Presents His Take On... Alter Ego #120 From TwoMorrows Publishing | | | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE IS (GUEST) BLOG #3919 - This week is starting to look like it is 'TwoMorrows Publishing Week' here at! That's because Monday was blog #3917 titled: American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1960s, and on Tuesday blog #3918 was titled: Jack Kirby Collector #61! Today's blog #3919 is on another publication that was picked up at the TwoMorrows Publishing Booth at the recent 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International. So, what does this magazine have to read? Well...Here's the promo from the publisher: September 2013 - 84 pages (now with FULL COLOR)
ALTER EGO #120 (84 pages with FULL COLOR, $8.95) is a salute to the first series of THE X-MEN (1963 to 1969)—behind JACK KIRBY's unused cover for issue #10! There's secrets behind the mag's first decade—rare late-'60s BRAZILIAN X-Men stories—a long-lost '60s X-Men "character sheet" by STAN LEE himself—and ROY THOMAS on the 1970s revival that turned into a mutant explosion! With art and artifacts by LEE, KIRBY, ROTH, ADAMS, O'NEIL, HECK, FRIEDRICH, DRAKE, and BUSCEMA—plus the story of MMMS fan club! Extra: An interview with Golden Age writer ED SILVERMAN—FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America)—MICHAEL T. GILBERT and Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt—BILL SCHELLY on comics fandom—and more! Edited by ROY THOMAS. Okay... So what's 'My Take' on this issue? First, I noticed that the print format of this magazine has changed. It is what would be called a 'square bound' if it was a comic book. Interesting change... Oh, and it is all in COLOR now! That is a BIG change! The front cover was exciting to behold! A Half-Century Salute to the X-MEN Featuring Their First Decade Definers... With a list of writers & artists in that decade. I turned the page.. The inside front cover was an in-house ad for previous issues of Alter Ego... The Table of Contents Page showed that there were a LOT of contributors to this issue! Pages 2 &3 were from the Editor of this magazine, Roy Thomas. Good reading as to what the issue would be about, and Roy's own thoughts on the X-Men. Next were the articles... I'll blog about the features that appealed to me... Pages 4 - 19 were on 'The Extraordinary But Star-Crossed Origins of the X-Men' by Will Murray. Having lived through this time period, I knew most of what was presented, but the additional info made for good reading also, and I am not an X-Men fan... Pages 21 - 32 were on 'The Secret History of the Mutants South of the Equator'. In other words, 'Made In Brazil: The X-Men!". Which I found to be of interest, although the pages shown were in the language of Brazil. Roberto Guedes did a good job in presenting this feature. Pages 33 - 38 were on 'The M.M.M.S. Wants You!', a feature I have personally blogged about a few times in this Blog. Richard Kelsey's take on the Marvel Fan Club was an interesting presentation. The color scans / photos shown greatly added to the text of this feature. Pages 40 - 51 were on 'I Kept All the Comic Book Stuff In a Separate File', which was an interview with the very versatile Ed Silverman. I wasn't overly familiar with Ed's work, but recognized some of the works presented in this feature. Pages 54 - 59 showed 'The Men Who Would Be Kurtzman Part 2'. Very interesting feature on those who came after Harvey Kurtzman and did homages to his work. I'll have to find Part 1 of this feature! Pages 60 - 65 was a 'Spotlight on Bill Schelly - Part II', which was on Alter Ego's Associate Editor's Own Panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2011. Which I attended, and found the transcript to be accurate. The photos included in this feature were not shared at the Comic-Con. Pages 66 - 69 were on comic book creators that had passed recently: Roy Ald, John Severin, Norman Fruman, and Sid Couchey. I didn't know all of these men... Yet found those one page tributes to be good reading. Pages 73 - 80 were part of the FCA #179 publication that is included in each Alter Ego. For those interested in the Fawcett Publications history, this would be good reading. Whew! 80 pages! That is quite a bit of reading to go through! But in my mind, it is worth the time invested in reading this issue. I'll have to check the previous issues that I missed since last year's 2012 San Diego Comic Con next! As for my comic book grade for this issue... I'm giving it a Near Mint Minus (NM-) 9.2 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. You can try your local comic book shop to see if they have this issue in... It ships August 14th. Or you can check out my own online comic book shop at for this issue and many other previous issues of Alter Ego! ~ Michael
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,919 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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