
Topic: Comic Book Movies
We've been asked... As to why we haven't posted our thoughts on the latest Star Trek Film. Well, although I have all the Star Trek Films on tape, watched most of the multiple TV series, and went to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas... I don't consider myself an expert on the Franchise. Additionally, Tina just hasn't been that much of a Trek Fan of any of the series or films, believe it or not! Even with the name of her company the way it is...! Yet, after several emails and messages to us asking about where's our 'review'?, I've decided we should post our thoughts on this 'reboot' film. First, we are both fans of JJ Abrams works, including 'Alias' and 'Lost'. Secondly I usually don't like 'reboots' or re-imagining of series or characters that I've been reading or watching for quite a while...
Karl Urban as Bones was there from the beginning and I could see how he would develope into the Bones that I enjoyed in ST: TOS. Great casting here. Simon Pegg as Scotty came in much later in the film, but his role was vital and true to the man that I enjoyed watching on TV. Another great bit of casting here. Anton Yelchin as Chekov had several funny lines, and several that weren't overly meant to be funny, but with the Russian accent it broke up some 'heavy' scenes. Good casting here. I enjoyed John Cho as Sulu. The fencing bit was a good homage to the original Sulu. Pretty good casting here. Already mentioned Quinto as Spock. The only thing topping him was Leonard Nimoy as Spock Prime! Great scenes and casting (d'oh!) for both. So that leaves Uhura and Kirk as the major characters not mentioned. Zoe Saldana was reminiscent of Uhura could have been, I just didn't like the way her part was written in this film. And try as I might, I just couldn't get Chris Pine as James T Kirk. It might again have to do with the script, not Chris as Kirk per se, as I could glimmers of him as the Kirk I grew up with... So, what would I give this film for a rating? Well, it was a good story even though it changed the 'canon' of the Franchise. It was worth the money we paid to see it at the Big Screen. But the time travel which allowed the changing of the Star Trek that I grew up with kept me from giving it more than a Near Mint Minus (NM-) 9.2 out of a 10.0 scale. ~ Michael So as promised above, here's Tina POV: Star Trek: 9.0 That's my rating for the latest Star Trek movie. What did I, the non-Trekkie, typical movie goer, like about it? 1.) The characters. The casting was superb. Using relative unknowns in most of the primary roles enabled us to enjoy the ride as the much-beloved characters developed.
Standouts for me: Bones, Uhura and Spock. Special kudos to Chris Pine for making me appreciate Kirk for the first time. While I love Shatner's later, self-deprecating work, I could never stomach him as Kirk. Pine's brand of ego-mania was much more tolerable, to say nothing of how the antics of the story kept knocking him down to size. I enjoyed how, instead of winning the bar fight, he got the crap beat out of him. His comic turn with Bones had our audience in stitches. 2.) The heart of the story. From the opening scene when Kirk the elder sacrifices himself so his wife, newborn son and crew can live, to Uhura comforting Spock, to Leonard Nimoy telling young Kirk that he'd just lost his planet, this Star Trek kept the emotions in play throughout. 3.) The sheer fun of hearing "wessels", "wulcan", "Bones" "g__dammit I'm just a man!" and seeing Leonard Nimoy flash the Vulcan greeting once again! What didn't I like? 1.) Time travel - at some point the permutations of the implications of a time travel situation just exhaust me. (Yet, I'm still hooked on LOST TV Show - go figure!) 2.) Space. It looks like space. No one can hear you scream. And, if there's no people in it, it ain't interesting. 3.) Space ships. see #2 above. J.J. Abrams' Star Trek is good summer fun! ~Tina Here at Make It So Marketing's blog, we post daily on comics and pop culture news and events. Check out our daily blog posts, and new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!! ~ Michael and Tina |