
Topic: TV Shows
Last Friday Night Tina and I were among many who attended the first film evening of the 2009 Leo Carrillo Film Festival... Which led me to blog about our evening there in conjunction with reviewing the HoRRoR Western Comic Book 'Boot Hill" Issue #1 from Main Enterprises the next day! Last night Tina and I just went with our neighbor Vikki to the second film evening, instead of with the group that was sponsored by the Men's Group the previous Friday. Plus this morning I don't have a comic book to review! Sure I could probably take one of the forty issues of The Cisco Kid that were printed from January 1951 - October - December 1958 by Dell Comics and review that here, but I'll just post a photo at the bottom right of this blog post showing issue #29 that was more in keeping with last night's feature film co-starring Leo Carrillo as a fisherman. Instead I'll just mention that even without our larger group sponsored by the Men's Group, we had lots of others out there on the lawn to watch the 2nd night of the 2009 Leo Carrillo Film Festival! Approximately 250 persons gathered and watched another episode of The Cisco Kid that ran before the 1941 re-make film of Barnacle Bill that starred Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main, and Leo Carrillo. The above photos show the opening credits of The Cicso Kid TV Show episode that was shown last night. It is really 'different' to sit under the stars at Leo Carrillo's Ranch and watch his TV Show episodes and then films he that played in. The Film Festival audience is actually sitting near the pool and cabana where Leo and his family used to entertain their guests, mostly from Hollywood, who would travel down to the ranch that once comprised the Eastern area of Carlsbad that we now live in! Matter of fact Clark Gable and Carole Lombard spent their honeymoon there at the ranch many years ago! The film last night was really good, a MGM flick with the great Wallace Beery. Of course all of us had a good time, what with the wine and picnic dinner that Tina and Vikki prepared. The Ranch folks also cooked hot dogs and had popcorn and candy to eat while watching the TV show episode and film for those that didn't bring food. There will be three more weeks of the Leo Carrillo Film Festival should you be in the Carlsbad, California area, September 18th (Friday) & 26th (Saturday), and then back to a Friday night on October 2nd! The 26th evening will be a special 'Phantom Of the Opera' showing, of the 1943 film. My thanks to Denise who took a few photos of Tina, Vikki, and myself last night, (of which one is published above right). And for the additional conversation with Denise's friend Anna, who just happened to enjoy and collect the old EC HoRRoR Comics. Small World indeed when you make conversation with others sitting around you! Also, last night before entering the Hacienda, I talked with Allan Kindle who is on the Board of Directors for the Ranch. Upon hearing of my interest in buying / selling / blogging about comics, he mentioned that he had gone to the San Diego Comic Con International about five years ago to look for Cisco Kid Comics for their exhibit at the Ranch itself! Which reminds me... For more info on the Film Festival or just to learn about the ranch, check out the web site at: Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films!While You are here today... Please check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that most of our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! ~ Michael