
Topic: Comic Books - New
Last Friday I blogged about the passing of George Tuska, a long time comic book and comic strip artist. On Saturday I blogged about 'Silver Comics' issue #1, which attempts to bring to today's readers what made comics fun during the the 'Silver Age of Comics' that George Tuska was part of... Which led the publisher of that comic book title to notify me that issue #3 of the series had published a cover for the issue of #3 by George Tuska. At that time the publisher, (Johnny Ortiz), had two covers for issue #3 completed, one by George and the other by Nick Cardy. Well, readers of that issue were in for a treat, because both covers were used for the issue. Nick's was the front cover, and George's was used for the back cover. Both covers were spectacular! Which is why I am publishing this blog post today showing both covers! Along with a more recent photo of George Tuska PLUS Nick Cardy with him when they illustrating together not too long ago! (Special Note: Today, October 20th, is Nick's 89th Birthday.... Happy Birthday Nick Cardy!) On Friday when I blogged about George's passing, I realized that others like myself who were mentioning George's passing, had NO recent photos of George to go along with the copy text of my blog. George was another comics creator that let his work speak and appear for himself during all those long years in the comic book and comic strip industries... Heck it wasn't until the early 1960's that most creators started receiving actual printed credits for their works in comic books! Which is kind of sad, so I thought I would add his photo, (and Nick Cardy's) here in my blog today, along with a review of the interior pages that the two covers covered from beginning to end! Here, I'll let you read what the PR says about the interior stories of Issue #3: Cloud Buster: "Up From the Ashes!" Johnny Ortiz (writer, layouts), Dan Beltran (writer), Scott Seeto (illustrator) Cloud Buster is captured by Dr. Ash and forced to battle his former ally General Holt, whom Ash has transformed into a monster.Seabolt: "Enemy of the Lost Realm!" Johnny Ortiz and Dan Beltran (writers, layouts), Bryan Mon (illustrator) The mermaid Sigrid, believing Seabolt is the fabled champion Stelabo, leads Seabolt to the secret underwater world of Merea. Dr. Dark's brain deflects a missile so it destroys the ship that had launched it. In Merea, General Ralo challenges Seabolt to a duel. Seabolt, Ralo, and the army of Merea prepare to defend Merea from an attack by CLASH. Captain Rescue: "Songs in the Key of Crime!" Johnny Ortiz (story, layouts), Dan Beltran (writer, illustrator) Captain Rescue meets the bank robber Killer Solo and his super-powered guitar! Boom Boxx: "The Origin of Boom Boxx!" Johnny Ortiz (writer, artist), Dan Beltran (writer) Gus Garcia was the test pilot of a space ship called the Boom Boxx. Far from Earth, the ship was struck by a comet and crash landed on a moon. A team of alien surgeons saved Garcia's life by combining his body with parts of his space ship. As Boom Boxx, a living space ship, he now has adventures throughout the universe. Chameleon Man: "The Origin of Chameleon Man, Chapter One: Dying to be Born" Ruben Procopio (writer, artist), George Perez and Dennis Rau (script assistance) By night, Private Investigator Van West fought crime as the Crimson Mask. One night in 1966, the Crimson Mask was shot to death by a jewel thief. 1966 would also be the year the Chameleon Man was born. The Man Called Santa: "Chimney of No Return!" Johnny Ortiz (writer, artist), Dan Beltran (writer) Satan, in control of Santa's body, battles Rudolph, the rest of the reindeer, and Tinko the Elf. Rudolph says that only Santa could lead an army to defeat Satan. Santa awakens in HELL! Dr. Monster: "The Cage of Woe!" Johnny Ortiz (writer, layouts), Dan Beltran (writer), Vince Musacchia (penciller, inker) Man-Star is imprisoned on Areth, alongside many villains he was responsible for bringing to justice. These villains see their chance for revenge. Man-Star wins a fight with Tongor, then fights all the other prisoners at once. A prison guard stops the battle by removing Man-Star from the cell. The council decides to hold Man-Star's trial as soon as possible to prevent further chaos. The Prime Minister celebrates his control of the council on Areth, while his partner celebrates his rule over the planet in the next dimension. The planet Earth. OK, first let me say this... I did read issue #2 of this series, but did not blog about it yet. Second, Nick & George only illustrated the two covers used, but those were a treat in themselves. Third, here's my thoughts on the features contained within issue #3: CLOUD BUSTER - Continued with great story and art within its pages. One of the best story arcs in this Silver Comics series so far! SEA-BOLT - This storyline reminded me why I liked the early Sub-Mariner and Aquaman features from the 'Silver Age of Comics'! CAPTAIN RESCUE - A three page feature, it reminded me of a combo of features I had read in the past, but I can't put my fingers on which ones... But I liked it! BOOM BOXX - Origin stories are always 'tuff' to do, but this one has my interest... CHAMELEON MAN - The heavy usage of blacks and greys don't really fit in with the other stories in this issue. However I do remember that the pre-Code comics of the early to mid 1950's made heavy use of this style. THE MAN CALLED SANTA - This 7 page feature gets the reader back on track in the 'Silver Age of Comics'... and I still like the concept that was first presented in issue #1 of this series. DOCTOR MONSTER - He pretty much disappears in this six page feature, because Man-Star 'stars' in this feature. So.... I did enjoy the two covers wrapping this issue. I also enjoyed reading the entire issue, some features more than others. But again an anthology is always hard to publish and please everyone as I have mentioned before. Yet I am looking forward to reading all 8 issues of this series plus the 'Annual' that was also published. You too can read these 'Silver Comics', at least all of them published so far! You can find out about the latest updates of this series including when #9 is schedule to be published by going to their Facebook Fan Page by clicking here! Oh, and just so you don't think I'm hoggin' all their comics to myself... They have a 'special' going on right now at this special page, where you can get all 8 of their regular issues, (plus the Annual thrown in for Free), at: ! Only $21.95 plus shipping! Tell 'em Michael @ sent you! ;-) BTW.... Whereas Tina and I don't publish comics or books (yet?) or set up at comic cons anymore, (except at our own Facebook Virtual Comic Con Dealer Table), we do have thousands of indies and mainstream comics in our own online store. Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films! ~ Michael @