
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': Just a short blog post today, as I am busy at a new client's office since mid-week during the day... So I'm going to tell you my thoughts on Jackrabbit #1 from Committed Comics! First...Below is the press release for this TPB: "In a world gone mad, one hero, in a race against time… is really busy doing something else.That leaves Jackrabbit to deal with the self-proclaimed menace of The Eight Fingers of Mischief. Jackrabbit must run a gauntlet of hilarity to stop an octet of third-rate super villains from achieving their diabolical goal to cause some degree of discomfort and disruption to the world at large. 104 Full Color Pages - SRP $7.99! Written by: Boe DuRansier I have read individual issues of Jack Cole's Plastic Man and Ben Edlund's The Tick prior to reading this TPB. But, I'm not going to compare this compilation to those issues, in case You haven't read them before.
Note: You do have to know some other comic book companies' characters to get the full effect of the parodies, though. The writer / creator of this series was Bo DuRansier. (As shown illustrated to the left).
The lettering fits this style of presentation. The coloring is vivid, but not over the top. The only thing that could have been improved on, IMO, was the actual breaks between the stories. I only saw one clear break in the TPB, so this was a formatting issue for the TPB, not the actual stories themselves. I liked the fact that there were additional pages added after the last story. There we find the 'origin' of the character in the creator's mind, and much more, including bios of Bo DuRansier, C Wilson Trull, and character sketches. There are selected interior pages of the publciation for you to view there, before possible purchasing. Plus, if You are a member of Facebook, then You can be interactive with others interested in this comic book and others by Committed Comics by checking out this link for the Facebook Fan Page for Committed Comics on Facebook and joining! My thanks to Thomas Doherty, Editor In Chief at Committed Comics, for sending the promo copy for possible mention or review here in my Blog! AND: Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! We usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, book signings, and other pop culture news and events, such as the review blogged about here today! Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article! ~ Michael D Hamersky @