
Topic: Comic Book History
TODAY'S FEATURE IS (GUEST) BLOG #3917 - This book was picked up at the TwoMorrows Publishing Booth at the recent 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International. How? Well... I attended the 20th Anniversary Celebration Panel at the SDCCI, and on the way out of the panel, was given a business card. On the back of the card I was given it said, 'Free Book at the TwoMorrows Booth'. So I made sure to stop in again at the booth later that same day and checked out the rest of the items John Morrow had brought to the Comic-Con. I had already purchased the Jack Kirby Collector Sixty-One on Preview Night... So that wasn't my first choice for the 'Free Book'. So I looked through all of the goodies that John had brought and it came down to this book and one other... This book won out for me, and I handed over the business card for the book. I'm glad I did! This was a very good book for me to read! The book itself is just one volume of several in the 'American Comic Book Chronicles' series published by TwoMorrows Publishing. I have not read the other volumes published or to be published. This hardback book is printed with a white background cover, along with a vertical strip at the far right. A really nice presentation! Opening the hardback, you see the inside cover page and the first page, in a silver color. Another nice presentation with a DC promo page, and an Amazing Fantasy Fan Page. Nice touch! Thumbing in a couple of pages, you come across the Dedication Page, along with the Credits to this book. The Writer is John Wells. The Editor is Keith Dallas. The Cover Design is by Jon B. Cooke. Nice page! The next page is the Table of Contents Page... Page 4 is the Introductory Note about the Chronological Structure of American Comic Book Chronicles. You should read that to get an idea about where the book series is going. Page 5 is a Note on Comic Book Sales and Circulation Data. Interesting figures... Page 6 is the Introduction and Acknowledgments page. Chapter One: 1960 starts on page 8 and ends on page 39. I lived this period in American Comic Books. Of course, being a kid, with a limited allowance... I didn't buy all of these comic books when they were first published. So it was very much fun to read the background history of each comic book publishing company along with the issues that were being published in the year of 1960. Chapter Two is on 1961, with Chapter Three on 1962 and then so on until Chapter Five being through 1964. Page 213 is the end of the stories... With Pages 214 - 219 being the Works Cited by Chapter. Page 220 starts the Index to this volume, ending on page 222. Pages 223 - 224 are in-house ads by TwoMorrows with 223 showing the 1980s volume to this series, and 224 being photos of other books from TwoMorrows. All in all, a pretty darn good book to read! Even though I lived through this period in American Comic Books history, this Chronicle put it all together for me! So for those of you that lived through part of these years, 1960-1964, or were born later and want to know more about this period of American Comic Books... I highly recommend this book! There is a timeline for each year, along with world history combined with comic book history. This book doesn't just state historical facts, but intertwines why and when different comic book features were started and in what comic book titles. Knowing a little more about the history of the comic book publishers is also interesting reading. I for one really enjoyed this book and give it a Near Mint (NM) 9.4 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale! I look forward to the second volume of the 1960s when it is published later this year. You can purchase this book direct from TwoMorrows via this link. Do it and immerse yourself into some fun comic book history reading! Oh, and for the other volumes in this series... Here's who writing them: 1965-69 also by John Wells 1970s by Jim Beard 1940-44 by Roy Thomas 1945-49 by Roy Thomas 1950s by Bill Schelly 1980s by Keith Dallas ~ Michael
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