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Thursday, June 4, 2009
Spotlight On Michael L Peters !
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Artists


Click here to see all of our currently listed RED SONJA graphic novels, magazines and comics!

One of Michael L Peters's Fantasy Prints!


Spotlight On

 Michael L Peters!

Click Here To See Our Listings of CONAN Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!

Michael L Peters

This is another one of my 'Spotlight' blogs ...  Where I take a comics creator, whether writer, penciller, inker, colorist, editor, etc., and invite them to write a little bit about themselves here. Almost like having a 'Guest Blogger' for the day!

"Hello, I'm Michael L. Peters, but feel free to call me "Mike".

I've written and drawn stories for Heavy Metal magazine (lettered them too, and painted one of them) and had stories in Negative Burn -- from Desperado. I've drawn stories published by Caliber and Image.

I've done illustration work in areas adjacent to comics, such as covers and portfolios for REH: Two Gun Raconteur, a magazine/journal about pulp writer Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan and others... many of his characters have found fame in comics adaptations.  I've had opportunity there to draw Conan, Red Sonya (not to be confused with Red Sonja...), Turlogh O'Brien and Bran Mak Morn.

I also draw and paint original fantasy and mythological art prints, which, at a physical convention, I'd be selling at my table...

Click Here To See Our Listings of  SCI-FI Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Currently, I mostly draw private commissions, to pay the bills, while working on a comic book project, CRESCENT CITY MAGICK.

I'm also creating a four piece portfolio, illustrating the Robert E. Howard story, "Kings of the Night", featuring the characters Bran MakMorn and Kull, for the magazine "REH: Two-Gun Raconteur". The issue containing this portfolio should be available this summer.

To view more of Michael's work you should check out the following site:   http://www.mlpeters.com/

I enjoyed viewing his creations that are categorized into fantasy and mythological prints (where the Conan / Red Sonja artwork at the top of this blog post that I chose to use is from), published comics works, short comics stories, Crescent City Magick preview, commissioned drawings, convention sketches, and more!   

Michael also has a Facebook Comic Con Artist Table at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=65657997541&ref=ts

Thanks Michael for the background on your career in comics and what you are doing now!

Here at Make It So Marketing's Blog, we post daily on comics and pop culture news and events.  Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!

~ Michael  (and Tina)


Now Celebrating the 10th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see our Reviews on Comics, TPBs, Graphic Novels, & DVDs! 

Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013




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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Michael is shown below in a photo from the 1973 San Diego Comic Con held at the Sheraton Hotel on Harbor Island in San Diego, California.

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:43 AM PDT
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Spotlight On Jeff Balke !
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Artists


Click here to see all of our currently listed DC Comics graphic novels, magazines and comics!

A Sketch Coloring by Jeff Balke!



Spotlight On

 Jeff Balke!

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!

Jeff Balke

This is another one of my 'Spotlight' blogs ...  Where I take a comics creator, whether writer, penciller, inker, colorist, editor, etc., and invite them to blog a little bit about themselves here. Almost like having a 'Guest Blogger' for the day!

"Hi, my name is Jeff Balke.  I live in the great city of Chicago where I have the greatest job/career, coloring/illustrating comic books.  I guess I’m kind of a big kid, but there’s nothing wrong with that.  My whole life as far back as I can remember I’ve always wanted to do something in the arts field.  Then I was introduced to comic books. 

Click Here To See Our Listings of  STAN LEE Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  In the 6th grade (1993) I went to my first comic book convention and met Stan “THE MAN” Lee.  He really gave me hope by simply saying with a grin out of nowhere while getting my Amazing Spiderman #41 signed by him “Hang in there true believer, it will come.  Don’t ever give up”.  I never really knew why he said that to me until later that day when it hit me that I wanted to work in comics.  But, still to this day, I never gave up, and NEVER will.

In 2006 I stumbled upon this website called Myspace (you may have heard of it).  A few of my friends told me to post my b/w artwork up there.  So I created a profile and did just that.  To my shock, I had a few people comment.  I then decided to put up a couple pieces of my colored work to see what kind of comments (if any) I would get.  I got more comments on my colored pieces then I did on my regular b/w artwork.  One comment came from my first comic artist friend who told me to stick with coloring.  He clarified and said my coloring is very strong and that I should build on that.  I agreed with him and since then, I’ve been coloring and LOVE every minute of it!

Click Here To See Our Listings of  MARVEL SUPERHEROES Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Recently, I’ve created something called Sketch Coloring.  This is where I take a sketch cover of any comic and color it right there on the spot with special markers.  This is my way of doing a sketch.  Since most colorists really don’t sketch “traditionally” (like Jim Lee, Micah Gunnell and so on…) I wanted to come up with my own way to give something to the fans so they can take home and have a “one of a kind”.  Sketch Colorings do just that.  No two Sketch Colorings are alike(even if I color the same cover 100 times for 100 people).

All in all I’m I love what I do.  Since I was a kid I’ve always wanted to live the dream of a “comic book artist” or someone in the art field.  Well, here I am and still reaching for the stars.

To view more of Jeff's work you should check out the following site:   http://www.jbalkesart.com/

Thanks Jeff for the background on your career in comics and what you are doing now!

BTW, Jeff Balke will be attending Zombie Con June 27th in Chicago... more info at his web site as to what he will be signing and sketch coloring!   

Here at Make It So Marketing's Blog, we post daily on comics and pop culture news and events.  Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!

~ Michael  (and Tina)


Now Celebrating the 10th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see our Reviews on Comics, TPBs, Graphic Novels, & DVDs! 

Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013




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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Michael is shown below in a photo from the 1973 San Diego Comic Con held at the Sheraton Hotel on Harbor Island in San Diego, California.

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:23 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, September 5, 2009 7:22 AM PDT
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009
MoCCA Art Festival Is This Upcoming Weekend!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons


Click here to see all of our Ending Soonest listed graphic novels, magazines and comics!



MoCCA Art Festival 2009!

June 6th & 7th 2009

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!

The MoCCA Art Festival is this upcoming weekend...  And a lot of independent comics / small press creators and publishers are looking forward to this show!

The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, (MoCCA), announced earlier this year that the MoCCA Festival 2009 will be held June 6th & 7th at the 69th Regiment Armory at Lexington Avenue and 25th Street in New York City, which is pictured at the top right of this blog post.

Besides hearing good reports from Facebook Friends about previous years' shows, I see that the Village Voice calls the MoCCA Festival ""the best small-press nexus (anywhere!)".   Plus MoCCA itself says that this year's Festival is  "Now BIGGER than ever!".

So if you are in the area during during that time, prepare for an incredible weekend of comic and cartoon art exhibitors, panels, lectures, sketches, autographs, and more!

So Where Is It?
69th Regiment Armory
68 Lexington Avenue, between 25th and 26th Streets

When Is It?
June 6th and 7th, 11am-6pm

So What's the Cost?
$10 per day
$15 per weekend
MoCCA Members: $10 per weekend.

Who's Going To Be On Panels?
Scheduled to appear are John Green, Tom Hart, Charles Hatfield on Jack Kirby, Al Jaffee, Arnold Roth, Tom Kaczynski, David Mazzuchelli, Dave Roman, Frank Santoro in Conversation with Gary Panter, Seth, Raina Telgemeier, Adrian Tomine, Marion Vitus, and more.  Please Note: Guests and scheduling are subject to change!

Thousands come every summer to meet and purchase works from some of the world's best cartoonists, animators, and graphic novelists. I am including just a few of those creators in the listings below:

Click Here To See Our Listings of SIGNED Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Liz Baillie will be debuting Freewheel #2 at MoCCA, and will have all her other comics and stuff on hand as well! 

Click Here To See Our Listings of ROCK, ROCK N ROLL, AND OTHER MUSIC GENRES Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Adam Wallenta says "Stop on by table 118 and say hello and get your copies of the new PUBLIC ENEMY tpb and more. Peace!". 

Click Here To See Our Archived Blog Post on Kevin H Dixon!  Kevin H Dixon will be there, along with copies of his works including Gilgamesh, which I blogged about earlier here: CLICK HERE!

Click Here To See Our Listings of TOY BASED Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Paul Friedrich, creator of Onion Head Monster will be there also!

Click Here To See Our Listings of SIGNED Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  S. Marek Bennet, known for his "Mimi's Doughnuts' and his Comics Workshops will be there. Ask him about his Workshops, which is comics education for all ages!  Plus:  Marek will be debuting his new 'Xeric' book so stop by and find out what that is!

Click Here To See Our Listings of Different Genres of Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Michele Witchipoo, Publisher - Artist - Writer at WitchesBress Press will be there.  She is well known for Psycho Bunny and Babalon Babes!  

Click Here To See Our Listings of Different Genres of Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Howie Noeldechen, a.k.a  H.C. Noel says... "I'll have Mr. Scootles, Vincent: The Painter of Death and some promo items for
my new webcomic Tara Normal! Tons of fun!"! 

Click Here To See Our Listings of HoRRoR and MoNSTer Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Danny Hellman, publisher of many comics related publications including Typhon will be there. For my review on Typhon Volume 1, CLICK HERE

Click Here To See Our Listings of JACK KIRBY Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  One of my all time favorite artists who passed away in 1994, has an active organization carrying on his legacy.  Representatives from The Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center will have a table there also. This Museum is organized exclusively for educational purposes; more specifically, to promote and encourage the study, understanding, preservation and appreciation of the work of Jack Kirby. Check it out!

Click Here To See Our Listings of ENDING SOONEST Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  The Comicbook Artists Guild, founded in 2000, is an organization dedicated to the networking, education and support of comic book creators, writers and artists alike, regardless of amateur or professional status, skill levels or talent divisions. CAG operates membership chapters in New York Metro, New England and Nebraska, with interest in opening more chapters and continuing to grow. CAG’s goal is to advance the medium of comics through the creative experiences of its members. By bringing them together on projects of their choosing, the Guild perpetuates the positive aspects of the comics industry and its continuing contribution to popular culture.
The Guild will be debuting its' latest publication at MoCCA Fest.  It is a graphic novel entitled Iconic.  Created and compiled by over 30 members of the Guild, Iconic is a collection of short stories based on old tales that are taught in schools all over the world, but each one has a twist to it.  The Guild will be at Booth 224. 

As the 69th Regiment Armory is a much larger venue, nearly 100 more exhibitors will be attending than the previous year.  The above listings are just those creators whose work I am familar with or am Facebook Friends with.  Note: If you are a creator reading this post, and wish to be mentioned in this post or future posts, please see my note at the bottom left corner of this blog post!

Here at Make It So Marketing's Blog, we post daily on comics and pop culture news and events.  Check those out as well as our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!

~ Michael


Now Celebrating the 10th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see our Reviews on Comics, TPBs, Graphic Novels, & DVDs! 

Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





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All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.


Michael is shown below in a photo from the 1973 San Diego Comic Con held at the Sheraton Hotel on Harbor Island in San Diego, California.

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:12 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 3, 2009 11:15 AM PDT
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Monday, June 1, 2009
A Night Of Art - Music - Comics In San Marcos Part II
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Cons


Click here to see all of our Ending Soonest listed graphic novels, magazines and comics!



A Night Of Art - Music - Comics In San Marcos California!

Part II

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!

Brian Canfield, Co-Owner of Bera Stained Glass Studios


Yesterday I posted Part I of my blog series of our evening ...  At the closest Local Comic Book Shop (LCBS) to us here in North San Diego County.  The owners were having their first 'Show', which was a "Night Of Art - Music - Comics" on Saturday, May 30th, 2009. (Click Here For Part I)

Although we live near the LCBS, I hadn't seen this event until another Facebook Friend commented on their Wall about it with a link to the Event Page. The following is what the Facebook Event Page showed as what was being featured:

Come out and enjoy a summer evening with Friends, Art, Music and Comics...

ARTISTS: Ron Lemen, Vanessa Lemen, Soudabeh Memarzad, Keith Phillips, Spencer Tiscareno, Jeanette Vieira, Arron Willhite & Artists from Studio 2nd Street.

MUSIC: Freestyle and radical Sounds of Bushwalla
PLUS+ Aaron Jennings

Comics, action figures, art works, and trading card games from Sky High Comics

PLUS!! Magic Bars & Goodies from Elizabethan Desserts

Appearance by Poet Leila Farjami
and art by Beraglass - Brian S. Canfield - Studio Manager

AND... The making of a Comic book with Erik Hendrix! See art and writing in progress. Wow!

In Part I of my blog post series, I had mentioned the main reason for our going was to meet Erik Hendrix who is the writer of 'FACTION', one of the entries in the 2009 Small Press Idol Contest. (Click Here For Part I).  However, as we were entering the store, my wife Tina noticed several stained glass pieces that were on the front window of the store.

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of HoRRoR and MoNSTer Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Once inside the store, to the left, Tina pointed out to me something she thought would have already grabbed my eyes... which you can see better to the top left of this paragraph.  It was a full feature length page from the Incredible Hulk #1 from 1962 done as a stained glass window!  WoW!

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of  HULK Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  To the left of this paragraph is the actual page of which Brian Canfield based his window on.  When comparing it to the stained glass window, you can appreciate the detail and work that had to go into this creation! 

I just had to find Brian at the party and ask him to stand by this creation for a photo! (As Shown at top right of this blog post.)  I wanted to share this unique creation with all of my Blog readers!  Brian told me that he chose this page because it was the first page in comic book history that showed Bruce Banner turning into the Incredible Hulk, and that scene was very powerful and moving to him! 

As a bit of a bio... Brian S. Canfield, who I also had not met before this Show, is a glass painter and stained glass artist. He is co-owner of Bera Stained Glass Studios with his wife Nicole J. Purvis.  The studio itself was established in Chicago in 1963 by John Bera, an American Master in glass painting and stained glass.

Today the studio is art based focusing on secular and non-secular designs and the preservation and restoration of stained glass art.  In addition, Brian teaches stained glass and glass fusing at Palomar College and San Diego City College.

The pieces that caught Tina's eyes and then mine were the ones I am blogging about here.  Brian’s newest series correlates classic iconography and the mythology of saints with modern day comic book characters and myths.

Brian tells me the following...  "Moreover, traditional painted stained glass techniques, which date to the 13th century, also illustrate a connection to the comic book and graphic novel layout in regards to line and color. I have just begun to discover the intrinsic connections of the artistic styles and narratives of the human condition that exist between these beloved mediums and plans for future comic book characters depicted in stained glass are forthcoming."

For further info on the Hulk piece or upcoming creations please contact:

Brian S. Canfield
Bera Stained Glass Studios
(760) 744-9282

AND AGAIN: Our Thanks to Amber and Dave Self, who presented this Art - Music - Comics Show at their LCBS in San Marcos, California.  It was their first show, and it was so much fun that Tina and I were there for almost the whole evening that it ran!   Their LCBS was Not included in my Blog on Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) in the San Diego Metro Area, because they did not participate in this year's FCBD event.  Their LCBS is located at: 

Location: Sky High Comics
Street: 172 South Rancho Santa Fe Road
City/Town: San Marcos, CA

Here at Make It So Marketing's Blog, we post daily on comics and pop culture news and events.  Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!

~ Michael  (and Tina)


Now Celebrating the 10th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see our Reviews on Comics, TPBs, Graphic Novels, & DVDs! 

Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013




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Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.

All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Michael is shown below in a photo from the 1973 San Diego Comic Con held at the Sheraton Hotel on Harbor Island in San Diego, California.

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:17 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, June 1, 2009 11:09 AM PDT
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
A Night Of Art - Music - Comics In San Marcos California!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons


Click here to see all of our Ending Soonest listed graphic novels, magazines and comics!



A Night Of Art - Music - Comics In San Marcos California!

Part I

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!

Amber Self, Co-Owner of Sky High Comics


I saw the above poster on a Facebook Friend's Wall Comment ...  Where it had a link to an event that was being hosted at the closest Local Comic Book Shop (LCBS) to us here in North San Diego County.

We had already made plans for the day, going up to Temecula Wine Country to pick up Wine Club Shipment with friends.  Howeve, Tina and I couldn't help but go back out last night because this was going to be Sky High's first show since the new owners, Amber and Dave Self, took over the store!

The following is what the Facebook Event Page showed as what was being featured:

Come out and enjoy a summer evening with Friends, Art, Music and Comics...

ARTISTS: Ron Lemen, Vanessa Lemen, Soudabeh Memarzad, Keith Phillips, Spencer Tiscareno, Jeanette Vieira, Arron Willhite & Artists from Studio 2nd Street.

MUSIC: Freestyle and radical Sounds of Bushwalla
PLUS+ Aaron Jennings

Comics, action figures, art works, and trading card games from Sky High Comics

PLUS!! Magic Bars & Goodies from Elizabethan Desserts

Appearance by Poet Leila Farjami
and art by Beraglass - Brian S. Canfield - Studio Manager

AND... The making of a Comic book with Erik Hendrix! See art and writing in progress. Wow!

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of HoRRoR and MoNSTer Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Well, quite honestly, it was the fact that Erik Hendrix, who is one of the 20 contestants in the Small Press Idol Round 3 with the 'FACTION' entry that I've blogged about before, that induced me to want to attend!   Well, that and the desserts by Elizabethan Desserts, LOL!  Tina took a few photos of the event, the first one of myself meeting Erik for the first time, (above).

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of SCI-FI and Sword and Sorcery Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Of course I had to see 'in person' several of the pages from the 'FACTION' project that Erik had brought out to exhibit to those attending the event.  Erik had also brought out other pages, character bios and sketches that he is currently bringing to fruition for other projects.   Erik has a lot of ideas, several of which he shared with me that are not ready to blog about here. He is also broadening his publishing base by having other artists join him in these other projects. 

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of TV and Movie Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Tina and I also met Amanda Hendrix at the event, who is assisting her husband both editorially and in marketing.  It was great meeting both of them last night at this event!

For those of you that are not familar with Erik's 'FACTION' project that is in the Top 3 currently of Round 3 of the Small Press Idol contest, I invite you to check it out by clicking on the following link to the FACTION's Fan page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=55926073990

And then for the most important process.  To vote for Erik Hendrix's FACTION in the Small Press Idol contest, you can do so by following the easy steps below:

1. Sign up - http://www.dimestoreproductions.com/signup.php
2. Sign in - http://www.dimestoreproductions.com/.
3. Go to - http://www.dimestoreproductions.com/forum-t46557.html
4. Click "Yes - As a fellow creator I support this" or "Yes - I am a fan and want to read more".
5. Click "Submit"
That's how easy it is!

Now that you've done it once... You can Vote Daily up through June 7th, 2009!  AND You can vote for more than One contestant besides!  So you should look at what else there is running in this Round 3... However, please Note: Only 3 of the 20 entries are going to make it to Round 4.  Heck this is almost as exciting as 'American Idol'!   

Now, I need to say this... Erik's 'FACTION' project is one of the entries I have followed since first finding out about Small Press Idol 2009 (SPI).  His project is one of several that I have voted for many times during the first 3 Rounds of SPI.

After meeting Erik last night and seeing for myself in person that his vision and enthusiasm as a writer for this project is genuine and contagious, I am endorsing his project as One of the Three entries that should make it to Round 4 of the Small Press Idol 2009!

Best of Luck Erik!

NOTE:  More on a couple of other comics related topics that we came across last night in the days to come.  We also met two artists whose creations being exhibited at this event merit mention here in our Blog, but I am waiting for artist bios to be emailed to me first...

PLUS: Our Thanks to Amber and Dave Self, who presented this Art - Music - Comics Show at their LCBS in San Marcos, California.  It was their first show, and it was so much fun that Tina and I were there for almost the whole evening that it ran!   Their LCBS was Not included in my Blog on Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) in the San Diego Metro Area, because they did not participate in this year's event.  Their LCBS is located at: 

Location: Sky High Comics
Street: 172 South Rancho Santa Fe Road
City/Town: San Marcos, CA

Here at Make It So Marketing's Blog, we post daily on comics and pop culture news and events.  Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store


Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!

~ Michael  (and Tina)


Now Celebrating the 10th Year On The Web!

"Hammering Out the Web
For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Click Here to see our Reviews on Comics, TPBs, Graphic Novels, & DVDs! 

Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013






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Michael is shown below in a photo from the 1973 San Diego Comic Con held at the Sheraton Hotel on Harbor Island in San Diego, California.

Click Here to see 'My World at eBay!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:16 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:46 AM PDT
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