
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3694 - Well... Would you believe that... Here's yet another comic book that I found recently from our five days at the 2012 Comic-Con International: San Diego, (aka San Diego Comic Con or SDCC). That comic book is actually a "TPB" that I found at the Pirate Cove booth at Comic-Con. I would give you what this TPB is about per the publisher's promo... But I don't see one! So I'll start my review next... Front Cover - The front cover is kind of strange... Until you flip to the Back Cover... It's a wrap-a-round cover, LOL! Inside Front Cover - Blank. Splash Page - The title page, like in a book. The next couple of pages are the credit pages. Interior Pages - Starts right off with one full page of comics, as this was originally published as a web comic. There is no real introduction of the characters, but I kind of get it after a few pages. The storylines are pretty good, and I do laugh with / at several pages. ... Back Interior Page - A special page on the author, with a link to the web comic page. Back Cover - The back side of the wrap-a-round cover... My take on this TPB? Well... Like I said above, this is from a web comic... Which is why the TPB is odd sized. The fact that the cover is what stood out to me at the Comic-Con is why I picked up this book. Not being familiar with the web comic nor the characters, it was just a little hard to pick up at first when reading it. However, I found the storylines to be fun ones, and kind of true to comic cons that I have attended! So this TPB was a pretty good read. Good enough for me to want to check out the web comic online in the near future. My rating for this TPB? A Very Fine Plus (VF+) 8.5 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. Thanks to Joe D'Angelo for bringing this TPB to my attention at his booth at the 2012 Comic-Con International: San Diego! You can find this TPB for sale at the Pirate Cove web site. And don't forget to 'Like' the Pirate Cove Facebook Fan Page! ~ Michael
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