
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3131: This morning I'm blogging 'My Take', (a.k.a. review), on 'The Adventures of Captain Rochester', which are the promotional comic books published by Rochester Electronics. I have blogged earlier about meeting Scott Shaw! at the recent 2010 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con, (click here for the blog), who was the illustrator for issue #2 only... Scott gave me a copy of that issue, and I wondered aloud about issue #1 and if it differed from issue #1? Well, I was sent a copy of #1 by the Company itself for possible review here! So What's "My Take" on these issues? Well, first let me recap what I said about the series and #2 in particular: The artwork on the cover of #2 and the interior pages were illustrated by Scott Shaw!, so naturally I had to read it, after Scott himself offered it to me at the Wizard World Anaheim! The issue's script was by George Karalias & Paul Gerrish, with art by Scott Shaw!, coloring by Tom Luth, and with lettering by Dan Nakrosis. Edited by George Karalias & Scott Shaw! I found this issue to be chock full of information, and a fun read! Which is why I enjoy reading 'promotional comics' like this! So what is the background and theme for this comic book title? Here's what I found from the web site: Captain Rochester and the Quest for Traceability, Authorization and Quality. "To combat the increasingly severe problems caused by counterfeit and sub-standard semiconductors, Rochester Electronics joined forces with the Semiconductor Industry Association to establish the SIA Anti-Counterfeit Task Force. In addition, Rochester continues to participate in international anti-counterfeit efforts, including the Reliable Electronic Component Suppliers Classification program in China (RECS). To further this cause, Rochester Electronics introduced Captain Rochester - a strong and entertaining industry hero who promotes safe and secure methods of dealing with the procurement of semiconductors. As an icon, he has come to be a symbol of what is right about the industry. As Smokey the Bear is to preventing forest fires, Captain Rochester is to preventing customers from making mistakes in buying counterfeit or sub-standard devices. As new plots and adventures unfold, Captain Rochester will do more than battle against the "dark side" of the industry - he will interact in positive and beneficial relationships with other characters who will represent real-world allies dedicated to facilitating the purchase of legitimate semiconductor products." That was pretty cool in my book! So, what about issue #1? Well, since it came out first, almost a year earlier, any comparisons should not be heavy handed. I consider myself a fair reviewer, so here goes: Issue #1's Front Cover: Good Layout, and good use of the comic book title's logo. The right amount of 'copy' (text) for a promotional comic book cover! Inside front cover: One of those 'imaginary' full page ads that you would see in older comics. Neat idea! I liked it! Splash Page (Page 1): There wasn't a 'splash page' in this issue. Page one started right off for what turned out to be a 3 page story. The villain was the same main character used on the inside front cover page, 'Count Der Fitter', (pun intended). Story by Paul Gerrish and george Karalias. Pencils and inks by Charlie Cody. Color by Tom Luth. I enjoyed this promotional storyline, and thought it meshed in well with the company's uniqueness. The next story titled 'Star Truck: The Search for Stock' had reasonably illustrated likenesses of the parodied characters, enough that you would know who the characters were meant to be. This was 4 pages with the story and art by Paul Gerrish. Color by Tom Luth. Edited by George Karalias. I was pleased with the story and enjoyed the parody references. The last interior page was a crossword puzzle. The answers were displayed on the Company's web site. Good promotion there! Inside back cover: 'The Trailing Edge' - 1 page story. This was presented almost like the old text pages that used to be printed in older comics for mailing purposes. You gotta be my age or know the purposes of those pages to understand what I mean here... Back Cover: Great Promo Page for Rochester Electronics! If you didn't know what was going on here in this comic book before...Then now you knew! I found this 1st issue to be a true 'promotional' comic book, like the older ones I've read in the past that were either one-shots or released sporadically. This 1st issue was released January 2007, and #2 was released November of 2008. But they are still 'timely' and a good promotional series! BTW, I now have copies of these promotional comics in our online store. Both issues #1 & 2 separately, or together as a set. Just click here to see those listings for sale!PLUS: To see more info on this cool series, AND view a animated video of Captain Rochester, check out the company web site at: My thanks to Rochester Electronics and George Karalias for submitting the 1st issue of this comic book title for possible review! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,125 total posts in number!~ Michael D Hamersky @