
Topic: Other Movie Genres
TODAY'S FEATURE: Allright... I've been getting quite a bit of emails and messages about when I'm going to be publishing more of the 'finds' that Tina and I found at the recent Long Beach Comic Con Expo! Believe it or not, I haven't run out of features to run here about that one day con in my blog! And this 'find'... Well, You've got to see it to believe it! It's kind of cute and kind of risque... not over the top like the Feature from this past Saturday's blog, yet in a similar vein, but lighter in tone. What is it you say? Well, first... Make sure you take a look at the photo of the Pirate, the Turtle, and Me at the top right of this post...Yeah, I said Pirate, Turtle and Me! That's because the two costumed characters above are from: Huh? Well... You gotta take a look at the portal page of their web site to figure it out! Plus there are several of the cartoons already up for your viewing pleasure! I met Daniel the Turtle, (a.k.a. Steven Sievers) at the LBCC Expo, along with Dahveed. Tina kind of surprised them by thinking and saying out loud that the Pirate's Hat looked like a Survivor TV Show Hidden Immunity Idol! Hey! She meant it as a compliment, guys! ;) Here, this is what the cartoon show is all about in their own blurbs: "Supa Pirate Booty Hunt is a new animated show created by Steve Sievers of Level 27 Clothing & Dahveed of It's sex, drugs and rock 'n roll all on the high seas! Supa Pirate Booty Hunt is a cartoon intended for a hip, young adult audience. It has no nudity but adult humor and implied sexual situations. It is a hip late night show with a style similar to Adult Swim shows such as Venture Brothers and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The show combines classic slapstick squash and stretch Looney Tunes style animation with great action adventure story arches and hilarious comedy. The show spoofs current events, celebrities and the media while being set in a world of ancient magic and futuristic technology."
Okay, Okay, enuff already! Here's the mention! ;) Anyways, this is a pretty good cartoon show and I think you should give it a look / listen. They also have a Facebook Fan Page that YOU can be interactive with them at: "Supa Pirate Booty Hunt". Oh, and for those that of YOU that would like to attend the NEXT Long Beach Comic Con... check out their Facebook Fan Page by clicking here! My thanks to Steven for reminding me about their works, and to Tina LoSasso who once again took a great photo at the LBCC! AND...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now almost 3,100 in number!! ~ Michael D Hamersky @