
Topic: Comic Book Movies
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3267: Yesterday morning while getting ready to pack up and leave for the day, my wife told me that there was a special feature on TV. This was about 8:15 AM. She was watching the feature on the Today Show, and knew that I would want to check it out... That's because six persons involved with the 'Back To The Future' (BTTF) were in the feature. I've copied the segment to share with you here: Please Note: The segment is 11:49 in time length. Anyways, I had already posted my blog yesterday morning before that time... Yet the segment followed me throughout the day as I thought about this Trilogy.
When I say 'the test of time', I mean this is one of the few films that when catching it on TV when channel surfing, I will see a scene and stop to watch the film. Only a few films, maybe a dozen, have that durability of making me stop to do that. I hate catching a film that has already started, or for that matter a TV series that has already aired a few epiosdes or even a season. I won't watch a TV series that I'm suggested to view, unless I rent a DVD first to catch up! So yeah, I watched all three of the BTTF Franchise on the Big Screen at my local theaters. At one point I even had a lot of the 'collectibles' about this show, including of course, 'comic books', like the Harvey Limited Series pictured at the top left of this blog post. Hey, doesn't every truly successful TV Show Or Film Series have a comic book or comic book series?! LOL! It was fun to see the above segement on the Today Show yesterday. Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Mary Steenburgen, director Robert Zemeckis and theme song singer Huey Lewis were all there to talk about the film on this, the 25th Anniversary. It was also fun for me to see the DeLorean at the 2010 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con. I've included two photos I had Tina snap of me in front of it in this post. I have all 3 of the BTTF still on VHS tape. No, I haven't gotten around to purchasing them on DVD. During the years I've gotten a little tired of buying my favorites in each of the formats that come out, except for my Fantastic Four cartoons, which because of the amount of VHS tapes for the multiple series, grew to too many boxes to easily store. I still pull the BTTF VHS tapes out every other year to watch once, as re-watching those films remind on how good a film trilogy can be. If you don't have this film series for your film library, I would suggest picking one up. And no, we don't sell it in our online store, sorry! It's stood the test of time for me, and I have shared it with each of my kids as they grew up. It is a 'Family Fare' film, yet isn't dumbed down. It truly has stood that 'test of time' I was telling you about above. My thanks to all of those involved in this film 25+ years ago when it was in development. And to those six that are featured in the segment above that are currently publicizing the Anniversary. Also, my thanks to those that have transferred the BTTF to the comic books and magazines, that help those that weren't there at the beginning 25 years ago like I was. Here's a link to the two comic book series that Harvey Comics published. I'm a little short on time this morning, (pun intended!), so will have to get back to those post to add additional links in the future on the other comics / magazines... --------------------------- Also... My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,265 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have 2,000 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet...I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky @