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Josh Mills... Was kind enough to share with me several of his photos taken in Seattle and at the Emerald City Comic Con after he and his wife, Alexandra, arrived safely back home! I have blogged previously that Josh would have a table at the 2009 ECCC and that if you were going, to stop in and say hi... and check out his newly published 'Sketchbook'. What is really neat by viewing the photos that were emailed to me, is looking at the Con through the eyes of a comics pro and his wife. I am only able to share four of the photos here in the blog post, but if you are a Facebook member, then check out the rest he has uploaded at his 'Photos' section there! Of course there would be photos of Josh and Alexandra at this Con in his uploaded photos, and those photos tell of the excitement that was felt by both of them during this weekend convention. Josh was early at his table to help others set up, as seen in the topmost photo. I myself, as a dealer, have felt the 'urge' to arrive early to a show and set up. So that is good to see a comics pro feel the same urge to arrive early! In the next photo, Josh was joined by others in the comics field, which reminds me of how fun it is to have friends stop in at your table! Pictured are Aaron Kuder and Doug Hills with Josh. Of course it's not all fun fun fun at a con.... The third photo shows Josh sketching an illustration for a fan. Of course if you enjoy doing that, then it is fun to see your fan's face light up when he/she takes possession of the sketch after you are finished with it! And I couldn't resist publishing the photo of Alexandra meeting Mike Mignola for the first time! Reminds me of me finally meeting comics pros who hardly ever came out to the West Coast, like John Buscema! Again, if you are a Facebook member, then Josh has several more photos uploaded to his Facebook Member Page. Of course there are photos of costumed fans walking around and posing... but I usually publish too many of them here in my Blog already! Yeah, sorry no pics of Wonder Woman this post, LOL! Also, the 'Sketchbook by Josh Mills' is still available from the first printing. Josh told me before he left for the ECCC that... "The con price is $10 and this comes with a small sketch as a bookmark. The page count is 24 pages". You can check his web site to see when it is available for purchase again. Josh is expecting to have a table at the upcoming 2009 San Diego Comic Con International, (SDCC), in July, so you can also see him there to purchase and say hi! Josh's web site is: The 2009 Emerald City ComiCon ran this past weekend, April 4th thru 5th. For details on next year's convention you can view that con's web site at: http://www.emeraldcitycomicon.comBTW, I already blogged about 7 other creators that also were attending this same con... Click here to see that post! Thanks Josh and Alexandra for sharing your ECCC 2009 photos with me and my Blog readers! For those of you that are new to our blog today, we also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael
Raymond Leonard has informed me that... the first issue of his new comic book mini-series should be out soon for all to read! I just finished reading the preview copies to issues #1 & #2, and wanted to mention Raymond's new creation here in my blog. The first issue is 16 pages of the main story plus a backup feature for a $3.50 cover price, and #2 follows up with story with 22 pages of story for a $3.50 cover price. Raymond is the creator / writer / penciller / inker for this mini-series. The colorist is Virginie Menard. The 3 issue mini-series comic book is from Enemi Entertainment through Haven Distribution. So of course the first question would be... What is the story about? Well here is a synopsis of the story from Raymond on the publisher's web page: "Galvin Fry is a normal 20 year old retail stock boy, who encounters a "Galvin is told he's the only one who can stop the invasion. However, the perishing alien gives his "Gadgettron" gauntlet glove to him. (The Gadgettron is a symbioticbio-armor that mergies with it's host.) The symbiotic weapon has bonded with Galvin and can not be removed. However, he becomes a cosmic hero called "Guytron". He will have more to worry about, than every day personal life issues. Now it appears that the fate of the universe rests on his shoulders. This is a superhero - romance - action - sitcom where anything and everything can happen!" The creator goes on to say that ... "If you are a huge 80’s type of fan that like “Specter-Man”,”UltraMan”, 8Man, The Galaxy Rangers your gonna get that all out action! adventure! drama! and hanging on the edge suspense!"Okay, I read these first two stories in .pdf format, and I gotta agree that Raymond is going for the 1980's feel of comics in his first two issues! There are some familar aspects to the storyline as it unfolds in the beginning and the middle of this three issue story arc. But that doesn't take away from the story itself. So who is this mini-series 'targeted' for? Well, the creator states that it is for the Young Adult (YA) to the 'older crowd'. When a creator of a project takes on all the duties of writing / pencilling / inking etc. on a project, the success or failure of the project lies directly on the shoulders of that creator. The creator has to know who his/her target market is and to write for that audience. In this case, Guytron does hit the mark for the Young Adult audience IMHO. Sure, there could be a little tightening up of the storyline, but I haven't seen the finale of this three story arc as of yet... So I would have to reserve judgment on that. The artwork does remind me of the early days of Image Comics with a few 'pin-up' style pages, but the artwork flows with the story nonetheless. For those of you near Chicago, Illinois, Raymond will be exhibiting at the Wizard World Chicago this upcoming August 6th - 9th, 2009. So by then, this first mini-series of Raymond's should be totally published, and you could ask him there about his next planned story arc for Guytron that he has in mind! In the meantime check out Raymond's three issue mini-series at your LCBS or regular online source for purchase! (Note: eBay doesn't allow 'hot links' in the eBay blog posts to non-eBay pages, so if you are reading this on our Blog's eBay format version, just copy and paste the url into your browser and add the www. if necessary. Also Please Note: A .pdf copy for this mention / review was provided by the creator.) For those of you that are new to our blog today, my wife and I also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have 480+ Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael
Today my wife Tina is our 'Guest Blogger' with her thoughts on two Owly Graphic Novels... Owly - A Time To Be Brave (4th GN in the series), and Owly - Tiny Tales (5th GN in the series). Here's Tina's post: Owly is an adorable little Owl created by Andy Runton. Owly lives in a treehouse in a woods filled with friends: a wiggly worm, ducks, rabbits, a racoon, and a possum, to name a few. Each story is a little adventure and lesson for Owly and his young reader. Owly is geared to the very young using little language to tell the story. Little ones will enjoy the sweet little stories, while their elders will enjoy how the lessons are told. Personally I much preferred "A Time to Be Brave" over all the little stories in "Tiny Tales." But I think this is more the preference of an adult than a young reader. "Tiny Tales" offers a wealth of sweet little bedtime stories for pre-schoolers. "A Time to Be Brave" is a full length story of Owly and his friend Wormy's adventure with a nocturnal menace - the opossum. Who will love Owly? Pre-schoolers and indulgent grandparents, aunts and uncles. As my husband Michael, the reformed "bean counter", points out... $10 for a little book of tales (with little words) is pricey. But paired with a cute little stuffed owl, glow worm, duck or rabbit, an Owly book makes a special gift for a special pre-schooler. Enjoy, ~Tina Details for this 4th Graphic Novel: Owly - A Time To Be Brave Format: Softcover ----------------- Details for this 5th Graphic Novel: Owly - Tiny Tales Format: Softcover ----------------- For those of you that are new to our blog today, my wife and I also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store!
Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!! ~ Michael (and Tina)
Earlier this past week I noticed that Miss Lasko-Gross... had a new graphic novel that was just published by Fantagraphic Books. In one of the comics news magazines that I have a subscription to, it was considered one of five 'Indie Gems' to read. Since I have not yet blogged about Miss Lasko-Gross's earlier works, I thought I would mention this newest endeavor of hers here in my Blog. For those that are not aware of her previous works, 'A Mess of Everything' is the second volume in Miss Lasko-Gross's semi-autobiographical trilogy. It actually picks up where the first volume, Escape from "Special," left off. However, You really don't have to search out and read the first book of the trilogy to enjoy this second volume, as 'A Mess Of Everything' is actually separate short stories combined into this volume. So what is this volume about? Well it is about a... "self-effacing non-conformist Melissa now in high school, where the stakes are higher as she copes with an anxiety-induced drug habit and an anorexic best friend". This volume finds "Melissa finding herself negotiating the kinds of everyday problems facing young adults today — such as alienating her friends with her uncomfortable honesty and accidentally breaking her best guy friend's heart". Ok, so this may sound like several young adults you may know... maybe even some of stories will remind you of your earley self? Well... "Eventually, her woes cause her to nearly flunk out of school, and by the end of the book Melissa faces the choice that we all do at some point: to take the risk and pursue her dreams or settle for a safer, more secure routine"! So that pretty much says what this second volume in the trilogy covers! Please note: This graphic novel does contain language that is now somewhat commonly used by young adults. It will probably be placed in the YA sections of your local library should that institution purchase a copy. However it is not for young children, and a caution is noted for the 'tweens' age group because of the language. I found the graphic novel to be an interesting read, and the art style that Miss Lasko-Gross uses is one that actually grabs me the more I read into the graphic novel. The storyline is not totally unfamilar to a reader, yet different enough to want you to read more. The growth that Melissa goes through during this time period makes an interesting read. It is nice that the stories within this graphic novel are broken up into several story arcs. So that a new reader doesn't feel like they have to finish the book at one sitting. Thus you are able to take in the artwork as well as the text during a leisurely reading. I definitely can see why it was chosen as an 'Indie Gem' in the publication I first saw this mentioned in! I look forward to the third volume being published... Details for this Book: For those of you that are new to our blog today, my wife and I also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have 480+ Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael (and Tina)