
Topic: Comic Book History
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3668 - First of all... I've been reading some other blogs concerning comics and other pop culture topics, and found that I have missed blogging about comic books spinner racks! Well, I'm old enough to remember those for sure! The top left photo is from a ways back, and reminds me of hitting the Seven-Elevens in my Imperial Beach, California area when I was a kid! The photo to the top right of this blog post is a little later, but brings fond memories back to me.
What with the Comics Code Authority stamp at the top of the spinner rack. I do remember seeing the stamp, but not on the comic book spinner racks that I frequented. I also remember that the front placed comics in the rack holders would usually be a little bent, as those persons thumbing through the racks would necessarily bend the comics over at the top, to see what laid behind them. The comics in the spiner rack weren't bagged & boarded like those in the photo! Sometimes you would come across a month or two or three month old comic book, that had been missed being pulled for return credit. There were a few stores in Imperial Beach, where I would ride my bike to, to pick up the latest issues. Spinner racks were all that those stores had to place their comics into. The stores were either 7-11s or liquor stores. I remember what fun it was to ride my bike to go pick up the latest Marvel Comics that I collected! Those sure were fun days while they lasted! Well... Mostly fun that is. There was a small problem in distribution to the stores, and sometimes I would have to go to three stores to find the comics to keep my collection complete! Not like nowadays, where the LCBS (Local Comic Book Shop), will have your comics pulled if you ask them to do a 'pull' list for you. Yeah, those were the 'Good Old Days', with spinner racks!
~ Michael D Hamersky
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