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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Cheerleader, Leaper, Lois, & Now Desperate!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows


Lois Lane Comics Listed Here!

Above is Teri as Lois Lane!


Superman Family comics listed here - Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Superman, etc.

For More Superman Family Comics (i.e. Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Adventures of Superman, etc.) Just Click on the Comic Book Cover above!  





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Note From Make It So Marketing: Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


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I First Noticed Teri Hatcher.... 

.... in the Quantum Leap TV Show as the girlfriend of Dr Sam Beckett, (Scott Bakula), in an early 1989 episode. 

 By the time Quantum Leap needed her back for the Donna Eleese role, she had gone on to playing Katherine 'Kiki" Tango in the TV series 'Tango & Cash'.

She went on to play Lois Lane in the TV series 'Lois and Clark, the New Adventures of Superman', as pictured to the left. 

Today we all know her as playing Susan in the hit TV show 'Desperate Housewives' !

I thought her performance in Quantum Leap was excellent, and when the girlfriend was shown again, I was disappointed it was not her playing the role.

Teri studied ballet, was a cheerleader with the San Francisco 49ers, among other things, before turning actress.

Teri's early reknown was for the Lois & Clark series, but she has also acted in 'Spy Kids', 'Tomorrow Never Dies' - a James Bond film, a recurring role in MacGyver, and several other TV & Film roles!   

She adds a lot to the current hit series 'Desperate Housewives', but I will never forget first finding her in Quantum Leap. She had the 'Star' quality even then! I also feel that she really did fit into her Lois Lane role !

For those interested in Superman comic books, we carry those in our eBay Featured Store

For those interested in Lois Lane comic book, just click on the Lois Lane comic book cover to the top left!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 9:24 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 9:32 AM PDT
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'Nuts' !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows


Click here to see our TV and Movie Comics / Magazine  LISTINGS! 

Above was the cast from the first season. For other sci-fi stories like this one...  just click on the photo above!  




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Note From Make It So Marketing: Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


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'Nuts' Is the Fighting Word Used In the Season Finale of Last Season's Jericho!

When Asked If the Town of Jericho would surrender to outside forces, 'Nuts' was the word to say 'No'!

And... fans used real 'Nuts' to besiege the Network into bringing back the TV Show Jericho this year! Pounds and pounds of 'Nuts' were sent to CBS!

Due to the delivery of all those 'Nuts', Jericho, the TV Show was renewed, and the cast and crew gratefully thanked the audience at the San Diego Comic Con for helping get renewed!

Our blog post on the Season Finale keeps getting viewed on a regular basis, which leads me to believe that the viewers are getting antsy to watch the upcoming season!

Unfortunately we have a ways to go before it come back on!

Hang in there! We'll be blogging about it again shortly!



For those interested in TV shows like 'Jericho', 'Lost', 'Invasion', 'Surface', etc., we have several Movie and TV based comic books  or magazines in our eBay Featured  Store .  Just click on the link provided! !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:56 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 9:33 AM PDT
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It's Time For..... CAPTAIN ACTION !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History


Click here to see ALL of Our COMICS / MAGAZINES listings! 

Above is issue #2 that we have listed from the DC Comics Book Series!

For all of our current Comics / Magazine listings including this one, just click on the Comic Book Cover above!  


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Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!
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Have Been Watching The New 'Chuck' TV Show... 



Where Chuck's sister has a boyfriend that goes by the name of 'Captain Awesome'.

Which reminded me that we have a 'Captain Action' in our eBay Featured Store.

Say...... Wasn't Captain Action a 'doll' ????!

No, not a 'doll', he was an 'action figure'!

Plus a comic book series!!

Captain Action was created in 1966 and came with separate 'action' costumes.

You could 'dress' him.... strike that!  You could 'Outfit' him in superhero costumes like Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Aquaman, the Lone Ranger (???), Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Sgt Fury and even like 'Captain America'.

WOW !! He was such an immediate hit that DC Comics licensed the character and had 5 issues published before the fad ended!  DC Comics used Wally Wood, Gil Kane, and Jim Shooter to work on the comic book feature.

Strange thing is, the toy only lasted for 2 1/2 years, was just a fad, and in competition with the G.I. Joe line... Today a 'Captain Action' with the Spider-Man costume, MIB (Mint In Box) would fetch upwards of $15,000.00 !

And to think that your mother probably threw yours out with the other 'childish' toys when you grew up!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:52 AM PDT
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Have YOU Been In A Ghostly Haunt????
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Comic Book History


Click here to see the  GHOSTLY HAUNTS listings! 

Above is a great comic book cover from Steve Ditko, co-creator of the Amazing Spider-Man!  For current listings of this comic book title, just click on the cover!  


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Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!
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You Won't Want To After Reading This Series!



'Ghostly Haunts' was from Charlton Comics!

It ran from issue #20 in September of 1971 to issue #58 in April of 1978!

In the early 1970's The Big Two Comics Companies, Marvel and National (DC) Comics were expanding their HoRRoR and supernatural superhero comics lines.

This gave Charlton, the perennial #3 publisher, an opportunity to publish comic titles with the tried-and-true formula of having a 'host' or 'hostess' introduce the ghostly stories in the comic!

There were several good artists including Steve Ditko (who drew the cover at the top left), that drew the stories.

However, Charlton for years would use cheaper production methods and paper, thus causing the comics to have a 'cheaper' feel about them!  Which is why it is hard to find VF or better copies for sale today!

To see what issues we have in stock, just click on the comic book cover to the top left!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:41 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:43 PM PDT
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SMOKE Free ?????
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book History



Click here to see OUR Comic Books listings! 

Smoke Free Comics??? Not unless you are buying from the original owner who did not smoke and they have been stored away properly through the years. Even then the comics will still have attracted odors!



Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!



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Smoke Free Comics??? 



Not unless YOU have been the original owner of the comic book and bought it off the newstand or from the comic book store when it was first published and then stored it away properly.

Earlier this month I checked out another eBayer's listings because they had comics starting at a low beginning bid.

Comics were just added as a sideline ('other items') to this seller's eBay Store and the eBayer used their usual listing template stating that their items are from a 'smoke-free home'.

That could get the eBayer seller into a situation with a buyer who believes that statement, and purchases the item(s) thinking they are 'smoke free'.  

Trust me on this one folks, paper collectibles will pick up smells during the years they are stored.

As a matter of fact one of the largest comics dealers in the world that I know of, loves the distinct smell of old comics that come from the Midwest area of the USA!

So be careful if you are thinking of listing comics as being 'smoke free' to your other eBay sales!

For our back issues of comics which did not all come from a smoke free environment, just click on the top left comic book cover to see our listings! And No, We don't smoke, but don't advertise as such.

And No, the recent San Diego County Fires did not reach our comics and they were protected inside with two doors!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:03 PM PDT
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