
Topic: Comic Book Writers
January 23rd thru 25th, 2009! Jeff messaged me the following comment: "My new graphic novel ZOMBIE COP will be making its debut there! Although it goes on sale Jan. 14th from Image Comics/Shadowline, I'm not doing any events until the con." So of course I wanted to mention this in our Blog, especially if you are a fan of Jeff's and would like to see him there! More particulars on this graphic novel: "Joe Mundy is a doomed cop, desperately clinging to the last vestiges of his humanity before the virus that infected him turns him into a zombie. Will he have enough time to solve the mystery of what cause the virus to strike his city, before he succumbs to his horrific fate? Alternately humorous, horrific, tender and tragic, Zombie Cop will have you questioning just what it means to be human!" Publishing Details for this Graphic Novel: Tina and I vacationed in Sedona, Arizona during the Christmas Holiday Week, but won't be able to attend the Phoenix Comic Con at the end of January, (sigh)... Here are the details for the Phoenix Comic Con: Where: Phoenix Comicon 2009 is being held at the Mesa Convention Center. The Mesa Convention Center is a full-service event facility located in the heart of downtown Mesa, Arizona. The Center is conveniently located just 20 minutes from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, and is easily accessed via the Loop 202, Loop 101, and US 60. When: January 23rd thru 25th Cost: Full 3 Day Membership Purchased At The Door $35 Friday Single Day Membership $20 For more info: Thanks Jeff for bringing your graphic novel to my attention! And blog readers don't forget it goes on sale January 14th at all your usual sources! BTW, Jeff is also the author of several genre’s of books, from Spider-Man to CSI: Miami, to Star Trek, and even to Conan! Plus Jeff is writing a four-issue movie adaptation of the upcoming film Terminator: Salvation, that Tina and I previewed at the San Diego Comic Con International last July! The film looks so cool that I kept my Film Promo T-Shirt instead of selling it, LOL! (Please Note: A complimentary copy for this review was NOT provided by the publisher.) For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have over 472 Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! We were VERY pleased that our blog hit its' 300,000th visitor last week while we were on vacation in Sedona, Arizona... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! Note From Make It So Marketing: |