
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3256: Today's post is still yet another blog on a publication that I found at the recent SGV Comic Book Festival that took place on Sunday, September 19th! As I stated earlier...That 'little' comic con sure had a lot of creative comic book self-publishers on its exhibit floor!
Here is what Geo Brawn IV has on his web site as to what the graphic novel series is about, plus a little bit on his comics bio: "...Just Believe." Born George William Brawn IV, in the City of Angels (and Demons), California in 1975. Even at a young age his passion has always been in creating art. Graduating from West Covina High School with a scholarship in illustration, he attended the Pasadena Art Center of Design, even further developing his style in the craft. Then following, George studied graphic art in Long Beach. He began developing ways on just how to bring his ideas and stories into a particular medium. Ways to bring his creations to life. A grapic novel / TPB So what is 'My Take' on this publication? First, the front cover: This front cover is laid out nicely. I could tell the genre of this publication right away from the hands and the eyes pictured. I figured that today would be a good day to review blog this, what with Halloween coming up in two weeks! Inside Front Cover: Lays out exactly what to expect in this publication. A well executed inside front cover page!. Splash Page: Grabbed my attention right away! Which is what a 'Splash Page' is supposed to do! Interior Pages - The artwork presented in these pages are good examples of well drawn characters. The black / white / gray pages fit the tone of this story well. I for one am glad that the color 'red' was not one of the colors used in this storyline, as I've seen that technique used in other publications. Here I believe it would have detracted from the storyline...due to all of the blood depicted. Others might disagree...that is their perogative. Saying that, I do have to mention that the genre of this publication is not one of my favorites to read for personal pleasure. However, the execution of the illustrated art was fine enough to warrant a review blog. The only problem I had reading this Graphic Novel / Trade Paper Back (TPB), is that the story line was a little 'jumpy' in parts for me as a reader. Probably because it was written as seperate comic books and combined together in this publication? As for a target market for this publication...I'm not for sure of the age group to recommend this to, as there is nudity, plus blood & gore involved in this illustrated novel. I do see on the web site that is 'recommended for mature readers'... Also, the story is self contained, plus there is room for a few pinup pages in the 'Afterword' by Geo. Also, there are illustrated character bios, which is helpful in putting this all together. The Inside Back Cover: It's The Ka-Blam printer's ad. Which is what I mostly see on self-published comics, TPBs or Graphic Novels. They are a good printing outfit, and by the numbers of comics that are submitted to me for possible rview, they are a natural choice. Check them out at! Okay, end of commercial for the printer! Back Cover: Good layout to help the causal browser make up their mind to thumb through this publication at a comics store or bookstore. Okay, now for my final 'take' on this publication... I've already mentioned that this genre is not one of my favorite genres to read for personal reading pleasure. However, this Blog is to inform you, my blog readers, of what publications I come across that could be a good read for You! As stated above, the illustrations are done very well and are laid out very nicely panels wise. I'm also glad the publication's interior pages are printed in black / white / gray as mentioned earlier, due to the subject matter. Other than the storyline being a little 'jumpy' for me, which is probably due to different stories being melded together in a TPB / Graphic Novel format, the story and art merge together pretty well and deserve being mentioned here. ! My comic book grade for this publication is a VERY FINE / VERY FINE PLUS (VF/VF+) 8.25 on a 10.0 grading scale. Again, please be aware of the content / subject matter. It is Not for young readers, no matter how many vampire TV shows or theatrical films they may have seen! Here is the link to where you can buy this publication. Plus take a look at other items from Geo at his web site! --------------------------- Thanks again, Geo and Nancy, for sharing your time and your publication with me at the recent San Gabriel Valley Comic Book Festival! PLUS: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,255 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 1,970 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet...I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky @