
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3856 - This blog is being posted to add a little more history on the Detroit Triple Fan Fair (DTFF) that I have blogged about in the past. I just became Facebook Friends with Rich Buckler, the famous artist. I sent him a blog that I had posted a few years ago, after meeting Dan Murphy out here in Southern California. Dan had traveled here, and I met him shortly before he moved to Las Vegas. Dan had been involved in the early years of the DTFF, and I published the memory he had of it in this Blog. After reading the below message from Rich, I asked him if it was okay to post it in this blog. He said fine, so here it is. Hi, Michael: I was actually on the first committee for that con (yep--So one could say that I was, in a modest way, one of the founders of "organized comics fandom, being in that circle and working closely with Jerry Bails and sci-fi fan Marvin Giles). I was also close friends with Shel Dorf at the time. Shel was responsible for getting my art samples sent to Jack Kirby--and that landed me work shortly thereafter at Marvel Comics. I produced many of the DTFFr progress reports and the program book, putting together everything in my living room and then handling the printing and mailing! Even in my teens I was somewhat of an "overachiever". Check out those blog entries at the sites mentioned above. I cover some of those early fan days. And you're right--there's not a whole lot of information on the web or in print regarding the origins of the DTFF. Wonder why? It was an important part of comics history, I think. Take care--RICH Well, I want to thank Rich for his rememberances of the Detroit Triple Fan Fair in the message that he sent me above. It was nice to hear from someone else that was at the DTFF during those early formative years! As a matter of fact, Rich was actually one of it's co-founders. Rich was the main person to go to for the comic book aspect of the convention (remember, it was originally sci-fi, film, and comics). The science fiction fans who began things knew next to nothing about comic books. Rich was an avid science fiction fan back then (and still is), but for him: "...the comics were always my main focus. Organized comics fandom, in those days, was just beginning--and a lot of fan artists like myself were a part of making that happen. And I should mention that Detroit was a hotbed of creativity and a whole lot of pro comics artists came out of that milieu". If you are reading this, and want to add your thoughts about the DTFF, feel free to message me at my Facebook Fan Page. Although I've not been to one of those DTFF cons in the past, I have been nominated as 'Blogger of the Year' the past two years at the current day Detroit Fan Fair. BTW, you can find more on Rich's history at: "Secrets Of Drawing Comics" and "Swash Buckler Saturdays" at Diversions Of The Groovy Kind. Also there is more at: "From The Desk Of Rich Buckler" at 20th Century Danny Boy. Plus, if you are a fan of his artwork, here is the link to Rich's own web site, where you can commission him for a drawing. For a list of Rich's credits in comic books, be sure to check this page at the Grand Comics Database. Oh, and for more photos on the Detroit Triple Fan Fair, take a look at my special photo album. ~ Michael
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