
Topic: Comic Book Artists
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3388: Bob Almond sent me the Press Release describing this year's Inkwell Awards, and the fact that voting is open right now... Until April 30th! I've blogged about this Awards Program and Ceremony the past few years, and don't want to miss mentioning it in my blog... As I have already voted in this 4th Year of the Inkwell Awards! Here's the Press Release: The Inkwell Ballot Goes LIVE w/ a SITE RELAUNCH on April 1st! Awards CEREMONY at Heroes Con in June! It's that time of year again to vote and show some appreciation for your favorite ink artists when the 2011 online ballot goes live from April 1st until April 30th on their website homepage at so please bookmark the address! The annual Inkwell Awards recognizes the best work by comic book ink artists, both from material from the previous year and for two noteworthy recipients from our Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame awards. Previous Hall of Fame recipients include Terry Austin, Dick Giordano, Klaus Janson and Al Williamson. The other categories include Favorite Inker, Most-Adaptable Inker, The Props Awards for inkers deserving of more attention, The S.PA.M.I. (Small Press And Mainstream Independent) for non-Marvel or DC material, and the All-in-One Award for artists who ink their own pencils. Anyone is allowed to vote on the online ballot, whether they be fan, creator or other industry professional. The non-profit organization plans a site relaunch by that time with all new content and a new look. "We have a lot happening right now and in the upcoming weeks as we bring our fourth year to a close", said Bob Almond, Inkwell founder/director. "The annual, rotating Nomination Committee, made up of diverse and supportive members from our community, has already submitted their nominations and those have been subsequently tallied and validated by the core committee. We're in the midst of our 2011 convention tour with The Southcoast Toy & Comics Show in Fairhaven, MA on March 27th, Pittsburgh Comicon on April 15-17th, Granite Con in Manchester, NH on May 15th, and finally this will all culminate with our first live awards ceremony at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC on June 3-5. Inkwell Hall of Fame namesake and recipient Joe Sinnott will be in attendance at Pittsburgh Con and Ms. Inkwell will be appearing at most of these events. The Heroes Con ceremony will have most of the organization in attendance such as committee, ambassadors and contributors. For this show we are also tentatively planning for our next annual donation drive album book and to auction off the Ms. Inkwell original cover art by Craig Rousseau for last year's book at the venue". Last year the Inkwell's "first live awards ceremony" was announced to take place at another convention franchise but in the end that didn't actually occur. Following this, Heroes promoter Shelton Drum reached out and invited the organization to set up at his show and reward the community with trophies at their long-running family tradition. Heroes Events Coordinator Shawn Doughtee said: “…we would love for (The Inkwells) to give (the award trophies) away at HeroesCon. We have always done our best to support inkers and we would be honored to play host to it.” Bob added "Heroes Con is a much-loved institution to the artists and the comic book community with a superb, long history of successful, exciting shows. We are truly proud to be a part of that legacy". Co-sponsored by both parties for the travel expenses of the award winners, The Inkwells have been running ongoing fundraising auctions for their charity on eBay and ComicArtFans auctions, including their debut of the Sinnott Inking Challenge. "The community has been phenomenal with their donation generosity and we surely wouldn't be here without their continuous acts of kindness and support" Bob said. The Inkwell Awards is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and educate about the art form of comic book inking and to annually recognize and award the best ink artists and their work. Now in the midst of their fourth year, the organization is overseen by a number of industry professionals such as founder & director Bob Almond, Jimmy Tournas, Bob Shaw, Nathan Massengill, Daniel Best and Kris Fenol who make up the IA core committee and Adam Hughes, Mike Marts, Ethan Van Sciver, Mark Brooks, Sal Velluto, Mike McKone, Trevor Von Eeden and J. David Spurlock who make up their IA ambassadors, and numerous contributors such as Mark McKenna, Dan Panosian, Louis Small, Jr. and Randy Green among others. They sponsor the Dave Simons Inkwell Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon & Graphic Art and host the Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame. My thanks again to Bob Almond for sending this PR to me for possible review in my Blog! Don't forget to vote... You can do it right now using this link that takes you directly to the online ballot! ~Michael D Hamersky
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