
Topic: TV Shows
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3833 - This morning I had another blog all ready to go for posting... But after last night's Season Finale for Dallas, the new TV Show, I just woke up and had to blog about that Finale and my thoughts on the 2nd Season. And No... I wasn't dreaming! (See top left photo for that!) Why a blog on this TV show? Well... I'm a fan of the Original Dallas TV Show. Yes, that one that ran from April 2, 1978 – May 3, 1991 for fourteen seasons! See photo of that cast at the top right bottom photo. And No... There wasn't a Dallas Comic Book... But there was a Dallas Newspaper Comic Strip, which ran from February 1st of 1981 to November 24th of 1984! Anyways... Last night was the Season 2 Finale as I was saying... TNT ran the last two episodes of the season back to back. (See top right photo for the 2013 cast.) The second episode basically ended the season 3/4 of the way through the episode. Which, in my mind, would have been a great place to end the season. But no... The producers of the show had to run an extra 15 minutes! Which kind of ruined the good feeling that the first 45 minutes of the episode ended with. So yes, there should be a 3rd season. Unless the poor ratings in some international countries affects that decision making. I personally have watched this new series since it began airing in 2012. I found it kind of hard going at first, with the newer cast being unfamilar with me. It took a while for me to warm up to the new cast, but J.R., Bobby, and Sue Ellen were there to keep me watching. At least until episode seven of this 2nd season, when J.R. died. Here's my thoughts on some of the cast. There are too many to comment on in total: Josh Henderson as John Ross Ewing III - I can't make up my mind on this role. John Ross grew on me as the episodes aired, but in the last 15 minutes of the season finale... Well, the role doesn't play well for me. Jesse Metcalfe as Christopher Ewing - Same with this role. I know that Christopher is the biological son of Sue Ellen's sister, Kristen Shepherd, but somehow, this player doesn't resound with me. I like the actor, but the role doesn't seem to fit totally. Jordana Brewster as Elena Ramos - I couldn't get into this role either this season... Julie Gonzalo as Pamela Rebecca Barnes - This role blossomed this year! Good acting and the role was well written! Brenda Strong as Ann Ewing - I'm torn on this role. At times she is well written, other times not as well. Emma Bell as Emma Brown - You got to be kidding! This character has totally gone off wrong this season! Patrick Duffy as Bobby Ewing - Well written character this season. Especially with J.R. dying, someone had to step up to finish the season. Good job! Linda Gray as Sue Ellen Ewing - I enjoyed seeing this character back, even stronger in Season 2. Larry Hagman as J.R. Ewing - Well played role by Larry Hagman. A shame his early death caused the season to change in direction. But his presence in the remainder of the season was definitely felt! Well, that's pretty much it for me on this blog... I enjoyed watching the 2nd season of Dallas, and would be receptive to view a 3rd season. One thing I noticed though... There seems to be a lot more action in this newer version of Dallas over the original version. With less episodes in a season than in the original version, the new Dallas has to squeeze a lot more in! If you weren't watching Dallas this year, and were a fan of the orignal series, I'd suggest you catch this serries online, or on DVD to get caught up!
~ Michael
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