Vinnie's Take On: Classics Illustrated #142 Abraham Lincoln The 8th Edition - 2010!

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- Above Photo: The Front Cover to Classics Illustrated #129 - Davy Crockett - 3rd Edition - Published 2010! Note: “Copyright © 2011 First Classics Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Jack Lake Productions Inc”. | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3371: (Vinnie) My dad was showing me newly published editions of Classics Illustrated by Jake Lake Productions. He told me he used to read these when he got an assignment to read a book in school to get a better understanding of the story. I have read and am review blogging on the Abraham Lincoln issue.
I enjoyed the information that this comic book gave me. It described many major events that went on in Abraham Lincoln's life from birth to death. This included when he got married, when his sons were born, when he fought in the war, and when he became president. It also described his many occupations throughout his lifetime which were interesting. It described many different stories thoroughly so they were easily understandable. I also liked the humor that probably wasn't intended. To quote from the story, a caption box that narrates the story stated, " He also began to grow a beard." He began to grow his beard because "A little girl wrote me that I would look nice with one. And some of my fellow politicians hinted that it would make me look more dignified." What was funny, is that right before this panel it was talking about how he was picking out his cabinet, and was doing many important things in the white house. I also liked the art because this comic was digitally recolored. This made it look way better than the yellowed pages I normally see of the old Classics Illustrated that my Dad buys and sells. This allowed for a more enjoyable read, as well as the sharper colors. This comic was a biography; one of the few made by Classics Illustrated. It was kind of like a Bluewater biographical comic book, except that this was kind of a story book. It also differed as this went through his whole life instead of on the Political Power series from Bluewater Comics, telling only about their political career. I didn't see anything that I didn't like. It was very informative, and I wish I had this when I had to do my Abraham Lincoln report in class! Overall, this 8th reprinting of Classics Illustrated - Abraham Lincoln, was interesting and funny. I give this comic book a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM), a 9.0 out of a 10.0 grading scale. ~Vinnie ---------------------------------- Thanks, Vinnie for 'guest blogging' here today! I'm adding the following from the 'Press Release' that followed the comic book that Vinnie didn't see and include in his blog post: "A new biographical comic book about Abraham Lincoln is introducing readers of all ages to a forgotten side of the 16th President of the United States. Released in December by Jack Lake Publishing, the 48 page full color graphic novel is actually a re-mastered reprint from the Classics Illustrated comic book series. The Abraham Lincoln issue of Classics Illustrated (#142) was originally published in 1958. Scans of the original printed comic book were completely resorted and completely recoloured by Hamilton, Ontario artist Mike Gagnon. “I’ve seen plenty of books, movies, and television shows about Abe Lincoln, but this story is packed with details that I had never heard.” said Gagnon. “It brings a whole new dimension and life to the man.” The graphic novel itself is directly adapted from Lincoln’s own diary as well as historically documented facts. The original printing was adapted and illustrated from this historical information by Norman Nodel for the 1958 printing. “You think you know this guy from what you’ve seen in pop culture, but there’s so much more. The guy was like a real life super-hero. He literally swung down from a ceiling once and took on an angry mob to save a man from being lynched! How many Presidents can you say that about?” Gagnon added. Along with Lincoln’s apparent heroic streak, the book also reveals that he was an infamous practical joker, well known in his home state of Illinois as an accomplished wrestler, and many more interesting facts." (Note: If YOU liked Vinnie's guest review blog today, you may also enjoy reading Vinnie's other reviews on: Celebrating Captain Rochester at the Aftercon Party, Mortifera #3, ConDor XVIII - Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention, Kleeman and Mike #1, Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock Vol 2 #2 of 3, Fraggle Rock Vol 2 #1, Space Punks #2, Mouse Guard - The Black Axe #1 of 6, Bear and Fox #2, Space Punks #1, The Daughters of Merlin #1, Sea Ghost #1, Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard #4 (of 4), Clutch Cargo DVD, The All New Super Friends Hour Season 1 DVD, The Ultimate Underdog Collection Volume 1, Planet Hulk, Coraline, Ponyo, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol 1, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, The Possum #1 comic book, Vinnie's Take on Berona's War: Field Guide, just to name a recent few!) I review blogged the 3rd Edition of Issue #129 that was just printed, on Davy Crockett, as seen here. That is where you can find more details on what Jack Lake Productions is publishing at this time. The new editions were brought to my attention by Mike Gagnon, who was the inker / colorist for this Abraham Lincoln issue, as well as the Davy Crockett issue that I review blogged. Here's the Creator Bio for Mike Gagnon: "
Mike Gagnon is a comics pro with over a decade of experience, as well as a wandering nomad in the frozen climes of Canada. Gagnon is best known as a writer and colorist, but has also been known to do some fine inks and cover illustrations. Mike spends his time using one or more of his talents creating work for clients of all sizes, from Marvel to small press. When not busy with paying gigs Mike enjoys developing his own creator owned comics where he continues to hone his craft in storytelling and expand his repertoire of skills. You can see more of his work at". Mike can be proud to be associated with this publishing effort by Jack Lake Productions! Both my son and I enjoyed reading these new editions! If you don't find this comic book at your local retailer... You can find these comic books for sale at the Jack Lake Productions web site. If you would like signed copies and / or original art, then check out Mike Gagnon's web site at: I do not see a Facebook Fan Page for the Classics Illustrated series. However, there is a 'community page' on Facebook for Classics Illustrated., that gives a good background history, that is based on the Wikipedia entry. My thanks to Mike Gagnon for submitting these two issues of this comic book series for possible review here in my blog. And to Vinnie for taking the time to review blog Issue #142 on Abraham Lincoln! ~Michael D Hamersky
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