On the Final 4!" blog post I had just posted tonight!"

We want to thank that blogger as well as ALL of the others who have come to view our blog posts since we started keeping stats on July 15, 2006! We actually started the Blog on June 7th 2006, when we came back home and blogged about viewing the X-Men III Film and deciding to list some X-Men comics!

Having bloggers like the 139,000th AND NOW YOU come in and view our blog posts always makes our day or evening!  Thanks again!

For those of you new to us, we have an ongoing pop culture - comics convention here at Make It So Marketing, what with our daily blog posts and listings of items for sale!

We appreciate your reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and please visit our blog again!




Click here to see our current listed Comics and Magazines for sale!
Pictured above were the Remaining 5 of The Top 5 of American Idol's Season 7!

David Cook, Syesha Mercado, Jason Castro, Brooke White, and David Archuletta.

Next week we are down to the Final 3... We are figuring that the Finale will be the 'Battle of the Davids' as it has been predicted to be... although that would not be our choice for the Finale at this moment of time!

To view our currently listed comics, magazines and other pop culture items, just click on the photo above! To see other American Idol  items for sale by other sellers, just click this American Idol link!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale!    
We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!   If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to email us a 'want list' and if in stock, we'll place it in our eBay Featured Store just for you!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!

Thank YOU for being one of our

Site Meter


NOTE:  This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR in the Future!  Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.



Click Here For Our CURRENTLY Listed Items!  

To view our currently listed comics, magazines and other pop culture items, just click on the photo above! To see other American Idol  items for sale by other sellers, just click this American Idol link!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:01 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 8, 2008 5:06 PM PDT
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Is John McCain Iron Man???
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: TV Shows



John McCain

 Iron Man?




Glenn Beck thinks he might be!

If you caught Glenn Beck's TV Show last night on CNN last night, you were treated to a movie trailer parody of John McCain as Iron Man!

Glenn Beck interspersed McCain Campaign footage with movie scenes from the Iron Man Film to, in Tina's opinion, somewhat mixed results!

But, kudos to Marvel Entertainment for having such a mainstream success that their Iron Man Film is deemed worthy enough to be parodied on National TV!

Regular blog readers will know that last Friday night Tina and I attended the May 2nd 2008 Iron Man Film Screening which we have blogged about with a review or two before, LOL!

So Tina thought no matter what the political party that our blog readers may or may not be affiliated with, that this film segment on the Glenn Beck TV Show would be a good one to share with our blog readers!


For those of you that are new to our blog, we have an ongoing comics and pop culture convention here at Make It So Marketing, what with our daily blog posts and listings of items for sale!

Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and come back again!

Michael and Tina


Click here to see our current listed IRON MAN Comics and Magazines for sale! 

Iron Man  started way back in 1963 when he appeared in his first story in Tales of Suspense #39 set during the VIETNAM WAR! 

Although John McCain doesn't bring it up all that often during interviews, he was a captive / hero in the same VIETNAM WAR... wonder if Glenn Beck's staff were aware of that connection???

Click here to see our IRON MAN Comics for sale! 

Above is an early issue from the Iron Man comic book series!

To view our currently listed Iron Man and other Marvel Superheroes Comics, magazines and other pop culture items, just click on the photos above!

Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale!
We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale! If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to email us a 'want list' and if in stock, we'll place it in our eBay Featured Store just for you and email you with the listing number(s)!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!

Thank YOU for being one of our

Site Meter

NOTE:  This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR in the Future!  Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Click here to see our current listed IRON MAN Comics and Magazines for sale! 

Iron Man  jetted into USA Theaters last Friday Night!  It's great to see that this Marvel Icon is finally getting his recognition with the mainstream public! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 1:08 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 8, 2008 1:23 PM PDT
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So He's Joining The Cast Of 'Heroes' TV Show...
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: TV Shows


So He's Joining The Cast Of


TV Show...!


So today in somewhat sloooow news, it's being blogged that Bruce Boxleitner is joing the cast of the 'Heroes' TV Show...

Long time blog readers of this blog will know that Tina just loves the 'Heroes' TV Show, and makes it point to attend the Special 'Heroes' Program at the SDCC - San Diego Comic Con International when it occurs each year!

So, I'll have to blog about it now and then get her reaction to it later, as she is out on her book promotion project right now!

So What's your thoughts on this new 'Heroes' cast add-on?

Oh, and supposedly he's to be a political figure on the show, which could please Bablyon 5 Show viewers who enjoyed his soldier turned politician role there!

Or do you even care at this point with the WGA Strike affecting this Season's airing of 'Heroes' episodes??!!

For those new to this blog, we have an ongoing comics and pop culture convention here at Make It So Marketing, what with our daily blog posts and listings of items for sale!

Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and check out our blog again real soon!



Click here to see our currently listed Comics and Magazines and promo items for sale!
Bruce Boxleitner of Bablyon 5 TV Show fame is shown above!

To view our currently listed promo items, comics and magazines, just click on the photo  above!  To see 'Heroes' TV Show items listings just click here: 'Heroes'!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale!
We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale! If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to email us a 'want list' and if in stock, we'll place it in our eBay Featured Store just for you and email you with the listing number(s)!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!

Thank YOU for being one of our

Site Meter


NOTE:  This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR in the Future!  Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 11:34 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 8, 2008 11:37 AM PDT
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American Idol Results Show - Our Take - The Final Four 05-07-08
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows


Our Take

On The American Idol's Results Show On the Final 4!



This blog post is being published the morning after the Results Show for the Final 4 on American Idol...

However I still can hear Tina saying "Thank God" and myself saying "YES!!" when it was Jason who was told to go home... and NOT Syesha!

It was great hearing Ryan say "Syesha... You're In The Top 3!" !

With almost 51 million votes cast for the 4 remaining contestants, 'America' finally got it right (IOHO) in what has become a 'popularity contest' instead of a 'talent contest' this Season 7 of American Idol.

A special note that may have been missed when Ryan Seacrest said early on that The Top 3 vote getters all were within a million votes of each other. Just thinking about next week's vote tally...

Tina thought aloud one more time as Jason sang his final song for the show... "I still don't understand why he looks like John Travolta in dreads'...

Tina also said that at this point 'Syesha is pulling a Kimberly Locke'. (For you newbies to the American Idol show, you'll have to look that one up!)

FYI, we have blogged about Season 7 since the first audtion show. CLICK HERE for our previous blog post about the 3 Judges' Thoughts on The Final 8!

For those of you new to us, we have an ongoing pop culture - comics convention here at Make It So Marketing, what with our daily blog posts and listings of items for sale!

For those that missed 'Our Take On The American Idol Performance Show' from Tuesday night, CLICK HERE!



Click here to see our current listed Comics and Magazines for sale!
Pictured above were the Remaining 5 of The Top 5 of American Idol's Season 7!

David Cook, Syesha Mercado, Jason Castro, Brooke White, and David Archuletta.

Next week we are down to the Final 3... We are figuring that the Finale will be the 'Battle of the Davids' as it has been predicted to be... although that would not be our choice for the Finale at this moment of time!

To view our currently listed comics, magazines and other pop culture items, just click on the photo above! To see other American Idol  items for sale by other sellers, just click this American Idol link!



Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale!    
We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!   If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to email us a 'want list' and if in stock, we'll place it in our eBay Featured Store just for you!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!

Thank YOU for being one of our

Site Meter



NOTE:  This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR in the Future!  Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.







Posted by makeitsomarketing at 9:49 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 8, 2008 10:07 AM PDT
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