Thankful For On This Thanksgiving Day | |
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TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #4055 - It is time for my Annual Thanksgiving Post!
Well... Almost Annual, as I missed posting last year during my divorce. I guess I just wasn't thankful enough during that time! Anyways, this 'Annual' post has been around for several years. Here's a link to the 2013 Post which shows all of those I've been thankful during my lifetime. Those persons included, (in order of year posted), Stan Lee, Engineer Bill, Sheriff John, Fess Parker, Howard & Marge McIntosh, Jack Kirby, Tina LoSasso, Francis & Lois Hamersky, Annette Funicello, Shel Dorf, Elvis Presley, and Leo Carrillo. Whew! That's a lot to be thankful for! This year's choice is... (drumroll.....)... Creedence Clearwater Revival! (Or CCR for short.)
That's because it was this band's albums that got me to collecting what was then 'current' music, back in the late 1960s. You see, I graduated High School in 1970, and lived at home till the 2nd year of Junior College. So my choice of records was somewhat limited to what would be acceptable to my parents. I did have a pair of headphones, but it wasn't until I moved 'out of the house' that my choices of music started to widen... I had been listening to Elvis Presley and other rockabilly artists and some country music as my Dad had a few country music LPs. But CCR was the first 'band' that I remember buying their albums at the Navy Exchange, straight off the record stands. I was able to catch the band live, but only once, after Tom Fogerty had left the group of four. So while nice seeing 'CCR' in 1971/72 it wasn't the same band whose records I had been listening to for a few years. Actually the band broke up with the release of the 'Mardi Gras' album, whose cuts the trio played in concert. I did buy the individual records of John Fogerty (aka Blue Ridge Rangers), Doug Clifford, Stu Cook, and Tom Fogerty. But it just wasn't the same for me after the breakup of the band. BTW, CCR existed from 1967 - 1972. There were earlier incarnations of the band, with two other names, but CCR ran for just those years listed. Yes, I did see the other 'CCR' - Creedence Clearwater Revisted, the band that Stu & Doug ran with a soundalike lead singer sounding close to John Fogerty's style years later at the San Diego County Fair. But still it wasn't the same for me. The purchase of a new turntable / record player, (as mentioned in blog #4054), has had me pulling out my collection of CCR LPs that I had not sold, (unlike my Elvis & Annette collections). I'm almost at the end of listening to them all over again, although its been years since I've done so. However, just a thought... It's the Creedence Clearwater Revival band that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, which was the nucleous of my once large LP & 45 records collections. My thanks to the Band for what will be an ongoing relationship now that I've purchased a record player to hear them like I did in the late 1960s. Links for further reading: Wikipedia for Creedence Clearwater Revival Wikipedia for Creedence Clearwater Revisted Wikipedia for John Fogerty Wikipedia for Tom Fogerty Wikipedia for Stu Cook Wikipedia for Doug Clifford Note: There were only seven studio albums, released from 1968 - 1972, see this link for details on them, plus other albums released after the breakup of the band. Additional Note: I mentioned that CCR had two names before using CCR. They were the 'Blue Velvets' and then 'The Golliwogs'. Here is a link to their history courtesy of Wikipedia. I have some of the music that was released, when I first became aware of CCR's earlier history. Plus a Final Note: There is actually a one page story of CCR in a comic book! See this link from Comics.org. ~ Michael D Hamersky
NOTE FROM Michael D Hamersky On Comics: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 4,000 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!
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