
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3148: NO, this wasn't another publication given to me at the recent 2010 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con in Artists Alley for possible review in this blog! Instead, it just came in the mail and I jumped it up to the top of the review stack because of the importance of this publication! Plus the fact thatit is printed in a limited run, and will not be reprinted per the publisher! So what's this publication about? Well, I first blogged about the actual Price Guide back on Monday, October 15, 2007. This publication is the First Supplement, and is in magazine style format. Here's the promo piece on the mag: Fogel’s Underground Comix Price Guide Supplement #1! "Fogel’s Underground Comix Price Guide Supplement, the much-anticipated magazine update to 2006's Fogel’s Underground Comix Price Guide, is now available! In the past two weeks the limited-edition printing of 1200 has already sold 25% of its run, and will not go back to press! Not a reprint or new edition of the “FUG”, the Supplement bridges the gap between Fogel's big Guides. The “SUPP” features updated prices on the hottest books, new listings for Mini Comix and British/UK undergrounds, and corrections and addenda, comprising 1500 titles and thousands of individual books! You’ll also find more exclusive content: an amazing Underground character jam cover by Scott Roberts, "Vampirooni Meets Hippy Dan" by Fogel and Carnal Comics veteran Randy Vogel, new comix illustrations by Shary Flenniken, S. Clay Wilson, Johnny Chambers, Scott Shaw!, and more. Rounding out the "SUPP" are a plethora of cover photos, articles, market reports, and advertising by the leading Underground Comix and Original Art sellers and buyers. Dan Fogel, a comics industry veteran retailer, distributor, writer, editor, and publisher for three decades, is recognized worldwide as the leading authority on the Underground, Adults Only, and Alternative Comix genres. His Underground Comix Price Guide and Supplement are the indispensible resource for collectors, retailers, historians, investors, and fans. Fogel’s Underground Comix Price Guide Supplement is published by Hippy Comix, Inc. in association with Carnal Comics & is exclusively sponsored by BD Cues & Comix, your leading source for high-quality custom pool cues & comix! A thick 128 pages, the "SUPP" is for Adults Only & retails for $16.95." So what's 'My Take' on this publication?First of all, this isn't my usual review blog format. That's because this publication is more of a reference guide to a topic that still has not been totally covered to date, although this Supplement adds a lot to the subject. I usually depend on the Overstreet Price Guide (OPG) for most items I buy to resell for 'value'. However, the OPG doesn't have all of the Underground Comix listed. Matter of fact, neither does Fogel's own Underground Comix Price Guide published back in 2007. Thus the reason for this Supplement! Here's the neat thing about this publication, besides the listing of Underground Comix. There are also articles on Underground Comix! Then an 'Underground Market Report'. And of course, a 'How To Use This Guide' column. The listings themselves are shown similar to the format that the old 'Comics Value Monthly' magazine used to be published in. I found that format very easy to read and useful to take to local comic book shops for reference. Much easier than lugging the standard hardback OPG. Also, there are 4 columns for grade prices: GD 2.0, FN 6.0 AND NM- 9.2, Plus a HRP column. HRP = Highest Realized Price. Very important column IMO. After the Supplement to the 1st Printing of the Price Guide, there is a section on 'Mini-comics'. Same grade / price columns format. Plus a 3rd section on 'British / UK' Underground Comix. I have purchased a few of these in the past, but didn't have a referenceas to their 'value'. Now I do. Filling out the publication are ads from dealers that deal in Underground Comix. I would grade this 'First Supplement' as a 'Very Fine / Near Mint' (VF/NM) 9.0 out of the 10.0 Grading Scale. The grade is pretty darn good for a publication that is considered a 'supplement'. That's because the original listings in the original Price Guide are not reprinted here. This supplement is on listings that didn't make it in the Price Guide itself. Plus the add ons of the mini-comics & the British / UK comics. For those of YOU that are into Underground Comix, this is a MUST HAVE. Period. For those of YOU that are just casual browsers, this is still a Good Purchase, as the odds of finding this after the first and only print is sold out will be slim. I know that my own copies of the 'Comics Value Monthly' always wore out because of all the use I got out of them! So where do YOU get this publication? I would immediately check out Dan Fogel's own web site for purchase at: ! My thanks to Daniel Fogel for sending this First Supplement in for possible review. I found it to be of such importance that I moved it to the top of the review stack because I don't want my readers to miss out on this 1st and only printing of the supplemnent! And don't look for my review copy to be listed in our online store...I'm keeping it as I've been picking up more Underground Comix collections lately due to having a reference guide I can trust! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,145 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @