Lately I haven't been blogging about 'mainstream comics' that much...
Not that I don't read them, but that there is so much coverage by other bloggers out there on them that I would feel like I'm repeating myself (or them) here!
I used to be a 'completist' in collecting comics and would buy issues that just didn't 'cut it' for me as a reader. Sometimes cycles of months or even years would go by, and I would show up every New Comics Day to just add the latest issue to my 'complete run'.
Well, ever since I started selling those complete runs a few years ago, I broke those 'chains' of buying habits! It only took my selling one each of a complete run to realize that once I did that, I didn't have to buy new issues of a title that didn't satisfy me any more!
So that is why you see so many different titles being reviewed here, and mostly from the 'independent publishers' this year!
However there are individual issues from mainstream publishers as well as from independent publishers that are worth taking the time to mention.
The top left corner of this blog post is one of those issues. It was distributed at the DC Comics booth at the recent Comic Con International: San Diego. Tina and I picked up a couple of copies of that issue. As you can see by the top right photo of this blog post, we are fans of Batman the character! I recently wrote a chapter (essay) for an upcoming book to be published in 2010. (More on that later, same Bat-Time ... Same Bat-Place!).
Here are the details from DC Comics on this first issue:
Written by Grant Morrison: Art and Cover by Frank Quitely: Variant Cover by JG Jones; Sketch variant cover by Frank Quitely
"Batman Reborn" begins here! With the reunited team of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, WE3,New X-Men), this first issue kicks off a 3-part story arc that can't be missed! The new Dynamic Duo hit the streets with a bang in their new flying Batmobile as they face off against an assemblage of villains called the Circus of Strange. They also tackle their first mission investigating a child who's been abducted by the mysterious Domino Killer. But will everything go smoothly? And who exactly are the new Batman and Robin? The newest era of The Dark Knight begins here!
OK, that's what DC sez... Here's my thoughts on this issue:
The cover was striking enough for me to pick it up at the Con. The 'intro fist page' was enough to make me turn the page and see the two-page 'splash page'. Which showed a flying Batmobile! Okay, got my interest!
The storyline kept my interest and the art was very well done. I'm not going to spoil it for you here as to who the new team members are, etc., so I'll just mention that for a 'reboot' of this franchise, it was a well done first issue... except... for where the story ended (for now) in the last two pages. The storyline of course is a continued story, and up to that point I enjoyed the presentation.
It wasn't the art that keeps me from giving this issue a big thumbs up, as Frank Quitely's art is magnificient here! It's not the colors, as Alex Sinclair did a fine job also. And I enjoyed almost all of the story by Grant Morrison... until... the final two pages...
So yeah, I'll pick up the next issue just to see where this storyline is going, but if it continues on course in the direction that the last two pages took, then I for one won't be back, great art or not!
Please note: Nowhere do I see any kind of 'rating' for readership on this comic book. And yes, I 'know' that 'comics' aren't for 'kids' anymore... But still, I find it kind of tough to rave about comic books and comic book movies when there are less and less comics out there that the pre-teens can pick up to read OR that their parents or uncles can buy to give to young readers to start them on reading comics... You would think that a title called 'Batman and Robin' would be a little more 'light' in tone while in keeping with what the front cover is showing as a 'draw' to pick up the comic book in the first place! The cover looks 'cool', that 's for sure!
Now, Don't get me wrong... I'm fine with HoRRoR stories or MoNSTer stories etc., I read those that are sent in to me to possibly review; but let me know ahead of time as most indie publications do with a 'For Mature Readers Only' or some other verbage!
You see, as an online dealer, I find it hard to recommend something and then find that the person buying the item was going to give it as a gift to someone else who is a lot younger! And then to hear the flack about it! I feel for the retailers who have to face parents or others that come in to a store to complain a comic book issue that their kid brought home, or one they paid for not realizing the content.
One of the reasons we normally don't deal in 'new comics' is because of the above scenario. It is a lot easier to deal in comics that have the old CCA stamp of approval. Not saying that we should go back to those days, but man, it's a lot easier dealing with those comics for resale!
I bring the above up because this past month we were asked by three more creators if we would like to stock their comics in our 'store'. As we are an online comics dealer, Not an online comics retailer nor a brick n' mortar comics store, we decided to say no once again. It's hard to deal in new comics online, as our clientele is mainly looking for back issues anyway, and we don't need the possible 'hassle' in selling unrated comics.
However, and here's where the commercial comes in... If You haven't picked up this First Issue yet of Batman and Robin #1, AND are an 'older reader', we do have it listed in our online store for LESS than what the other sellers have it listed for. (Click here to see our listings for this special first issue.)
While You are looking at the above first issue in our store's aisle... Please check out our other new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on!
Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films!
~ Michael
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you breaking into or work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 | | Thank You For Being One Of This Blog's 
NOTE: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768. All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. CONVENTION PHOTOS: OK, I'm re-posting the below photo today to go along with this blog's topic as it is fitting. It's a father and son team that were costumed as Batman and Robin as seen at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con International! 
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