
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3652 - This comic book was mailed to me by the writer / creator of the series, James Pinard. (See previous blog posts on James, here.) I've had a running conversation with James for a few years now, and looked forward to seeing this comic book from him, and the other comics creators involved in the book. So what is the book about? Here's the publisher's POV of what the comic is about: "Lucid World Issue #1 promises to be the first in a series of comics that promises to offer a new perspective on the zombie comic genre which features Zombies (a.k.a. “The Dead Army”), who look human and eat live flesh to retain their appearance and hide amongst the living. And also features a race of Super-Humans known as the “Lucid Killers,” who will be created to stop them from taking over our world one city at a time. Okay... Here is my take on the comic book: Front Cover - The illustrations on the front cover show that there will be some action promised in the interior pages of the comic book. Inside front cover - The story starts here, with the first page! Splash page - Not used as a splash page, but instead is the 2nd page of the regular story... Interior pages - No ad pages, and contains 24 additional pages of storyline. Inside back cover - The credits page for this issue #1, along with the link to Outside back cover - The Ka-Blam Digital Printing girl ad for the printing company. So what did I think of this comic book, after reading through it? I found that the storyline was fine, although starting the story on the inside front cover threw me off just a bit! The pencils by Miguel Guerra and the inks by Michael Brewer meshed well together. The coloring by Sanju Nivangune was just a little heavy on the red for the blood that spewed throughout the storyline, for my tastes. There was no credit for the lettering, which was done pretty well. The story's premise was okay, and did set up the continuation story for the next issue. However, I'm not for sure on how many issues this series will be... My comic book grade for this first issue is a Very Fine / Very Fine Plus (VF/VF+) 8.25 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. Here is where you can purchase the comic book, straight from the publisher, for the $5.00 cost, including shipping. Here is the link to the Facebook Fan Page for G2Comics! Check it out and give it a 'Like'! Here is a more up-to-date background on James: "JAMES PINARD is the creator and writer for "LUCID WORLD," which has been published by G2 Comics in 2012 and Blue Collar Vigilante Studios. He is a partner in Blue Collar Vigilante Studios. His background is in writing short stories and screenplays before he moved into the world of comics. He has written numerous screenplays, including "DARK TRINITY," and has had short stories published in the Pulp Empire Collection. The short stories "CREED" and "DEARBORN" can be found in Pulp Empire Volumes 1 and 2. He has also created and worked on multiple comic book series’ besides "LUCID WORLD," including the comic series versions of "DARK TRINITY", "DIVINE DEATH" and "CREED" which is also based on the short story of the same name. He has recently begun work as a writer on a new comic series project titled "BLOOD BAT," and is the creator and writer for another tentatively titled "THROUGH THE PAST DARKLY." My thanks to James Pinard for bringing this issue to my attention! ~ Michael D Hamersky!
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