
Topic: Comic Book Writers
Earlier today my Facebook Friend Paul Kupperberg posted on his Facebook Wall a photo of himself using Captain America's shield from his personal collection as a prop in his salute to this Special Day... I wanted to share that photo with those blog readers of ours that couldn't see that photo for themselves on Paul's Facebook photo album. For those that are not totally familiar with Paul Kupperburg's credits as a writer... Paul is an author of novels, short stories, more than a dozen YA non-fiction books for Rosen Publishing and Chelsea House on topics ranging from history and science to biography and popular culture. Plus as a writer for DC Comics, Marvel, Fleetway (U.K.), Germany (Ehapa), Charlton Comics and others, more than 600 comic book stories, including Superman, Superboy, Batman, Green Lantern, Conan, Captain America, Judge Dredd, and many others. Plus Paul created the titles Arion Lord of Atlantis, Checkmate!, and Takion. Whew... And that's Not listing what's he's done lately! Anyways, Kudos to Paul in his unique way of saluting the Legacy of Captain America for our Armed Forces this 4th of July Weekend! For those of You that would like to see what Paul is up to, just check out his blog at: Also, to the right of Paul's photo is a smaller inset photo of Michael and Tina 'in a G.I. Joe action figure combo pak' taken at the 2002 SDCC (San Diego Comic Con International). That is our little tribute to the Armed Forces serving today overseas! Even though Michael grew up as a 'Navy Brat', he couldn't find a Captain Storm - PT Boat Skipper action figure to be encapsulated in! So GI Joe is our photo salute!! Hope You All have a Safe and Sane 4th of July Weekend! BTW, we aren't shooting off any fireworks here at Make It So Marketing's Blog, (LOL), but we do blog daily on comics and pop culture news and events! Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!! ~ Michael (and Tina)