TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #4026 - Yesterday, Sunday May 3rd was the day that I took in the latest Marvel film, Avengers: Age of Ultron.
I saw this on a regular screen, (Not 3D), during a late afternoon screening. The theater was totally full, and I sat toward the back, where I could see and hear the audience reaction to the film. There were 20 minutes of previews of coming films shown first. Among them were the upcoming Fantastic Four film - with absolutely no crowd reaction, and Ant-Man - with several moments of crowd laughter and anticipation for more. I saw no no interest for me in the FF film, as it was NOT 'my FF', so I'm not so keen in attending later this Summer. Too many changes of the FF in what the preview showcased for my tastes. So... After twenty minutes of previews... The Avengers film was screened. First, I'm glad that I 'know' the Avengers, after reading their comics in the Silver Age of Comics, and attending all of the Marvel Comics Films released so far. That's because the film took right off into action, with a capital 'A' for Action! The person I took with me to the film knew of the Marvel superheroes, but hadn't seen all of the films released. No introduction to the characters, and the film only slowed down a bit when the Avengers went to a farm / ranch. The movie had a good plotline, and the action was basically almost nonstop. The characters were used well, the storyline made sense, and all together the film was pretty good. But something seemed missing to me. Maybe I've become a littled 'jaded', but this sequel to the first Avengers film was missing that little 'something' that made other Marvel films stand out, like the first Captain America did for me. Here's my thoughts on the actors / characters: Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man - Great job in the role, as usual. Robert is Tony Stark period. Nuff Said!. Chris Hemsworth as Thor - The perfect actor for this role. So Be It! Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Hulk - I was more impressed with his role in this film. The Banner / Hulk situation was better used in this film IMO. Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America - Chris has really taken over this role. He fits my ideal Captain America character. Actually I even liked him as Johnny Storm / Human Torch in the Fantastic Four films a few years back. He also brings his character to life very well. Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow - Better use of her character in this film. Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye - I've liked him in this role in earlier films. But his secret life, revealed in this film, is one I can't get my head around to believing it... Don Cheadle as Rhodey / War Machine - Minimal use of his character, but then again there quite a few characters in this film... Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver - Introduced in this film... Was okay in the role. Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch - I like the character in the Silver Age & Bronze Age of Comics, but this version on screen is just not the Scarlet Witch to me... Paul Bettany as J.A.R.V.I.S. and Vision - I like him as the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S. and now especially as the Vision! Very good casting! Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter - Good seeing her again. Not enough screen time, but it was good seeing her. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury - Not as much screen time, but his role was vital in the plotline. James Spader as Ultron - EXCELLENT choice in casting. His voice is so damned spooky, it totally fits Ultron! This casting made the film far more interesting for me! If you are a Marvel Fanatic as I am, you have to see this film, especially if you have seen the other Marvel Cinematic Universe films. Period. Just be careful as to whom you take to the film, as there is no slowing down to explain who is whom, and the other background bits that are included in this feature. The matinee price where I went to was $10.25 per person, which is pretty steep for a film for the general masses. Here is a link to more on the film, (Spoiler Alert!), if you aren't put off by knowing too much before actually viewing the film. Oh, and my comic book score for this film is a Very Fine (VF) 8.0 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. ~Michael.
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