
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3304: Vinnie is with us this weekend, and has his first blog ready to be posted. I appreciate his reading and submitting his guest blog(s) for publishing here! ------------------------
As I was looking through comics to review for my dad's blog, this comic jumped out at me. This was the only comic in the large stack of comics to possibly review, that was not realistic looking. It also 'felt' age appropriate, as there were no blood, guts, gore, or any other thing I'd rather not see. After reading just a short bit of it, I realized that this was a comic book series of major foolishness. Although there was that "Cartoon-y" feel to the art, which makes it seem suitable to young children, it is somewhat the opposite. There is a little bit of mild language, but most of it is censored with random symbols. Anyways, I will now describe the art and story, as well as the covers and interior pages. The Front Cover is what mainly caught my attention. It looked 'cartoony', which if you have read a previous blog post of mine, you would know I love the style. It depicted half of a battle scene, that is continued on the Back Cover. More information on that later though. The name, "Space Punks" also made me interested. It made me think there was some mischief going on. My suspicions were correct. The Inside Front Cover shows the logo seen on the Front Cover for the Space Punks. Below that, it states each job of the four people who worked on it. I now know that the creator of Space Punks is Josep Blas. Beneath all those "credits" is where Josep introduces the characters and their names. It helped, as some conversations you didn't see who was talking. You would have had to seen what names each voice was saying, so you could know which character was which. Below that is the copyright information, so let's move on to the Interior Pages. The Interior Pages, sadly are just in black and white. As the cover was in color, I figured the rest of the book would be too. Despite the conditions that were well fit for being a dull and boring comic, this was great instead! Some of the art had looked like sketches straight off the drawing board, but just something about it made me grow on it. I liked the story, and especially the dramatic and suspenseful ending. Reading this makes me want to read the second and third book. However good it may have been, I think the writer could've left out a couple censored words. Not just the censor, but the word being censored as well. Maybe my age isn't the age group expected for this? I'm not entirely sure. Whatever the case is, it was still definitely a good comic. The Inside Back Cover has two, what I believe are, advertisements. It is split in half equally, horizontally. The top one is for the Space Punks. Josep stated his thanks for his readers, er well, reading. He also left his email for anyone to leave their thoughts for him about it. The advertisement below that was for Blambot, a comic lettering, font, and logo design company. I found it funny, as it was talking about radioactive Kung-Fu chihuahuas bombing an orphanage. Well, I at least found the part about the radioactive Kung-Fu chihuahuas funny... The Back Cover, as I've already mentioned above, is a continuation of the Front Cover's image, being a 'wrap-a-round' cover. This shows the enemies, and the rest of the battle scene. These are the same enemies you would have seen in the comic, had you read it. I had liked this whole battle scene, as it was in color, and not just black and white. It was quite strange seeing it this way as a wrap-a-round cover, as lately, all I've seen on the back of a comic is either advertisements or other promotional stuff. I much prefer this, but any extra money for them helps, I guess, in recovering the cost of printing. Overall, I really enjoyed this first issue of "Space Punks". I would have better enjoyed it, had it been in color, though. I liked the art and the story, and really don't have much to complain about. I would give this comic a comic book grade of a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM), a 9.0 out of a 10.0 grading scale. And hopefully, Josep can make a color version too! I haven't seen the Interior Pages of issue 2 or 3, but hopefully they are in color! I thank you all for reading my review. ~Vinnie.
Sorry, I don't see any Facebook Fan Page for the comic book or the publisher at this time.
Thanks Vinnie, for guest blogging here once again, and giving us your thoughts on this publication from a tween's POV!
Including the graphic novel as shown to the left. Here's his review blog on this publication: Vinnie's Take on Berona's War: Field Guide. After reading that and thinking that this is something YOU would like to read or give as a gift for a special occasion, such as a Christmas Gift, here's a link to where you can purchase it online! Berona's War: Field Guide Also...If YOU liked his review today, you may enjoy reading Vinnie's other reviews on: The Daughters of Merlin #1, Sea Ghost #1, Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard #4 (of 4), Clutch Cargo DVD, The All New Super Friends Hour Season 1 DVD, The Ultimate Underdog Collection Volume 1, Planet Hulk, Coraline, Ponyo, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol 1, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, The Possum #1 comic book, just to name a recent few! Plus check out Vinnie's 'Look at The Captain Rochester Party for the Artists' at the recent 2010 Comic-Con International: San Diego! He really had fun meeting and having dinner with Sergio Aragones and others there at this exclusive after hours Con Party! Besides Thanking Vinnie for his blog contribution today... My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,300 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 2,045 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet...I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky @