Project: Hero by Rick L Phillips | | | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3621 - Today I am reviewing the novel "Project: Hero" by Rick L. Phillips. My dad recommended this book to me, as he knows I am an avid sci-fi fan. This 141 page book is about a man, Daniel Urich, a retired super hero who has created a foundation to help financially support these new and coming superheroes. He decided to do this after he learned of the death of a 90 year old homeless man who died in the gutters of a street. The importance of this to him, was the fact that this 90 year old man was the retired superhero Flag-waver, a WWII superhero in the aid to fight against Hitler. Daniel did not want this same fate to happen to these people who help keep his community safe.
The story was very nicely done. It was interesting and unique, and it gave more life than a retold tale of super heroes with the same powers. The author, Rick L. Phillips, also created unique names and abilities of the heroes that had never been done before (besides the obvious "Mr. Stretchable"). Rick had told the story with great detail, but didn't fill the pages with useless information that had little to nothing to do with the story. It was good he kept this in balance. He also developed all of the characters very well, not giving their whole life stories in the first paragraph, nor leaving the reader without knowing who the main characters were.
My two rating deductions are for a small amount of grammar/spelling incorrections, and repeated words. For example, on page 92, I quote " 'What is going on here?' ask Sprite." There are a few other situations where this occurs, and it is borderline annoying if you are a "grammar nazi" such as I am. The repeated words also have an example taken place on page 92, in which a conversation between the whole group of heroes has most of their speech quotes ending with "ask <Their Name>". Not only is it with "ask" and not "asked", but in this entire book, the only word used to describe a question was "ask". Just off of the top of my head, I can replace ask with ponders, questions, wonders, and others. I feel like the editor of this book paid less attention after the first half of the book. I feel this way because it was roughly halfway through the book when these incorrections started to appear.
All in all, I really enjoyed this novel. I am being a little harsh on you with my previous paragraph, but your idea for this novel was just so great and original, you just needed to fix those couple of issues. I want to see you make another story, and I would love if you took these tips into consideration. I will be looking forward to your new books, Rick. Anyway, I give the novel "Project: Hero" a comic book grade of Very Fine Plus (VF+), an 8.5 out of 10.0 grade scale. I really do hope you see this review, and make use of my tips in your further publications. Many thanks for a good read.
~Vinnie P.S. Here is where you can purchase a copy of this book!
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