
Topic: Comic Book Movies
I want to thank a new customer, (and now also a new Facebook Friend), Geoff Edwards, who brought to my attention that there is a John Carter of Mars Film being developed! Geoff read my blog post of November 28th, which asked why "Buck Rogers Being Made Into A Film Again...", for the umpteenth time, when John Carter of Mars has not been seen in a major theatrical film ever! What Geoff sent me were links to info that Pixar is scheduling a 'John Carter of Mars' film to hopefully be released in 2012! A recent announcement told of Andrew Stanton (the Pixar - creator/director of Wall*E) writing a film treatment for Edgar Rice Burrough's character! With the background that Andrew Stanton has, (he was also involved with 'Finding Nemo', Ratatouille, Toy Story 2 and more in different roles), this project would have a good chance of finding an audience at the theaters! For those that don't know... there have been at least four attempts to film or animate John Carter's adventures since 1931... I may have to wait till 2012, but it is now very hopeful that I'll be able to be in line at the theater for it finally! For those interested in reading the adventures in illustrated format of John Carter to catch up with him; we do have several of the different versions of the John Carter Comics run listed in our eBay Featured Store. For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con, Science Fiction Show, and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store!
Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! And, Thanks again to Geoff Edwards for reading my recently archived blog post on John Carter, and emailing me about the news about the new project!! ~ Michael