
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3987 - This past weekend I attended both days of the 2013 Long Beach Comic Con at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California. This was the fifth straight year for this comic book convention. I've been fortunate to attend all five of them now, plus the one-day Long Beach Comic Expos that occur in the Spring of each year. Although my recent move to Chula Vista now makes the trip to Long Beach a half hour longer, (two hours one-way), my feeling is that attending this comic & horror con is well worth the long drive! Why? Well it totally reminds me of how the San Diego Comic Con used to be... minus the films that were played there years ago. The center of the exhibit floor this year had over 200 different artists in what was called 'Artists Alley'. Trust me... It was more like 'Artists City', it was so huge! It took me almost all day to stop at each table and check out what each artist had for sale, or work that had done, while they were doing commission sketches. Yes, I saw quite a few friends from previous cons there, as well as seeing quite a few 'new' ones... 'New' to me at least! Plus several shared with me a copy of their latest publications for possible review in this Blog of mine. More of those in future blogs... I arrived what I thought was early on Saturday, but the underground parking at the Long Beach Convention Center was already full! But it was a short walk across the street for overflow parking. So that was okay. BTW, the second day, Sunday, I was able to park underground, which made it easier to take out comics I purchased on the exhibit floor. The opening ceremony was taped by me, see the above YouTube Channel video of mine. (For other videos from this con & earlier cons... See my YouTube Channel). There were plenty of panels / programs at this year's LBCHC. However, with spending the first day at Artists Alley, and the last day at the dealers tables... I only saw a few of them this year. More on a couple of those later in this Blog. The few programs I attended were well attended though, plus there was an onsite live auction house going on, which I stopped in to take a look at. The dealers booths were pretty good this year. I went to them all, and bought at a select few. That's because I buy to read and then resell on my own web site, I picked up a few hundred comics, inclduing several 3-D Comics, plus several Golden Age / Silver Age War Comics. So check back at my web site in the weeks to follow to see them. All in all, I had a good time attending this 5th Annual Long Beach Comic & Horror Con. As I said at the beginning of this blog, this con reminds me of the early years of the San Diego Comic Con. That is a good feeling to have, to be at a TRUE comic con nowadays instead of a pop culture convention, which several of the cons have transformed into. Be sure to attend NEXT year's LBCHC... It will be running earlier, during September 27-29th of 2014. Plus, don't forget the Long Beach Comic Expo which is also produced by these same show promoters. That will actually be a two day affair... May 31st - June 1st of 2014. To keep up with these two cons.... Be sure to 'Like' the Facebook Fan Page for the LBCC at this link. My thanks to Martha Donato, Phil Lawrence, Mike Scigliano, and all of those who helped put on this successful Long Beach Comic & Horror Con for 2013! Also, more photos taken at the LBCHC will be uploaded to my Facebook Fan Page, Michael D Hamersky On Comics. Plus more videos to be used in separate blogs will be at my YouTube Channel! ~ Michael
BTW, You can 'follow' this blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app link! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! Note: My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item(s) that was mentioned here today...! If I have it, you'll find under the BIG TOP of Comics, at Comic Books! Web Page Note: This blog post is written per the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up slightly differently, sorry about that! The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer. Note: Your computer's resoulution may be set differently, but the above resolution is the most commonly used resolution at the time of this blog post. NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. Comics Creators: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email or mail us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013 ![]() --------------- ![]() ![]() |