The 2012 Free Comic Book Day As Seen In North San Diego County, California (Green & Purple Areas)! | | | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3643 - My youngest son, Vinnie, and I went to six different LCBS (Local Comic Book Shops) in North San Diego County on Saturday to see how they were celebrating the 2012 Free Comic Book Day. Vinnie has already written his blog, so I am going to just add on my comments after each of the LCBS that he mentions in order of visitation! (Vinnie) This past Saturday, as you may know, was 'FCBD' (Free Comic Book Day), and my dad and I stopped and visited 6 of the North County area 'LCBS' (Local Comic Book Shops) in search for free comics. By the way, when I say 'limit', I'm talking per person, not per purchase, or anything else.
1) Our first stop was at the 'Comics N' Stuff' in a shopping mall in Escondido. They had opened three weeks prior, and as such, had no FCBD comics to give out. They did, however, give away their own stock of prior FCBD comics, which I found was very kind. They hadn't ordered their FCBD comics because they weren't sure if they would be set up in time for the event. They had a limit of 1 FCBD comics, which was on the low end throughout the stores we visited. I give the shop a 7.5 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. (Michael) This location is in the North County Fair (mall), close to the Sears building. I had called to see if they were in business. (They were.) Limit of 1 FCBD comic book prior to 2012. No Rating (N/R) for this store as they weren't celelbrating the 2012 FCBD event.
2) The second stop in our trip was at another newly opened shop, this time about a week or so old, also in Escondido. The shop's name is 'Superheroes in Training'. The owner, and staff, were all very friendly and welcoming, and made the experience light and joyful. The limit at this place was the second highest we found, with 4 per person. I feel they deserve an 8.5. (Michael) The owner, Mike, had his brand new store set up and ready to go. After talking with him, I found that the store fixtures came from Comic Gallery, the three store chain that recently went out of business. This LCBS is on 78 on the Ash Street side. Limit of 4 FCBD comics. I'd give this store an 8.5 Very Fine Plus (VF+) for its FCBD event.
3) 'Invincible Ink,' our third stop was very welcoming. Upon entering, you would meet 'Captain Spider' as he called himself, a super hero who stroke quite an amazing resemblance to Spider Man and Captain America... we shall do further questioning! The owner allowed everyone to take 5 comics, being the highest limit. With the amount of comics, and the atmosphere of the place, I think they get a 9.0. (Michael) In the previous years of FCBD, I would see this store near the last of the day, so it was different seeing it before 12 noon in San Marcos. Several customers were there to get the 2012 FCBD editions, of which the limit was 5 FCBD comics. I give this event at this LCBS a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM) 9.0 comic book grade.
4) Our next stop had quite the setup. 'Sky High Comics' in Carlsbad had set up a panel of people who would sign your free comics. The signing started at 12:00, but unfortunately, as we had to head on to the next stop, we couldn't wait for it to begin. As they had something no other store had, an activity, I think they deserve a 9.0. (Michael) Friendly shopkeeper with a limit of 3 FCBD editions. The smallish store had several patrons. The event was to hold five persons for signings, with one group already there. That was the group from Crimson Vision Studios, and you can see their free comic book offering here. I give this LCBS a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM) 9.0 comic book grade. 5) The fifth stop, another 'Comics N' Stuff' in a Carlsbad mall, was quite honestly, not too impressive. The comics you could get were limited to 1, and there wasn't really anything else to promote it. I honestly think it deserves a 6.5. (Michael) No FCBD banner, and the comic book stand was behind the sales counter where you could point to which one you wanted. After spending several dollars there, the limit was one FCBD comic book...! My grade for this, a Fine Minus (F-) 5.5.
6) Our sixth and final stop was at 'Big Steven's Comic Kitchen'. The shop was quite cramped, and didn't feel too welcoming. You were limited to 3 comics, and because we arrived here around 1:00, most were already gone. That isn't Steven's fault that people already came and took most of them. However, he put out other comics to fill the void, but they were all new, coverless issues. I feel that was pretty tacky, I mean, there surely had to be some $1 comics around there to pass out instead of coverless comics. Another 6.5 here. (Michael) There was a limit of 3 FCBD comics at the front counter to choose from. Plus as Vinnie said above, several coverless comics that were being made available. No outside signage on the wall that the FCBD event was even going on. A Fine Plus (F+) 6.5 here.
(Vinnie) Honestly, I do think it was worth it to visit all of the shops. I think the one I'd definitely make sure to go to if I only had time for one would be 'Sky High Comics' simply because it was a welcoming atmosphere, and they had a couple of special guests to sign the books. Taking this day to visit all of them was quite fun, and I am glad I attended these LCBS. (Michael) Thanks to Vinnie for writing his blog and to those owners / staff at the six LCBS that we attended for the 2012 FCBD in North San Diego County! I believe that we hit all of the stores that are considered 'LCBS'. If we didn't and you know of others, feel free to tell me at my Facebook Fan Page, 'Michael D Hamersky On Comics'! Please note: The photos for this FCBD will be shown at this link at my 'Michael D Hamersky on Comics' Facebook Fan Page!
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,642 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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