
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3721 - I found Lee Wiley's table at the recent 2012 Stan Lee's ComiKaze Expo. There I found the first two issues of his and Robert Zappia's graphic novel series, 'Expiration Date'. Here's what the graphic novel, (comic book series), is about, per their promo: “Our ability to achieve near immortality through the eradication of all disease and the cloning of human organs has bred an entirely new threat to the survival of mankind. Overpopulation has brought the human race to the brink of near extinction. Now, more than ever, a program of governed population control must be considered. It is time we realized it is not the quantity of our life that matters, but the quality of it.” "It is the year 2496 and the population of the United States has reached 8.6 billion. Every human being, by law, is implanted with an SY-9 chip. This chip controls overpopulation by activating at random and “expiring” the host. In so many words, it kills them. One day, a rising politician vows to end the reign of the SY-9 chips, but then sadly “expires” on the brink of his popularity. The investigation of his death begins to unravel a dark and devious conspiracy. This is the world of Expiration Date." Okay... So that is how this graphic novel series starts... So far there are two comics in this series. I've read both issues printed so far. The first issue was published via a KickStarter program. So there was enough interest in this series to generate reaching the KickStarter goal. Also, you might think that with the year being 2496 that this is just another dystopian future story... Well, it isn't. There was enough storyline by Robert in the first issue to get me interested into reading the 2nd issue right away! Additionally, the artwork by Lee is colored in all blue hues... Which had a strange effect on my reading these two issues! It does give the storyline a 'darker' image, yet also makes it more intriguing to follow. The binding is different also. It almost looks like a comic book series, but is the size of a small magazine in its format. Kind of an unusual print job... I found the two issues to be of such a good quality of read, that I placed them near the top of my 'To Blog Stack'. My Thanks to Lee Wiley who is shown at the top right of this blog post. I give this 'comic book' / graphic novel series of two issues that I have read so far a comic book grade of a Very Fine / Near Mint (VF/NM) 9.0 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale! Here's the link to where you can order your copies: Expiration Date. Here's the link to the Facebook Fan Page for Expiration Date Graphic Novel. (Here's the link to my thoughts on Stan Lee's ComiKaze Expo. With more review blogs to follow, like this one you've just read!) ~ Michael
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