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Monday, June 1, 2009
A Night Of Art - Music - Comics In San Marcos Part II
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Cons


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A Night Of Art - Music - Comics In San Marcos California!

Part II

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!

Brian Canfield, Co-Owner of Bera Stained Glass Studios


Yesterday I posted Part I of my blog series of our evening ...  At the closest Local Comic Book Shop (LCBS) to us here in North San Diego County.  The owners were having their first 'Show', which was a "Night Of Art - Music - Comics" on Saturday, May 30th, 2009. (Click Here For Part I)

Although we live near the LCBS, I hadn't seen this event until another Facebook Friend commented on their Wall about it with a link to the Event Page. The following is what the Facebook Event Page showed as what was being featured:

Come out and enjoy a summer evening with Friends, Art, Music and Comics...

ARTISTS: Ron Lemen, Vanessa Lemen, Soudabeh Memarzad, Keith Phillips, Spencer Tiscareno, Jeanette Vieira, Arron Willhite & Artists from Studio 2nd Street.

MUSIC: Freestyle and radical Sounds of Bushwalla
PLUS+ Aaron Jennings

Comics, action figures, art works, and trading card games from Sky High Comics

PLUS!! Magic Bars & Goodies from Elizabethan Desserts

Appearance by Poet Leila Farjami
and art by Beraglass - Brian S. Canfield - Studio Manager

AND... The making of a Comic book with Erik Hendrix! See art and writing in progress. Wow!

In Part I of my blog post series, I had mentioned the main reason for our going was to meet Erik Hendrix who is the writer of 'FACTION', one of the entries in the 2009 Small Press Idol Contest. (Click Here For Part I).  However, as we were entering the store, my wife Tina noticed several stained glass pieces that were on the front window of the store.

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of HoRRoR and MoNSTer Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  Once inside the store, to the left, Tina pointed out to me something she thought would have already grabbed my eyes... which you can see better to the top left of this paragraph.  It was a full feature length page from the Incredible Hulk #1 from 1962 done as a stained glass window!  WoW!

Click Here To See Our Newly Listed Listings of  HULK Comics, Graphic Novels, Promo Comics and other Pop Culture items listed for sale!  To the left of this paragraph is the actual page of which Brian Canfield based his window on.  When comparing it to the stained glass window, you can appreciate the detail and work that had to go into this creation! 

I just had to find Brian at the party and ask him to stand by this creation for a photo! (As Shown at top right of this blog post.)  I wanted to share this unique creation with all of my Blog readers!  Brian told me that he chose this page because it was the first page in comic book history that showed Bruce Banner turning into the Incredible Hulk, and that scene was very powerful and moving to him! 

As a bit of a bio... Brian S. Canfield, who I also had not met before this Show, is a glass painter and stained glass artist. He is co-owner of Bera Stained Glass Studios with his wife Nicole J. Purvis.  The studio itself was established in Chicago in 1963 by John Bera, an American Master in glass painting and stained glass.

Today the studio is art based focusing on secular and non-secular designs and the preservation and restoration of stained glass art.  In addition, Brian teaches stained glass and glass fusing at Palomar College and San Diego City College.

The pieces that caught Tina's eyes and then mine were the ones I am blogging about here.  Brian’s newest series correlates classic iconography and the mythology of saints with modern day comic book characters and myths.

Brian tells me the following...  "Moreover, traditional painted stained glass techniques, which date to the 13th century, also illustrate a connection to the comic book and graphic novel layout in regards to line and color. I have just begun to discover the intrinsic connections of the artistic styles and narratives of the human condition that exist between these beloved mediums and plans for future comic book characters depicted in stained glass are forthcoming."

For further info on the Hulk piece or upcoming creations please contact:

Brian S. Canfield
Bera Stained Glass Studios
(760) 744-9282

AND AGAIN: Our Thanks to Amber and Dave Self, who presented this Art - Music - Comics Show at their LCBS in San Marcos, California.  It was their first show, and it was so much fun that Tina and I were there for almost the whole evening that it ran!   Their LCBS was Not included in my Blog on Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) in the San Diego Metro Area, because they did not participate in this year's FCBD event.  Their LCBS is located at: 

Location: Sky High Comics
Street: 172 South Rancho Santa Fe Road
City/Town: San Marcos, CA

Here at Make It So Marketing's Blog, we post daily on comics and pop culture news and events.  Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online Store

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!

~ Michael  (and Tina)


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PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013




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Michael is shown below in a photo from the 1973 San Diego Comic Con held at the Sheraton Hotel on Harbor Island in San Diego, California.

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:17 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, June 1, 2009 11:09 AM PDT
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