
Topic: Comic Books - New
But Only In Select Bookstores So Far! Griffin states that the 64 page black & white issue, (with a color cover), sports brand new works from Alex Hemming, Mike Freiheit, Raymond Sohn, Jason Estrin, Stefanie Schrank, Tim Sinaguglia, and Neil Iannone and of course Griffin Waldau. You can check out the preview pages at: This issue's cover price is $7.00; if bought online there is an additional $1.50 for handling and shipping. Comics anthologies are usually a little harder to keep published on an ongoing basis. So I try to encourage more readership to the ones that I am made aware and find of interest. Ask about this issue at your LCBS, or you can purchase it online from Griffin. The distribution is not yet nation-wide, so far only in NYC and Brooklyn and also in Asheville, North Carolina, thus online ordering may be your best opportunity to obtain a copy. The preview page has a link to online ordering using PayPal. (Please Note: A complimentary copy for this review was NOT provided by the publisher.) For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have over 472 Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! We were VERY pleased that our blog had its' 300,000th visitor at the end of last year while we were on vacation in Sedona, Arizona... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael and Tina