OR Never Been To One Before, And Want To See What You Have Been Missing...
Then you could check out this Free Film on the 2006 Comic Con International San Diego produced by one of my Facebook Friends, Allen Freeman!
That's right, I said Free! All You have to do is to check out http://www.mutantsmovie.com/ and on the right side of the portal page click on the 'New - Play The Full Movie Here' link to watch the movie for free!
That's what my youngest son and I did yesterday after being informed that the film was available for viewing online by Allen.
I asked Allen what 'rating' the movie would have and what it was about, as of course I had already seen several clips of earlier Comic Cons online.
Allen answered with the following:
"The movie is PG-13. Written and starring Dean LeCrone, filmed on the fly, full improv, at the San Diego Comic-Con in 2006. Shot and edited by Allen Freeman. A full onslaught of crazy interviews, dancing, and cavorting comedy by Dean LeCrone, cartoonist and actor. Must be seen to be believed. Pre-shows have gotten rave reviews! Tons of laughter every time you watch it! Can't all be consumed in one sitting! We predict it to be a CULT CLASSIC! Movie 41min, DVD w/extras-120min."
Allen went on to day that the "Extra Features: Interview with Dean LeCrone, Slideshow, Deleted Scenes, About Dean and Allen and A Message from Killer Robot! And a secret video if you can find it! A full year in the making! No boring, static interviews, a surprise at every turn!".
I asked Allen what role he played in producing the movie. He answered back: "I was the cameraman, editor, dvd and box designer, web designer, and even cast some ideas off to Dean who was the mastermind behind everything. And the star of the movie!".
Okay... So while Tina was busy writing proposals to potential new clients yesterday afternoon, and while my youngest son and I were taking a break from working on the comic side of the biz, I turned on the 41 minute film via acces through my laptop.
For those that don't know what goes on at the San Diego Comic Con... It's like "The Woodstock for Comic Book Fans without the Mud'. Yet it is "Less about comics than dressing up or dressing down", as Dean Lecrone puts it at the beginning of the film.
Dean's main focus in the film is that he wants to find "the Mutants of Comic Con". And that's what we were in for during this film.
Day 1 - which is actually 'Preview Night' set the stage for what Dean was there for. Although only 3 hours in length officially, it actually starts way before the 3:00 PM opening of badge pick up at registration. Part of the fun is waiting with others of like mind in line for the registration doors to open! And then streaming like lemmings toward the exhibit hall doors opening at 6:00 PM which Dean shows parts of.
Day 2 - starts with Dean showing off his 'Pro Badge', and leads into a song / dance number, which I thought was pretty good. My pre-teen son laughed several times during this section. Of course what would a film on Comic Con be without a 'Babes of Comic Con' section which was next!
Day 3 - Allen Freeman and his wife take a break from the Con and go to the San Diego Zoo instead of the Con. Thus we see Dean attempting to go it solo, being narrator and cameraman... Yikes!
Day 4 - The Artists of Comic Con - good natured fun.
Day 5 - The Final Day - with 'The Studs of Comic Con'... sure...LOL!
My son said at the end... "I liked it. It was funny". So I asked him to give me a rating number, on a 1 to 10 scale. He gave it an 8.5 number. Not bad for him!
Being a 'Old Pro' at going to the SDCC, I found most of what Dean and Allen put together to be what an attendee could find if they were looking for 'Mutants At Comic con'.
Which is one reason why I go to programs upstairs on Saturday or attend Hall 'H' for Hollywood programs, instead of battling the 'Mutants' on the exhibit floor. Just too darn crowded on that day for me, LOL!
So yeah, the film itself is a good representation of that 'side' of Comic Con, and is entertaining, to say the least. I found myself watching the film till the end of the credits, which is what Tina and I do at feature films at the Big Screen. So, if you like the free online film from this DVD, which is 41 minutes long, you might want to check out the Extras, which is on the DVD itself for purchase!
Again... For more info: http://www.mutantsmovie.com/ and also at http://www.fanaticpressfilms.com/.
Plus you can see what Allen is up to lately at his personal site: http://www.allenfreeman.net/ and also at his new photo site: http://www.afreemanphotography.com/ !
BTW, we will be putting our online store and our actual blogging 'on vacation mode' from July 22nd thru July 26th! But until then we will be blogging daily on comics and pop culture news and events! Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store!
Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!
~ Michael
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 | | Thank You For Being One Of This Blog's 
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