
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3651 - This comic book was presented to me at the recent Long Beach Comic Con Expo, that I review blogged here. Allen Carter, pictured at the top right of this blog, brought me up to date on what he was doing, and mentioned that I probably had not seen the comic book he is shown holding, as it is brand new as of April of 2012. So what is the book about? Here's the publisher's POV of what the comic is about: "This is it: the first showdown between the future Cosmic Force, and the government officials now equipped with advanced wrist weaponry. Unfortunatley for both of them, this battle does not happen in private, as the rest of the city later discovers what's going on. Who wins the battle? How does the public react? And do our fivesome get closer to finding out what may have happened to them in the two years that they can't seem to remember? One word: Read! Okay... Here is my take on the comic book: Front Cover - The tag line, 'The End of How It All Begins...' hits me that this must be the end of the first story arc. Inside front cover - List of credits & brief background info. Splash page - Not used as a splash page, but instead is a part of the regular story... Interior pages - No ad pages, and contains 42 pages of storyline. Inside back cover - The in-house ad for another of Allen's comics, 'Damn Tourists'.. Outside back cover - The house ad, from Allen Garvin Carter. So what did I think of this comic book, after reading through it? I found that the storyline was fine, although a 'splash page' probably should have been utilized as the first page in the comic book... The artwork by Allen was fine, with a good mix of panels for the pages. There was a lot of small text for the lettering, which probably could have used a larger sized font to be more readable. The story's premise was fine, and I liked how the story arc ended. The interior pages are in color, which helped in getting the storyline across to the reader. My comic book grade for this fourth issue in an ongoing series is a Very Fine / Very Fine Plus (VF/VF+) 8.25 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. Here is where you can purchase the comic book, straight from the publisher, for the $5.99 cost. Here is the link to the Facebook Fan Page for Carter Comics! Check it out and give it a 'Like'! My thanks to Allen Carter for bringing this issue to my attention at the 2012 Long Beach Comic Con Expo that took place on May 12th! ~ Michael D Hamersky!
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