
Topic: Comic Books - New
By Steven Withrow and John Barber! This book's cover jumped out at me while Tina and I were out at a book store... Because it was on 'webcomics' but in print format! The target market for this book is geared for those that are artists and want to know the tools and techniques for digital cartooning and get their works online. It is also probably best for those who are in the generation that grew up with the world web web already in place. Because that is the audience "with no nostalgic affinity for the smell of paper, the turn of the page, the ritual of the cramped and difficult distribution / retail network" as stated by the author. Those persons are probably best suited to initially take their creations and put them online after checking out what is involved to do so. I have blogged before that my preference is with hard copies of comics, graphic novels, books etc. because of my own life style. When I want to read, it is away from my laptop, because the laptop is my primary tool during the day or evening for 'work'. Reading comics online is too much like 'work' for me to enjoy doing so for my 'pleasure' reading. However, knowing that younger readers of this blog do enjoy this artform online, and not following it since the 'Stone Age' of Online Comics started back in 1993-1996, I am attempting to catch up with what has happened, what tools have been used, and a projection as to where this artform is going. Heck, I've even been selling some my collections and went to DVDs because of space limitations! So while I am not stuck in the past totally, I also haven't kept up with what was online to read. Having new FaceBook Friends that are in webcomics is changing that for me. I am receiving more works to review via online links with comics or .pdf files with previews on published or soon to be published works. So my thanks to those that have introduced me as to what is being done. For those that need to catch up like I did, this book is an excellent tool for that purpose. There are many stories in this book by persons that have been doing webcomics for a while. You as the reader, get to see what they did right (or wrong), and take your own artistical skills and apply them to the web. The many drawings, pictures, and actual examples shown are well worth the cost of this book IMHO. There are also resource references to use. All this in one book. Even though it was printed in 2005, it seems to still be timely for an artist that wants to put their creations online. If you do, feel free to email me or message me through FaceBook if you are a member! I'd enjoy seeing your work for possible blog mention... For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have over 473 Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! We were VERY pleased that our blog had its' 312,000th visitor at the end of last week... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael and Tina