
Topic: Comic Books - New
And The Winner Is.... ![]() Ian Spires, (pictured above), says that "the SPA is a loose gathering of creators (graphic novels, comics, etc.), publishers, and the fans of such, banded together to build better tools to make it more likely for good indy stuff to survive in today's marketplace". So what exactly is Small Press Idol? I'll let their web site promo say it for them: "Small Press Idol is the greatest amateur's contest in comics, mixing a bit of American Idol with a bit of The Apprentice, and a bunch of our own special social experiment elements. This contest is not for everyone...but it will be fun, and, for those that participate, it will challenge you to be the best you can be. If you survive round 1, your work WILL BE PUBLISHED! This year: We have national store distribution! It's our biggest year ever!" For additional info, please see the rules of SPI for 2009, which have changed since the previous year at: I was planning to run a different blog post today, but with the American Idol two hour premiere show for 2009 on later tonite, this was too good of a tie-in to NOT blog it today! Also, for our long time blog readers that have been reading our blog posts on American Idol for the past two seasons, we have a change here ourselves this season... Sorry, but I have decided NOT to blog on American Idol tryouts, performances or result shows this Season. Last Season we had many bloggers come in and read, and / or comment on Tina's and my scoring of the contestants, and it was a lot of fun. However it is just too much of my time to write notes and score the performances AND then blog about them the next day. Our viewing and blogging habits have definitely changed since the WGA Strike affected our viewing season last year... there are other bloggers that are specializing in American Idol only, so we'll leave that to them this season! For those that don't know about our blogging on American Idol the previous two seasons, we have over 200 previous archived blog posts that you can read! Click here for An Index to our blog posts on 'American Idol' and 'The Next Great American Band'! (Please Note: Michael / Tina / Make It So Marketing Inc are not affialiated with, nor compensated by the publisher, the SPA, or the SPI. This blog post is for mention of the SPI only.) For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have over 473 Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! We are VERY pleased that our blog has had its' 313,000th visitor stop in this week... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael (and Tina)