
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3132: I met Jeff Clemens in Artists Alley at the 2010 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con last month. We got to talking and he submitted the above shown comic book for possible review in this blog. Jeff is the artist in this issue from an earlier comic book launch. So what's it about? Here's the Press Release Info: "Sunlight kills. Everywhere the bodies of the dead lay where dawn caught them. Now the survivors of the solar plague cower in darkness during the day. They flee by night while cities burn. Ex-cop Jedediah Miller and his teenage kids start across the desert in a stolen tractor-trailer. The only thing they know is this: go West to safety. The plague isn’t the only enemy they’ll face.” So what's 'My Take' on this first comic of the series? Front Cover: The title logo is inserted in just the right font compared to the figure and the figure's shadow on the front cover. Interesting effect and enough to have me place this comic near the top of my review stack to read! Inside Front Cover: The credits are presented in an interesting style. BTW: The writer is John O'Connor. Art by Jeff Clemens. Edited by Bruce Levine. Published by Scare Tactix Graphics. Splash Page / First Page: Not a 'splash page' per se, but illustrated with enough panels (3) to draw me in to turning the pge. Pages 2 & 3: Here's the 'splash page' drawn like a double spread or centerfold would be. Definitely set the table for the storyline and the next pages. Pages 4 & 5: Are double spread pages also. For visual effect. No text used. Again, Pages 12 & 13 are done double spread - but no more of these up to the 'end' of the story on page 30. Then on page 31, is a 'coming soon' page, telling the reader to look for the rest of 'Black Dawn' to come out in installments throughout the year. Page 32 is an 'invite' to the reader to "Be In the Book". Really...An offer to be 'in' the Black Dawn book. Good idea to draw the casual reader in to email their name and photo for possible inclusion in this series. Inside Back Cover: House 'Ad' for other Scare Tactix Graphix items, inscluding comics, posters, and t-shirts. Back Cover: The Company Logo enlarged for Scare Tactix Graphix and their web site name is presented. So did this 1st issue immerse me into this storyline enough for me to want to follow it...? Well...For a storyline in this genre, this was a good introductory issue. The dialogue was a little 'sparse' on some pages, what with the 3 double spread pages used. However there was a beginning or the start of an origin story being told here. The artwork was well illustrated, and not really 'over the top' in depiction for a story in this genre. The coloring is what sets this issue apart from others in this genre! Really good and sets the mood and tone from the very first page down to the last page. The lettering was done right for almost all of the pages on the word balloons, and definitely done right for the sound effects. Overall, this introductory issue did what it was supposed to do...Which was to draw in the casual reader to want to read more. For info on how YOU can see more AND order this comic book, check the following web site: - where you can also view a video on this project! Also, you don't have to be a Facebook member to see the brand new Facebook Fan Page for Scare Tactix Graphix. But if YOU are a Facebook Member feel free to 'Like' / 'Fan' them at their Facebook Fan Page by clicking here! My thanks to Jeff Clemens, for submitting this issue of the series for possible review! You can also see what Jeff is currently working on by visiting ! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,130 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @